You have 2 options:
1. Call CSC and give the order number and ask them to cancel said order
2. Put the item in hold but make sure to keep track of the order number. Go to the MyGO app and search for the last four numbers of the order number. Tap the guest order and tap the quantity number for the item. Choose other and say couldn’t locate, unfulfilled, etc and put 0 for the new quantity.

3rd option if you haven't tied it to cart is forceclosing app and then going back into batch after subtracting item from BR location.
You have 2 options:
1. Call CSC and give the order number and ask them to cancel said order
2. Put the item in hold but make sure to keep track of the order number. Go to the MyGO app and search for the last four numbers of the order number. Tap the guest order and tap the quantity number for the item. Choose other and say couldn’t locate, unfulfilled, etc and put 0 for the new quantity.
Does that second option send the guest the "a technical issue prevented us from fulfilling your order" email?
Does that second option send the guest the "a technical issue prevented us from fulfilling your order" email?
From what I’ve been told, no. The guest gets a duplicate “your item is ready for pickup” email with the canceled item gone but not a “we had to cancel items, ship them for free” email. I’m not sure if they checked via for the ship canceled items for free option.

Should point out, that this is only select stores in select markets.
Like DriveUp
I didn’t know that until you mentioned it. I had to check via workbench BTS/BTC Page since my store isn’t informative. It’s under the report or option for store volume.
Surprisingly the store dead center of all the colleges is not part of this but my store is which is actually center right of all the colleges.
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Heads up, there might be a lot of OPU batches for any openers as there was a error letting a certain coupons be stackable. I’m not sure how this would effect SFS workload.
My order hasn’t been canceled but Spot might cancel it in a few hours.

Edit: Spot canceled my couponed order. Guest relations said all of these orders including order pickup will be canceled. My store is still showing Out-Of-Stock for a lot of electronics so SFS maybe affected. If you see a lot of OPUs in the morning, contact the LOD.
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Heads up, there might be a lot of OPU batches for any openers as there was a error letting a certain coupons be stackable. I’m not sure how this would effect SFS workload.
My order hasn’t been canceled but Spot might cancel it in a few hours.

Edit: Spot canceled couponed order. Guest relations said all of these orders including order pickup will be canceled. My store is still showing Out-Of-Stock for a lot of electronics so SFS maybe affected. If you see a lot of OPUs in the morning, contact the LOD.
Told the LOD. LOD didn't care.
Luckily I didn't have more than the usual amount of opu's at open. Do have 280 dpcis though and I had to spend my first hour doing nothing but trying to clear sfs area from all the pallets and random shit thanks to the bulkroom being total ass

Oh and we have 1 cart and every cart in backroom is packed with backstock. It's going to be so fucked tommorow. Looking forward to it
Had a ton of 'fraudulent' opu that I was given the go ahead to fulfill. Most of our SFS orders that contained any kind of video game / console / accessory were cancelled, but still ended the day at about 4x normal Monday workload to pack. We're screwed heading into tomorrow.
We had less then 10 opu at open and have about 300ish units to pick mostly school items
Heads up, there might be a lot of OPU batches for any openers as there was a error letting a certain coupons be stackable. I’m not sure how this would effect SFS workload.
My order hasn’t been canceled but Spot might cancel it in a few hours.

Edit: Spot canceled my couponed order. Guest relations said all of these orders including order pickup will be canceled. My store is still showing Out-Of-Stock for a lot of electronics so SFS maybe affected. If you see a lot of OPUs in the morning, contact the LOD.

Bullshit they cancelled those orders. We got bombed with them today and were slammed all fucking day.. And if they cancelled the ones I pulled I would be fucking pissed cause then I get the fun of putting all that shit back..
And if they cancelled the ones I pulled I would be fucking pissed cause then I get the fun of putting all that shit back..

We had a full three tier of electronics sent back to the floor, which doesn't include other items tagged on to the cancelled orders. Mostly the Nintendo switch, joycons, and about 30 games.

How bad was it?
5 iPads, a few TVs, some consoles but lots of games for opening OPU at my store. I’m pissed that my order got cancelled. I guess it’s a ‘Conflict of Interest’.
It’s gonna be worse tommorow. The online sale plus on top of OPU is gonna be hell on us.

