^ Their infs needed to be approved by me! They would come up to me and say they couldn't find something, that it wasn't on the shelf, so therefore we didn't have it. And I told them that's unacceptable, that it's in the store, because it's asking for it, so they needed to dig through carts / pallets / uboats from off the truck, check backstock / pulls, check reshop carts, endcaps etc. I also told them they needed to do their own backstock from pulling casepacks, and throw away the cardboard and not leave it in the cart, because that's what is expected from my team. The salesfloor exec's head was about to explode, she was pissed! It was great.
Goose, meet Gander 😛.
I'm glad my ETLs aren't super hard on INFs. We typically stay high green everyday. We spend basically five minutes an INF bit imagining questioning an ETL on their INF just seems like a fun time too me.
The worst offender of softlines INFs that we actually have is our softlines ETL. But according to them if they haven't seen it, then it doesn't exist. We usually prove them wrong.
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The worst offender of softlines INFs that we actually have is our softlines ETL. But according to them if they haven't seen it, then it doesn't exist. We usually prove them wrong.

Same at my store. Asking the softlines team is pointless 99% of the time. RFID is king, especially when I have to scan 15+ carts of reshop or the 6 pallets of push they have in the back.
My understanding is that it will only go to a Open Stock location if there is enough there to fulfill the entire order, otherwise it will go to case pack.
At least, that's what I've always noticed when I swap to STO the rest of the case.
@mobilelady do you know anything more specific?
Some background on the new ePick app is that it's only separate temporarily. This is because we're currently re-archtecting ePick completely and myWork 2.0 is not proceeding fast enough for us to build on it. So for now, it will be a separate app. Actually, it will always remain a separate app but next year it will live behind myWork so your entry point to ePick work will be myWork but in the backend, it will be a separate app. To TMs though, it will look and feel like it's all in myWork if that makes sense.

Also, on the comments for BR casepack picking vs. SF, etc... With the new backend ePick services, we changed how this works. It will allow for you to see SF locations for items previously you were only able to see BR locations for. So for example, with how the logic currently is, if you're picking an item that can be fulfilled by 1 BR location, and you skipped it trying to see the SF location, you won't see the SF location because the app forces you to pick from the BR location. Future, you will be able to see both the BR location and the SF location so if you want to skip the BR location, you can pick from the SF directly.
I'm sad to hear about myWork 2.0, though, since the Last Auto Pull date has been broken since Move rolled out for backroom pulls and apparently won't be fixed until 2.0.
It’s 8pm to pick and have it packed by 930pm. We’ve never had 7pm for restock for us but we never give anything to the FedEx night pickup.
Odd. It's always been 8 picked and 830 packed for me

Even though .com says the cutoff for next day delivery is 7? We've been picking the orders that drop by that cutoff and then sending them out that night as our priority. Later ones we sometimes leave in the gun since they're not really "due" to be shipped until the next day.
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Even though .com says the cutoff for next day delivery is 7? We've been picking the orders that drop by that cutoff and then sending them out that night. Later ones we leave in the gun since they're not really "due" to be shipped until the next day.
I think .com says 7 so that TMs have time to pick it. If someone orders something at 6:59pm, it won’t drop into a store until 7:01pm which would be after the the 7pm cutoff. The system needs time to figure out where to send the order as fast as it is.
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My store is undergoing a remodel and yesterday was the first day I got different locations to pick some items... Our baby used to be N#, but I got NN#, That was fine and cool because we're just ignoring the extra N for now, nothing moved too much there. A few minutes later I had to pick a drone toy, which would've been in F# but it was in N37.... had to scour the entire toy area to find it because loc #s there don't really match up now and the toy aisles are all over the place u_u I'm both excited (cuz this puts a spin on things) and fearful (cuz it ruins my knowledge of where everything is) for other things to move around and have new locations...
^ Today, 7/17, is a one day sale for .com only, whether opu or SFS. I'm surprised you didn't get any notification from your logistics ETL or guest service, as it's been known for weeks. Forecasts were higher for today (my store forecasted for 650 units, a 'normal' Tuesday is about 300), and then there was an email from operations that said to expect 60-80 % on top of the forecast.

By the 1pm cutoff my team had picked and packed 800 units, and picked 250 opu units. We only have one TM picking opu /ship tonight, but they probably won't get any ship done.

Apologies for late reply. Got busy helping out where I could. Early morning ETL-Log, nowadays, is too wrapped up with trying to maintain the unload process. Speaking from my perspective, I didn't have time to follow-up/verify reports. Just jumped right in and performed with the rest of the team. We had some help from a Sr. TL and other SF tms to complete the orders.

We just hired 4 more SFS crew-members, so hopefully we should be able to stay afloat.
Some background on the new ePick app is that it's only separate temporarily. This is because we're currently re-archtecting ePick completely and myWork 2.0 is not proceeding fast enough for us to build on it. So for now, it will be a separate app. Actually, it will always remain a separate app but next year it will live behind myWork so your entry point to ePick work will be myWork but in the backend, it will be a separate app. To TMs though, it will look and feel like it's all in myWork if that makes sense.

