So the whole thing is each cart will have like 20 locations so you can theoretically put each order in one location.

We just dump into one location and try to keep things in separate places. Clothing I hang all hanging pieces off the back and drape under the handle. Folded goes in the top bin as does food items, stuff that can stack or chem goes middle or bottom. We all follow that system and we can pretty much pack anyone's cart with the speed of your own.. More locations just mean more places to misplace shit..

I am sure the boxes of baby wipes, the huge things of paper towels and eight boxes of diapers I pull on the regular will all fit on that bottom shelf easier than stacking it in a cart like I do now and let it hang out in the packing area until I finish the rest of the batch.
How much time does that really save, though?

10 seconds an order which increases productivity by 95.96%..... But yeah honestly idk. I guess we'll see when we get them in. I do know that one store did a stress test and was able to pick and pack 4700 units in 8 hours
We got Pack and Ship 2.0 today and I really like it. I told everyone to try and break the system so we could figure out how things work and if we missed goal or had high INF on the rollout it wouldn't go noticed. We can basically do everything we did before and it adds on some idiot proof safeguards. The biggest issues are if a collate comes out of the printer and you can't read the container number to try to reprint it I don't know if Order Inquiry will work as an equivalent of Manhattan TBD. It's far more of a pain to have two people work from the same cart, but staging orders may actually be easier. The ability to skip orders so as to clear out the big items and the ability to have a mini Manhattan in the app are really nice touches. And the way they changed the split containers is a smart move. My hat is off to @mobilelady

There’s no way to check if we get the actual units received. Most of our units drop in at 9-11pm and rollover to tomorrow.

If the LOD checked MPM2.0 before the close it will say units received. You can also back calculate units received if you take a picture of MPM2.0 before you leave and when you first come in unless you do a open one day and close the next. Only half of our LODs add SFS to their closing email.

How are other stores handling large items for Drive Up? Our OPU Pickup TMs were told they can't use carts or three-tiers to bring large items out to the guests because it "isn't brand" and may "take too long", but we're getting Drive Up orders for multiple tubs of cat litter and the massive bags of pet food. 🙄

I use tubs for everything of unreasonable size or weight. If they are red and have a Target logo then they are brand. I've also used a normal cart as those also meet my criteria.

We had a u-boat set up kind of like the "new" pick cart, with wacos on the top shelf and large items on the bottom. Any time saved by not having to dig through the cart when scanning out orders was more than made up for by the time wasted rejiggering everything to fit and bringing items to the back that didn't fit on it.

Bringing things back that are large is the biggest waist of time. We have solved some of that by having a pouch that has SIO slips and a flat by our bulk steel. Put the SIO slip on the item and add it to the flat, backroom won't backstock it if it's labeled and then we have all our bulk items on one or two vehicles.

10 seconds an order which increases productivity by 95.96%..... But yeah honestly idk. I guess we'll see when we get them in. I do know that one store did a stress test and was able to pick and pack 4700 units in 8 hours

10 seconds a collate saves approximately 1.7% thank you very much. It may not seem like much, but that covers training a new team member for 1 hour, EVERY DAY. And at least covers that lazy TMs 20 min 15 that they keep finding excuses for, at least for me.
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I think the biggest issue with P&S2.0 is that, during Q4, waiting for the printer is going to be a huge choke point. Having a stack of collates was a bit easier than having to reach between the legs of the person using the packstation to reach the collates that print one at a time. Once we figured out how to split containers/cancel items in a container, it's an improvement, but swiping left on the item definitely isn't intuitive (it wasn't mentioned at all in the rollout guide so we didn't know about it for quite a while).
I think the biggest issue with P&S2.0 is that, during Q4, waiting for the printer is going to be a huge choke point. Having a stack of collates was a bit easier than having to reach between the legs of the person using the packstation to reach the collates that print one at a time. Once we figured out how to split containers/cancel items in a container, it's an improvement, but swiping left on the item definitely isn't intuitive (it wasn't mentioned at all in the rollout guide so we didn't know about it for quite a while).

Is not every store getting the sfs remodel... Each station will have a printer
We have two packstations, neither is the "normal" one with locking cabinets that other stores have. One is much shorter than the other (can't fit a built 454 on the tabletop) so we can't really use it for much other than softlines. We also have a folding table that we use to pack orders, so that ends up being our second packstation and of course it doesn't have a printer, so we end up using the printer for the bigger station, since it's closer where the table fits. Our SFS area is extremely poorly set up, but other than moving the printer at the useless station to somewhere in the steel (which we can't do since there's no outlets there), there's not a lot we can do. We did get the "make sure all printers work" memo before 2.0 rolled out, which is good since previously only the printer at the "bad" station worked.
@PackAndCry I gave everyone different tasks to try to break the system so we figured it out in the first few hours and we will have a recap huddle over the next few days. Yes, we cancelled a few orders and had to build monster boxes a few times, but I kept telling people to try something different the next time an issue popped up. As long as you don't scan the collate to close it you can split it after the fact you just have to scan everything again, you can use the dots to split, you can swipe to cancel, and you can split then cancel. It's the usual 3 ways to get to the same outcome Target likes to use.

