Archived Fired after requesting a transfer

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ETLs, no. AP, yes. Whether the results of what is found is actually handed over to leadership is a different story.

I asked my ETL at least 5 times to talk to AP about checking the footage and he kept saying that he would do it but never followed through with it. My mistake was not following through with ETL-HR about checking the footage.

I asked to speak with her the day before i was fired and she said that i could come see her but every time i tried to talk to her she was either on the phone or meeting with other employees. I feel like the ETL had more to do with my firing than ETL-HR, he has only been an ETL for a month and he is friends with the bullies and it is rumored that he has a personal relationship with one of them.

After the incident 2 weeks ago, he came to me and apologized for not handling the situation properly and he thanked me for remaining calm and listening to him. A TM was beside me and witnessed the whole conversation. He also stated that he did not hear me threaten her.
We are missing details, here. If you have documents proving events, can help your case. You went to the stl once on your concerns once is not good enough. How was your review?
We are missing details, here. If you have documents proving events, can help your case. You went to the stl once on your concerns once is not good enough. How was your review?

My review was excellent. I stored high in every category. I never talked to them about my proof so they have no idea.

The reason why i only went to the STL once was because it was a last resort for me bc i was being developed as a TL and didn't want my reputation associated with drama.

When i talked about transferring to a new store 2 months ago, i was told my 2 of my TL'S and a couple of TM's that the STL would never let me transfer bc i do so much that they wouldn't want to let me go. I was even told that since they would block my transfer, i would have to put in my 2 weeks, quit, and apply for a another store.

This is target, not a law office. If i was fired for something that i did i would just walk away and find another job.
OP said that they weren't given any documentation to sign when being termed.

OP wasn't fired IMO...what did the person who fired you say to you *exactly* OP? Did they use the words fire or terminated? Or did they say something along the lines of "you wont be working here anymore we will help you transfer." If those are both the case, you weren't actually fired they just made you feel like you were through intimidation in order to NOT deal with the issue.

Fight back before transferring to a superior store, or fight back and stay at the store...or just let it be and find another job. If you weren't officially fired you can't collect unemployment, fyi.

Edit: didn't see that OP can't login to mytime nevermind.
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You can just put you were layed off for unemployment

Then they call and interview you for your side of the story/how you left the company...then they call the old employer and if the stories don't match up the employer can fight your claim. They don't want to pay unemployment and this situation seems to me like the store is avoiding firing OP to avoid unemployment happening.
When you request unemployment Target can fight it. Especially if you were fired with cause.
There doesn't apear to be a paper trail so it probably doesn't matter

If OP isn't fired, just get partial unemployment
There doesn't apear to be a paper trail so it probably doesn't matter

If OP isn't fired, just get partial unemployment

We must have different unemployment benefit requirements between where we both live! Thanks for the info though.
We must have different unemployment benefit requirements between where we both live! Thanks for the info though.
in my location you can get partical unemployment if your hours get cut until they go back up. It's even easier if you've been at 40 for a while but dropped for e2e. half out team is getting it instead of working extra hours while job searching
The op could live in an "at will" state. You can be let go, anytime without reason.

I do live in an at will state but Target prefers to have a paper trail when firing people so they can't collect unemployment. There are several people at my store who they want gone but they can't do it until they are on their final. My TL's have been trying to fire the bullies bc of attendance, not doing work, and starting drama with myself and others but they are protected by the ETL.
The op could live in an "at will" state. You can be let go, anytime without reason.

Respect your knowledge but this doesn't matter. Im also in an at will and my hrbp said the problem with the company is they don't care if you are in an at will state they have a high standard of proof (paper trail) to fire a team member. Whether it's right to work or at will.
Update: I spoke to ETL-HR after i was informed that the ETL told her that he heard me threaten her but he told me and others that he didn't hear anything. I let her know that i would be contacting the hotline and consulting with an employment attorney and i would need all paperwork leading up to my termination and she said no, i couldn't get anything.

She also stated that contacting the hotline would be a waste of time bc all they are going to do is send the complaint to her and she isn't going to do anything. She said that if i didn't contact the hotline then she would give me a good referral to the Target that i wanted to transfer to but if i did call the hotline then she wouldn't give a good referral and she would let them know that i called the hotline and i need to make a decision.

So first i was bullied, then i was lied on, and now I'm being blackmailed and there's really nothing that i can do about it.
She said that if i didn't contact the hotline then she would give me a good referral to the Target that i wanted to transfer to but if i did call the hotline then she wouldn't give a good referral and she would let them know that i called the hotline and i need to make a decision.

That's a hotline call right there. Let them know she tried to cut a deal with you. I would have recorded my conversation with her but you may be in a two party consent state.

Her threat would fall under retaliation
These are times where I wish I had a pen/microphone like you see in the movies.
The ETL-HR just screwed herself.
Well at least until she can backdate all the paperwork she needs.
Which means you need to make that phone call to the hotline soon.
Make sure you are calm, cool and collected.
State dates, times, names, facts, don't put in opinions or your frustrations.
You want this to be as much of a newspaper report as you can.
Most importantly, make it clear that you are trying to understand your status with Target.
If you can make it seem like you are information seeking rather then trying to get revenge but also willing to go full bore on this, they may be more willing to cooperate.
Especially if their person screwed the pooch.
The ETL-HR just screwed herself.
Well at least until she can backdate all the paperwork she needs.
Which means you need to make that phone call to the hotline soon.
Make sure you are calm, cool and collected.
State dates, times, names, facts, don't put in opinions or your frustrations.
You want this to be as much of a newspaper report as you can.
Most importantly, make it clear that you are trying to understand your status with Target.
If you can make it seem like you are information seeking rather then trying to get revenge but also willing to go full bore on this, they may be more willing to cooperate.
Especially if their person screwed the pooch.

Yup, run it by me or another tm via private message before you call if you need a second opinion.
She said that if i didn't contact the hotline then she would give me a good referral to the Target that i wanted to transfer to but if i did call the hotline then she wouldn't give a good referral and she would let them know that i called the hotline and i need to make a decision.

She is totally BS'ing you. She termed you AFTER knowing that you were interested in transferring. If she was going to help you transfer internally, she wouldn't have processed a term. Instead, she would have reached out to the other store(s) and got the transfer process going.

She certainly isn't going to give you a good referral if she believed that what the ETL guy said was true. She wouldn't recommend a TM who threatened people to another store.

If you were terminated, you can't transfer.

Being termed involuntarily prevents you from being hired again.

Based on the info that was given, there's a good chance that she termed you as non-rehirable. As TM2 and HRZone said, if you were terminated [as non-rehirable], you won't be able to work at another store.

Call the hotline, and when you do make sure to include your latest conversation with the etl-hr.

Like everyone has said, call the hotline asap. TM2 is right: make sure you let them know that the ETL-HR is handling things this way.
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None of this makes any sense.

Basically, OP-Red Sunshine was a good worker who wanted to eventually become a TL. Unfortunately, RS was being bullied by some girls. One of those girls had personal connections with an ETL. RS wanted to transfer out of the store. The girls wanted to get RS fired. One of those girls accused RS of threatening her and that same ETL backed her story. AP didn't check the footage that could prove RS's innocence. Then, the ETL-HR termed RS and has since been BS'ing them about transferring. Now, RS needs advice about what to do because they were unfairly terminated. So far, the consensus has been to call the hotline.
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