Also, on the comments for BR casepack picking vs. SF, etc... With the new backend ePick services, we changed how this works. It will allow for you to see SF locations for items previously you were only able to see BR locations for. So for example, with how the logic currently is, if you're picking an item that can be fulfilled by 1 BR location, and you skipped it trying to see the SF location, you won't see the SF location because the app forces you to pick from the BR location. Future, you will be able to see both the BR location and the SF location so if you want to skip the BR location, you can pick from the SF directly.

Can you make it list pre tie locations as pre tie not a real location that isn't actually there. Tired of searching E40 for Legos when they pre tied there bit only live on E36.

What I mean is it doesn't show as a pre tie aka TDE40 VS E36 which is the live location.
Can you make it list pre tie locations as pre tie not a real location that isn't actually there. Tired of searching E40 for Legos when they pre tied there bit only live on E36.

What I mean is it doesn't show as a pre tie aka TDE40 VS E36 which is the live location.
It used to show it, too! I remember during Q4 getting one when I didn't know what a pretie was.
It used to show it, too! I remember during Q4 getting one when I didn't know what a pretie was.

I can't say for sure it did, craziness has been happening here that I will take your word on that. I just would like to not goose chase if I don't have to.
I feel like I'm doing terrible. But no one has discussed my performance with me. At least 15% failure rate on finding items. Is this normal, high or low? How do I find my actual performance metrics?
I can't say for sure it did, craziness has been happening here that I will take your word on that. I just would like to not goose chase if I don't have to.
Yeah, it's definitely broken now. Every time it sends me to a pretie without telling me, I feel like I've been had.
I feel like I'm doing terrible. But no one has discussed my performance with me. At least 15% failure rate on finding items. Is this normal, high or low? How do I find my actual performance metrics?

It's on the high side. The store goal is 9%.... I only look at individual scores to see if people improve or get worse. I had one guy go from 25 one week to 13 so not under 9 but he did improve. It also depends on your store. Is your store a mess... How's everyone's else's score?? Maybe get some tips from people that are doing better.
I feel like I'm doing terrible. But no one has discussed my performance with me. At least 15% failure rate on finding items. Is this normal, high or low? How do I find my actual performance metrics?
15% is high. The goal is to be under 9%.
Go to store reports<flexible fulfillment and click INF by TM report. It’ll only list INF for SFS. Results may vary because greenfield permissions.

Improving your INF really depends on how behind your store is on backstock/push/truck/pallets. Just make sure to ask softlines or hardlines I f they’ve seen the item recently if you can’t locate.
Also look at the receive/sold date. If something has a old dates, spend less time on it compared to something with dates in the last week or so.
It used to show it, too! I remember during Q4 getting one when I didn't know what a pretie was.
My store reset Plano for MBD and it kept show 2 locations for an item.It showed something like A16 and A9 which the team got so confused when the item wasn’t there when really it was TA9 and A16. It fixed itself out when we told CSC. They got that fixed quick.
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To you guys at stores that have had Drive Up for a while, what are some issues you're running into and what would help you out? My store's getting drive up in about a month and I'd like to start off on the right foot. If there are multiple guest in the parking lot waiting for their orders, are you able to see everything at once so that you can make one trip? Or does the app make you do them separately? How do you handle the large orders, like furniture? Appreciate any tips you guys have. Thanks.
To you guys at stores that have had Drive Up for a while, what are some issues you're running into and what would help you out? My store's getting drive up in about a month and I'd like to start off on the right foot. If there are multiple guest in the parking lot waiting for their orders, are you able to see everything at once so that you can make one trip? Or does the app make you do them separately? How do you handle the large orders, like furniture? Appreciate any tips you guys have. Thanks.
This is something you won't be able to help but apparently a lot of guests that do it at our store show up with their phone dead expecting us to know that they are there and then get irrate.

Also another thing you won't be able to control are guests that don't say they are on the way until they are actually there and you hear two honks notifications at the same time and have to hurry up and get their order and then go out to their car within 2 minutes and hope they have the barcode up for you to scan.

Our parking is not even that close to our doors. I hope yours is!
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I feel like I'm doing terrible. But no one has discussed my performance with me. At least 15% failure rate on finding items. Is this normal, high or low? How do I find my actual performance metrics?

Girl, I would love that INF percentage right now.. It's high if your processes are running right.. If not, I would say its about average. 30 carts of unsorted softlines reshop in the back, 6 pallets of unworked softlines freight, 8-12 of hardlines freight all of this shrink wrapped in the steel and we won't talk about all the vehicles in our other stockroom which there is a wifi issue right now so nothing can be pulled or backstocked so it looks worse than the 405/101 freeway on a bad Friday afternoon..

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