Bullshit they cancelled those orders. We got bombed with them today and were slammed all fucking day.. And if they cancelled the ones I pulled I would be fucking pissed cause then I get the fun of putting all that shit back..
It should’ve only affected the opening OPUs. The stackable promo code got disabled in the middle of the night. We didn’t have much of electronics for our SFS orders.
No extra hours for it at my store. In fact, hours were cut next week. If we get hit with a lot of orders, we're screwed.

You're screwed they sent out an email stating 100% over forecast today, remember kids pick today ship tomorrow is today's workload, and to expect 60%-80% over forecast for tomorrow.

Bottom line we don't have enough people in the store to meet that expectation.
Even if literally all of our SFS pick-trained TMs were working, we wouldn't get the workload done. Buckle up, folks.
They were cancelling SFS too
Even if literally all of our SFS pick-trained TMs were working, we wouldn't get the workload done. Buckle up, folks.

Called CSC and the automated messages before the options mentioned about “promotional error” orders and issues for ePick. I can already see Tuesday is going to be a great day.
I haven't been paying attention to this thread recently. Was there a memo about the amount of orders to expect today that I missed?

Had 20 OPU/DU orders before 9 am. They kept dropping left and right. Around 6 pm, we completed 75 orders. Unfortunately due to the size and no support from non Flex people, we had 40 orders that expired. It was a mix of BTS, Outdoor Patio and Baby merchandise.

As for shipping, there 500-600 DPCIs that dropped. We experienced more batches dropping pass 2pm. They were pulled, but not scanned out/packed in time for UPS. As for tommorrow's load, it went from 313 to 475 DPCI (800 units) within 30 minutes...when I left today. Tomorrow is going to be interesting.
^ Today, 7/17, is a one day sale for .com only, whether opu or SFS. I'm surprised you didn't get any notification from your logistics ETL or guest service, as it's been known for weeks. Forecasts were higher for today (my store forecasted for 650 units, a 'normal' Tuesday is about 300), and then there was an email from operations that said to expect 60-80 % on top of the forecast.

By the 1pm cutoff my team had picked and packed 800 units, and picked 250 opu units. We only have one TM picking opu /ship tonight, but they probably won't get any ship done.
By 10 am, we had 20 dpci's to pick. And we had a team of 8. We all backstocked. Then like 150 dpci's drop in by noon. Which got demolished pretty quickly.

The Ship tomorrow was pretty high up. God speed for that team tomorrow

We got slammed over double our normal workload no extra people at least yesterday we had extra people today nope. Even when we asked for help "You two are masters at this, you will handle it" - Our STL since our ETL is off today.. So there are orders not picked and orders not packed since the WiFi decided to crash multiple times today so we left stuff not picked so we could get what we had packed and we got screwed..

Great day!!! Not.. 😡
We got slammed over double our normal workload no extra people at least yesterday we had extra people today nope. Even when we asked for help "You two are masters at this, you will handle it" - Our STL since our ETL is off today. 😡

Your STL sounds like an asshole. The jerk of a Flex Fill ETL at my store screwed us all over today. Today was his day off so I'm sure he thought "fuck it. They can handle prime day with 1 open, 1 short mid, and 1 close". Ugh. Me and every other ETL (save for 1 to act as LOD) AND my STL were all picking orders like crazy. We even had to pull in 3 salesfloor TMs and call in 2 more. No excuse. We received multiple emails about the high forecast and he just did not give a shit. The only reprieve I got was when my STL sent me to build more metro racks/print more hold locations since apparently I'm the only one that knows how to do (extremely simple to do so I don't know what's going on there). I got to stay in the backroom for a bit away from the madness.
I didn't work today but my friend told me they had everything picked and packed by the goal times. w/ like six people there. She didn't tell me how OPUs were though.
We were picked/packed 800 units by 11am. We had the small batches of Ship and Rush drop afterwards but we got those done. It’ll drop most of the orders tonight. That usually allows us to reach forecast. It’s rare for my store to reach forecast by noon.
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My store gets ~100-150 dpcis on average. I started picking today/tomorrows at 6 and left with 477 dpcis at 8 today. Gonna be a fun day for those who have to deal with that tomorrow.

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