We're looking at redoing the order inquiry in 2018 and put on myDevice. Can anyone give me ideas on where this function is used (mostly guest service...?), what you're looking up and what information is needed to answer your question of why you looked up the order in the first place? Ideally, order inquiry will have the ability to see any type of order in the store and give you status info. Conversations are underway...would love any input you have to influence this. Thanks!
At a minimum it should have all of the info it currently has: Order number (or a list if there are multiple orders for the same item), date/time it is due, status and type of order, TM who picked it, hold location, how many eaches was needed/picked/in hold, details of other items in the order.
At my store guest service doesn't use it at all. They don't even know how to. They do occasionally call SFS on the walkie with questions about an OPU, and we'll look it up, but that's maybe once every few weeks.
I use it most frequently to see what a random loose item is for after everything in a cart has been packed. If it's still in hold, I'll try and print the location again, and if that fails I'll dig into Manhattan to see if I can find and print it from there. If it's not part of any order it goes to the pull line. If it's part of a completed order, I'll assume the TM picked too many and it's an extra to go to the pull line.
I also use it to see who picked a cart. I'll scan an item and then know who to ask if there's anything weird with it. It would be nice if it did not change the name of the picker if the original picker suspended the batch and someone else resumes it.
I also use it sometimes (rarely) to see when the cart needs to be packed by. If there's a ton of carts to be packed, and some people are picking ship tomorrow orders without putting clips on them, I can scan an item in a cart and see when it's due.