You know you can just manually type in the cart name

Actually, that didn't work. Nor should I have to type it. It should fucking work when I am at the top of ladder trying to pull an item.

Still does not solve the issue of the scanner taking a shit, or that ePick can't pull an assortment item.
Here's another issue: guest orders 1 of an item. If I'm directed to pull a casepack, because opu wants me to pull 4, and enter the actual amount in the casepack, say 6, I get told that's an invalid amount. It should allow me to enter that number, then generate an error on the backroom location accuracy report.
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Here's another issue: guest orders 1 of an item. If I'm directed to pull a casepack, because opu wants me to pull 4, and enter the actual amount in the casepack, say 6, I get told that's an invalid amount. It should allow me to enter that number, then generate an error on the backroom location accuracy report.

What it wants you to do, is pull four of the six and then leave the two extra in location. There is no error. I know you should not backstock partial cases, but it is so often that we carry markers and just mark the number left in the case. Our backroom knows, why, they no longer get mad. You can also if you have time, flip to my work and pull the extra two out of location. Move does this as well, just not anywhere near as often.
What it wants you to do, is pull four of the six and then leave the two extra in location. There is no error. I know you should not backstock partial cases, but it is so often that we carry markers and just mark the number left in the case. Our backroom knows, why, they no longer get mad. You can also if you have time, flip to my work and pull the extra two out of location. Move does this as well, just not anywhere near as often.
Ohh I've been doing as I was trained years ago and assuming a pull of less than a casepack was an error made by the person who backstocked it. I guess I'm the one causing errors now. Oops.

I still don't understand why I should pull 4, if the order only calls for 1.
Ok start to finish: How do we use these labels?

I briefly saw some communication about mobile checkout printing but nothing on when we're supposed to use them and how. When I complete an order in mycheckout nothing prompts me to connect to a printer.
You can print receipts supposedly. But it does hit the guest or tm credit card with no receipt. @REDcardJJ
I still don't understand why I should pull 4, if the order only calls for 1.
The system wants all backroom locations for the DPCI to be pulled before picking the floor. It doesn’t matter if the order wants only 1 each and it’s in a casepack, shipper or assortment. With casepacks, the location isn’t set as an open stock because there’s multiple in a box so it’ll make you pull an entire set (all 6 from 6/6 or 3 from the 12/3, total #/amount in a set#) It’ll pick clean the backroom before the salesfloor.

It’s suppose to allow guest to still shop the floor as “items won’t sell sitting in the backroom”
Ohh I've been doing as I was trained years ago and assuming a pull of less than a casepack was an error made by the person who backstocked it. I guess I'm the one causing errors now. Oops.

I still don't understand why I should pull 4, if the order only calls for 1.

They want them to go to reshop or get tossed on a pull to fill the floor. Which they never do, so we stow them on the spot, or if one of the backroom guys is working close or haven't come through for the truck backstock we leave it for them to do(they know and we have asked and they are cool with it).

I don't know, but when I have checked a few in MyWork, if its a case of six and asks for four, and I leave two, they are still in location. I don't know if the system thinks that the case should have four or someone burned a pull by two? Either way I just do what the system asks and leave stuff labeled correctly as to what is actually in the box for the next person.
I do not understand why the picking apps keeps getting unnecessary updates. The first complaint i have is taking away the ability to tap the task progress bar bar at the bottom to see what sales floor locations you would have to go to was a great tool because the "dynamic pathing" thing took me in the most random places. Another thing is the splitting of batches, in both OPU and SFS. There was 10(10) for drive up earlier today and it split it into 2 batches of three tasks and 1 batch with four tasks. How is that more productive and "minimizing steps" if it does that. At first I thought that one batch would be one persons order because that would make a little bit of sense. Nope. It had 2 separate orders in a batch and so on. For ship, we were down to 2(6) for the pick today, and I went to go finish it. Of course, it broke this into 2 separate batches. WHY???????????

Why are there unnecessary updates and changes to the picking apps that roll out without making sure that its beneficial or not for the people actually using the apps. Sorry for rambling on, just needed to rant about this lol.
I do not understand why the picking apps keeps getting unnecessary updates. The first complaint i have is taking away the ability to tap the task progress bar bar at the bottom to see what sales floor locations you would have to go to was a great tool because the "dynamic pathing" thing took me in the most random places. Another thing is the splitting of batches, in both OPU and SFS. There was 10(10) for drive up earlier today and it split it into 2 batches of three tasks and 1 batch with four tasks. How is that more productive and "minimizing steps" if it does that. At first I thought that one batch would be one persons order because that would make a little bit of sense. Nope. It had 2 separate orders in a batch and so on. For ship, we were down to 2(6) for the pick today, and I went to go finish it. Of course, it broke this into 2 separate batches. WHY???????????

Why are there unnecessary updates and changes to the picking apps that roll out without making sure that its beneficial or not for the people actually using the apps. Sorry for rambling on, just needed to rant about this lol.

