Archived FIRST day of ad set up today...

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Sep 24, 2012
That was HELL! I closed Saturday night and had to be up this morning at 5 am and my body is so not used to that. It was my first day putting ads up, which was a real pain in the ass. It wasn't until I was done that the LOD informed me that the tags needed to be bent at a 90 degree angle AND I didn't fold the paper properly so I had to go through and do it all over again. What a waste of effing time! She was like, "For future reference..." little does she know that I am handing in my two week notice soon. Oops!
Closing Saturday & opening Sunday is poor scheduling. My ad was bad today too. You should of had a trainer with on how do it correctly.
Here is link on ad setup/takedown:

That's Target for ya. I had a trainer, but he's just an angry and bitter old PTSD suffering War Vet who complained *AD NAUSEAM* about the self-entitled young people, how none of us want to work and want everything handed to us. Yet here I am, 22, working at Target. He also complained about all the people on welfare and then let slip, how he was denied welfare because he makes too much money. Someone's bitter! Needless to say: he made me uncomfortable and I asked minimal questions.His breath also reeked of cigarettes so whenever he got close to explain something, I tried to hold my breath and back away. LOL
Sorry about that. I am trainer & suppose not complain. He was having a real bad day. Check out the link on how do it, should help you out.
Sorry about that. I am trainer & suppose not complain. He was having a real bad day. Check out the link on how do it, should help you out.

Meh, he's just a generally miserable person, like the lot of them. I didn't let it bother me. Even after having to re-do it. I won't lose sleep over it, especially since I'm leaving Target soon. In fact since I only got an hour of sleep last night, I'll rebound tonight and get AMAZING sleep! But I know how to do it, it's the exact opposite of ad take down, which I do every Saturday. Boy what a mess that is.
I like ad take down simply because it's always an *awesome* team having fun and we mostly just rip 'em down. I mute the PDA and "Not found" the hell out of the aisle. 😉

I agree ad takedown is pretty fun because you usually are in a group of a couple people that you can talk to while doing it plus its pretty easy work. Except in electronics that place is horrible. Reshop is also horrible in electronics like half the isles aren't even labeled with what isle it is.
I agree ad takedown is pretty fun because you usually are in a group of a couple people that you can talk to while doing it plus its pretty easy work. Except in electronics that place is horrible. Reshop is also horrible in electronics like half the isles aren't even labeled with what isle it is.
At my store, we had update all labels on end caps for aisle number recently.. End caps numbers in the label strip & main isle numbers above the pog label.
I just did my first ad set today, 4am to 9:30am. It was horrible. I really hope they don't keep me doing this every Sunday. I'm sales floor but how often do you get an ad set shift?
I have been doing it for 10 years. It is good way to learn on how the zone was the night before & sp's were done. Plus, all the new stuff we get too.
I just did my first ad set today, 4am to 9:30am. It was horrible. I really hope they don't keep me doing this every Sunday. I'm sales floor but how often do you get an ad set shift?

I was there, putting up ads from 5 am to 1:45 pm. And since no one really showed me how to do it, I had to RE-DO it from like noon to 1:45 pm. Oh well, I changed my availability so they never ask me to do it again. Though I doubt I will in the next two weeks aka my last weeks wearing the red and khaki! It's funny: more people here know that I am leaving than people in the actual store. I'm waiting until Friday to hand it in. It just feels like a good day to say, "Hey, I'm leaving soon!"
That was HELL! I closed Saturday night and had to be up this morning at 5 am and my body is so not used to that. It was my first day putting ads up, which was a real pain in the ass. It wasn't until I was done that the LOD informed me that the tags needed to be bent at a 90 degree angle AND I didn't fold the paper properly so I had to go through and do it all over again. What a waste of effing time! She was like, "For future reference..." little does she know that I am handing in my two week notice soon. Oops!

I once had the same shift you did but during daylight savings. It never happened again after I started snarling at guests.
I once had the same shift you did but during daylight savings. It never happened again after I started snarling at guests.

HAHA It's funny because the one older guy who normally does reshop was required to do it too. Like me, it was his first time and he worked at a very slow pace. He had to get help to get his area done and then they moved him to reshop. When I saw him I asked him why he was on reshop and told him I was jealous. He said, "Well I guess I was really bad at it. If you're really terrible at it, they want you off and put you on something else." I said, "Aah damn, does that mean if I'm good they're going to keep me on this ****?" He really made the day bearable. He was super funny, especially when we first walked into the store and everyone grabbed carts, BEFORE we had even clocked in. He said, "I don't touch **** until I'm punched in... I ain't getting paid for this." That really helped, but yeah, I was running on an hour's sleep and hearing screaming children and annoying Canadians all day DIDN'T help!
I actually enjoy doing ad setup. My STL asked me if I could lead our overnight team for the holidays so that should be pretty exciting. The thing is, I dont mind working overnight because I just stay up late friday night, sleep in til about noon saturday then stay up until about 6pm sunday night and I get to watch football on sunday and dont have to work!!!!!, then promptly crash around 6-7 and sleep for about 12 hours into monday
HAHA It's funny because the one older guy who normally does reshop was required to do it too. Like me, it was his first time and he worked at a very slow pace. He had to get help to get his area done and then they moved him to reshop. When I saw him I asked him why he was on reshop and told him I was jealous. He said, "Well I guess I was really bad at it. If you're really terrible at it, they want you off and put you on something else." I said, "Aah damn, does that mean if I'm good they're going to keep me on this ****?" He really made the day bearable. He was super funny, especially when we first walked into the store and everyone grabbed carts, BEFORE we had even clocked in. He said, "I don't touch **** until I'm punched in... I ain't getting paid for this." That really helped, but yeah, I was running on an hour's sleep and hearing screaming children and annoying Canadians all day DIDN'T help!

Ah Canadians... They are without a doubt some of the most irritating yet funny guests I have ever had to deal with. They really do expect every single thing to be done for them and yet they are amazed when they come across a touch screen.
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