Yes, I'm trying to get the STL to get at least one an extra printer for Q4. If you're organized you can stage everything by size and close the collates then get them from the printer in the order they are staged. I see that being really useful in Q4 if we can change the location of the printer or get another printer. SAP has obnoxiously long extension cords and CAT5/6 cables, as long as you're 50 feet from an outlet there's a reasonable amount of wiggle room depending on your PMT and you can make anything brand with enough time and/or effort.

It was taking between 7-9 seconds to print, but I had people try to start packing their large SIO items as they walked back to the pack station so those AC units went directly to the finished pile within seconds of bringing the cart back, same with the rush orders. The biggest issue was remembering to hit print for most people, that slowed everything down. But if you can skip through and find your most obnoxious single SIO item and get it packed by the time you got to the pack stations that's a win in my book.

The system is designed to fool proof the progress, but if you poke at it so far it looks like it doesn't actually change that much. We probably wasted more time poking at it than we did waiting for the printer. The container number is like the old Manhattan numbers so the majority of the numbers are the same and you can just copy and paste them if you're trying to cut time.
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The printer thing wastes time if you stage orders, if you pack as it prints it doesn't waste time. I'm also fairly sure that when we first switched, you couldn't split after you hit "print", since we had that exact issue pop up on the first day we were switched. So far, I prefer 2.0 for packing by myself but 1.0 for packing with a whole team helping. We were one of the first stores to switch, and our switch was a lot rougher since a lot has been fixed since then (our "training" consisted of some screenshots of an early version of the app, orders would vanish in packing, collates would print incorrectly, etc). We were told "no" to moving the printer, but I'll probably try to push harder for that during Q4.
@PackAndCry we are in day two so I'll start timing to figure thing out today, but we had good luck with staging orders half packed. It frustrated one of our packers because instead of staged in a cart and brought to then it was all right there do to the proximity of the printer. They got frustrated because I built the box and throw it all in and move on, they just had to add pillows, do anything that needs prep bags and close it up. In a production style Q4 line that would work really well.

The system is definitely designed to be dumbed down as a single user, but there appear to be ways to have it work as a team.

Staging did add about 18 seconds per collate, but I don't know how much of that is the learning curve and just forgetting to hit print. I think we can probably get it down to 10 seconds difference with practice.

And yes 10 seconds per collate does make a difference if you're doing the same task for 5-8 hours.

I suggest you move the printer, make it look like it is supposed to be in the location that works and don't say anything. Most people won't notice and 95% of people who do are too lazy to "fix" it especially if isn't a danger/hazard and saves time. Ask for forgiveness, not permission as the system is still new. The thing you use the most should be closest to you which means your printer and WAT tape, air pillows should be gravity fed and in the new modernization stations I believe they are from above.
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@tmap98 I take it you tried the back button and there are no dots on the screen to click?

I really want Ship To Store in Receive, we're limping PDAs along and most screens bairly worked before we essentially got rid of PDAs for most things so 3 months later they are half marked as not being able to scan and the ones that do work it can take 3 min per box just in tapping the screen. I've spent over an hour doing a cart of STS before. PIMA
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New pick cart for late 2018/2019
View attachment 5745
New Cosmetics/Checklanes/MMB cart by mid-2019

It is not something new. Everything that drops after 11 it will drop into pick today ship tomorrow and it’s due by 9 am the next day. Once the stores opens whatever drops after 8 am you have an hour to complete it.
Yeah that’s what I said, but the other poster was saying the stuff from the previous night is due by store open.
Yeah that’s what I said, but the other poster was saying the stuff from the previous night is due by store open.
I think it’s only my store that has the the OPU deadline change (drops in the last hour before closing, due at store opening; drops after store closes, due an hour after store opening). I went to one of the other stores in my district with the same hours to shop and they announced on the walkie that the OPU wasn’t due anymore (it was the last hour before closing) after their LOD was confused.
Quick question :
I wAs doing a OPU , scanned the location in backroom, it was in a closed box , scanned the box , opened it and it was a mispick , went to the floor to try to locate item , but to no avail !
How do I back out now ?
My lod didn’t know !
Quick question :
I wAs doing a OPU , scanned the location in backroom, it was in a closed box , scanned the box , opened it and it was a mispick , went to the floor to try to locate item , but to no avail !
How do I back out now ?
My lod didn’t know !
You have 2 options:
1. Call CSC and give the order number and ask them to cancel said order
2. Put the item in hold but make sure to keep track of the order number. Go to the MyGO app and search for the last four numbers of the order number. Tap the guest order and tap the quantity number for the item. Choose other and say couldn’t locate, unfulfilled, etc and put 0 for the new quantity.
There’s now an OPU called Advanced Order. It’s the order pickup for college item. Workbench says Return to Stock for these won’t appear until September, so basically a long term hold. There is suppose to be a section in the backroom for these locations as Advanced Orders can only be put in BR hold locations. It’ll deny you from putting the items in hold at any other locations (FOS, SD, MC)
It has ‘ao’ in a green circle when your picking and putting said item in hold.

Edit: It’s for select stores.
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