You're screwed they sent out an email stating 100% over forecast today, remember kids pick today ship tomorrow is today's workload, and to expect 60%-80% over forecast for tomorrow.

Bottom line we don't have enough people in the store to meet that expectation.

Over 1500 eaches today with two people scheduled lmao. They are throwing every body they can at ship today.
Your STL sounds like an asshole. The jerk of a Flex Fill ETL at my store screwed us all over today. Today was his day off so I'm sure he thought "fuck it. They can handle prime day with 1 open, 1 short mid, and 1 close". Ugh. Me and every other ETL (save for 1 to act as LOD) AND my STL were all picking orders like crazy. We even had to pull in 3 salesfloor TMs and call in 2 more. No excuse. We received multiple emails about the high forecast and he just did not give a shit. The only reprieve I got was when my STL sent me to build more metro racks/print more hold locations since apparently I'm the only one that knows how to do (extremely simple to do so I don't know what's going on there). I got to stay in the backroom for a bit away from the madness.
My STL would have literally called the ETL and said get your ass in here now.
My STL would have literally called the ETL and said get your ass in here now.

I don't know why he didn't. I'm pissed because I went in extremely early yesterday since I had deadlines to meet on other projects. I barely even touched them. Now I've missed my deadlines and he'll be the first one "teasing" me about it. I can't wait until the next ETL meeting when I'll get the chance to completely throw him under the bus.
Walked into 831 ship orders over a 120 OPU orders this morning. Left with 646 Ship orders three people picking one person packing all day, six full pallets when I left for UPS to pick up and they were still picking when I left.. Tomorrow isn't going to be any better.. Cause shit never let up today..

At least they gave us more than a opener and a closer. At least my ETL pulled what people he could to help. More than I can say for our STL who ignored us..
I spent my entire shift today (which was supposed to be me getting caught up on computer trainings) picking. It was ROUGH. We had our whole HR team of 4 people back at the packing station and all of our executives were picking orders until at least 11:30 AM.
We started the day at around 1,000 DPCIs and miraculously managed to get it all picked. Packing, on the other hand...we had like five people working on it but most of them hadn't done it before, and our space is really small, so everything was a mess. I'm afraid to see what it's going to look like tomorrow morning.
Hope this means that ePick is getting a divorce from Replenishment and that SFS batches will stop screwing up the accumulator/SFQ.

Although I really wish they'd fix the bug where if you exit a cart the last scanned item always gets put into the first subcart regardless of which one you scanned.
^ Their infs needed to be approved by me! They would come up to me and say they couldn't find something, that it wasn't on the shelf, so therefore we didn't have it. And I told them that's unacceptable, that it's in the store, because it's asking for it, so they needed to dig through carts / pallets / uboats from off the truck, check backstock / pulls, check reshop carts, endcaps etc. I also told them they needed to do their own backstock from pulling casepacks, and throw away the cardboard and not leave it in the cart, because that's what is expected from my team. The salesfloor exec's head was about to explode, she was pissed! It was great.
That error should only happen if you exit the cart right after scanning. If you wait three to five seconds it should be fine
I've had it happen even 30-60sec after scanning, it does it. It's very frustrating.

^ Their infs needed to be approved by me! They would come up to me and say they couldn't find something, that it wasn't on the shelf, so therefore we didn't have it. And I told them that's unacceptable, that it's in the store, because it's asking for it, so they needed to dig through carts / pallets / uboats from off the truck, check backstock / pulls, check reshop carts, endcaps etc. I also told them they needed to do their own backstock from pulling casepacks, and throw away the cardboard and not leave it in the cart, because that's what is expected from my team. The salesfloor exec's head was about to explode, she was pissed! It was great.
UGH our ETL-Log kept pulling full casepacks instead of eaches, which is a recipe for disaster when we have inexperienced packers who will toss the whole casepack in the guest's box. I'm fairly sure he also did it for casepacks stores on open stock shelves, which is even worse because now he made ghosts.
Please say you told them their batches were being timed and they needed to have their INFs approved by the LOD
I had to question my ETL when they had to INF some softlines. It was first few times picking so he wasn’t too sure. It was an amazing feeling say did you check here and here, who’d you partner with. It was an odd but amazing feeling.

How did you get this? It's not even deployed yet.
We got a leaker among us 😉
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I do like that look though. (The look that seems to be gone) Though it confuses me to spread out to more apps when the idea of myWork was to do everything in one place.

I think the idea is now that each app will do one thing well (subjective), instead of one app doing everything poorly.

The newer apps seem to be well-designed compared to their predecessors (myWork), so hopefully this is what will pan out in the end.
Ooh, I hope the pick logic is changed to prefer picking from Waco locations first instead of casepacks.
Doesn’t it already do that? Whenever I pull casepacks, there’s no WACO backroom locations listed on myWork.
I do hope it’ll pull lower casepack locations first than upper casepack locations. It’ll make me pull an upper casepack of 6 Bounty Paper Towel in Aisle 8 when there’s a lower casepack of it in Aisle 13.
My understanding is that it will only go to a Open Stock location if there is enough there to fulfill the entire order, otherwise it will go to case pack.
At least, that's what I've always noticed when I swap to STO the rest of the case.
@mobilelady do you know anything more specific?
That sounds about right. It’ll pull casepack if is the amount needed is there. The only exception is when the casepack location says Some.
I had to fulfill an order in which the guest wanted 2 of a shampoo. There was 1 in a WACO/Open Stock location and Some in the casepack locations. It made me pull the Open Stock first then casepack location.

It would still be helpful to be able to skip the backroom location and pick it from the floor.
When pathing is fully dynamic, that would be helpful but unfortunately it’ll add more to CAFS and Autofills. It would make sense to pull salesfloor floor if you’re already on the sales floor.
I am not going to walk across the entire store for an HBA item in the backroom when the HBA on the floor is closer to me.
My understanding is that it will only go to a Open Stock location if there is enough there to fulfill the entire order, otherwise it will go to case pack.
At least, that's what I've always noticed when I swap to STO the rest of the case.
@mobilelady do you know anything more specific?
I've observed it having me pick a full casepack when the amount needed was in a Waco. We were told it was "so the casepacks would get broken down first".

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