Archived First screen and getting THE BREAKROOM as an icon on the start up page

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Life sucks and nothing good can come of it.
Jun 16, 2011
I'm not very computer savvy. When you first start up your computer screen there all types of shortcut signs. There are some shortcuts I want to delete....but there's icons I want to put on the computer start up email...and an icon that can take me to only current message that I have not read yet.

My computer is an ASPIRE.
Intel Pentium Processor P6 100
4 GB DDR Memory
320 GB HDD
I have Windows home 7.

Is there anybody here who can help me to figure this out? Or is there someone who can get me going in the right direction?
Do you mean the desktop? As in this?


Or are you talking about a different screen?
If you are using Firefox as your browser you can set your opening tabs to those three pages so that all you have to do is have one icon (firefox) on your desktop, click on that and you will have all the pages you are looking for.
I don't know that much about Explorer but I think you can do the same thing. start bar at the bottom. Go to the right side. There is a quick launch icon, you maybe able to control it from there. Also, hit the start button, it list a help option too.
You can delete any of those shortcuts that you don't want to have on your desktop. There it no harm in that. Just click on it once(or you can drag the mouse to highlight multiple) and press delete on your keyboard.
The only way with the New (Current) Posts shortcut to work is that you will need to check Remember Me box when you log into thebreakroom. And copy the New Posts url as your shortcut.

Every so often cookies are deleted or go out of date, so you will have to log back in manually.
Pellinore, it sounds like you want an Internet Shortcut on your desktop.

1. Right-click on the background (not on any of the icons) and click New, then click Shortcut.
2. In the address box, type and click Next.
3. Type a name for the shortcut, i.e. The Break Room, and click Finish.

Double-clicking this shortcut will open your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, whatever one you use) and direct you to The Break Room's home page. It's recommended that you log in and out every time rather than checking Remember Me to help maintain the security of your user account. If you only want to see new posts, then after you log in, click New Posts under Forum.
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