I know the pathing I have said was on crack to but the ePick is on crack with a Meth chaser its so bad.. I have to skip through the list in order to pick all the crap in say infants without having to go from infants to seasonal and back to infants, which in my store are on opposite corners.
The issue is target is rolling out apps before they are ready. I think most of us want PDAs gone but not until mydevices work properly. If they keep rushing apps without doing proper testing, they’re gonna keep having to play catch up with bugs.

The developers should spend time in stores, asking TMs *from all departments* what they’re frustrated with. I know it’ll never happen, but it should.
The issue is target is rolling out apps before they are ready. I think most of us want PDAs gone but not until mydevices work properly. If they keep rushing apps without doing proper testing, they’re gonna keep having to play catch up with bugs.

The developers should spend time in stores, asking TMs *from all departments* what they’re frustrated with. I know it’ll never happen, but it should.

Another issue has always been that when they pilot things in the stores, the leadership in the stores instead of just letting the app work or flop they make sure that it does not flop. So we get stuck with these craptastic apps.
Another issue has always been that when they pilot things in the stores, the leadership in the stores instead of just letting the app work or flop they make sure that it does not flop. So we get stuck with these craptastic apps.
Right. That’s why they need to talk with TMs. And I don’t mean send out stupid surveys. They’re in Minneapolis a few blocks from a store. Take a field trip there and talk face to face.
I do not understand why the picking apps keeps getting unnecessary updates. The first complaint i have is taking away the ability to tap the task progress bar bar at the bottom to see what sales floor locations you would have to go to was a great tool because the "dynamic pathing" thing took me in the most random places. Another thing is the splitting of batches, in both OPU and SFS. There was 10(10) for drive up earlier today and it split it into 2 batches of three tasks and 1 batch with four tasks. How is that more productive and "minimizing steps" if it does that. At first I thought that one batch would be one persons order because that would make a little bit of sense. Nope. It had 2 separate orders in a batch and so on. For ship, we were down to 2(6) for the pick today, and I went to go finish it. Of course, it broke this into 2 separate batches. WHY???????????

Why are there unnecessary updates and changes to the picking apps that roll out without making sure that its beneficial or not for the people actually using the apps. Sorry for rambling on, just needed to rant about this lol.
The. Task bar noooo! I that's the only thing that helps with the pathing
Right. That’s why they need to talk with TMs. And I don’t mean send out stupid surveys. They’re in Minneapolis a few blocks from a store. Take a field trip there and talk face to face.

At this point, I doubt they will anytime soon. The only true feedback they need is brutal honesty. If those TMs tell them anything else, we'll just be back at step one.

Accessibility, Convienence, reliability and usefulness is something that should be considered. The new designs are streamlining the UI too much, so that we're losing options to handle certain batches our way. Theoretically, it works. But, it does not fly well in a real situation.

If its busy in the hardine section of the store, I will skip everything and deal with softlines first (task bar). Guess I can't do that anymore. Sometimes a batch is more efficient when you ignore the intended pathing.
I know the pathing I have said was on crack to but the ePick is on crack with a Meth chaser its so bad.. I have to skip through the list in order to pick all the crap in say infants without having to go from infants to seasonal and back to infants, which in my store are on opposite corners.

That's definitely a significant drawback of this new app. Even when you skip to a different item, ePick insists that you follow its predefined path and reroutes you to the first item in your batch. I don't understand what's the point of skipping if it just takes you right back to the beginning after you've scanned in an item. I'm not even sure why this new app couldn't just be a copy/paste from the ePick in Move, which worked perfectly fine.

The only advantage of this new app is the Put to Hold, which is a lot better. But even at that, it's really unfortunate that for every step forward the dev team makes, there's two steps taken back.
That's definitely a significant drawback of this new app. Even when you skip to a different item, ePick insists that you follow its predefined path and reroutes you to the first item in your batch. I don't understand what's the point of skipping if it just takes you right back to the beginning after you've scanned in an item. I'm not even sure why this new app couldn't just be a copy/paste from the ePick in Move, which worked perfectly fine.

The only advantage of this new app is the Put to Hold, which is a lot better. But even at that, it's really unfortunate that for every step forward the dev team makes, there's two steps taken back.

Move did that as well when it came out, they changed it we bitched so much. For all the same reasons we are bitching now.. You would think they would have made the ability to skip a feature with this one..

Damn these app designers make my brain hurt.
What's different about put to hold? I'm allegedly the FFTL but never work SFS anymore, so...
Isn’t put to hold the same as finishing an OPU and scanning the hold location but the difference is the guest is charged at that moment?
I was thinking of something else. REDcardJJ probably more right than me.
It's like Pack and Ship 2.0, you can skip items, and you don't have to scan each item into a hold location one at a time.
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I do not understand why the picking apps keeps getting unnecessary updates. The first complaint i have is taking away the ability to tap the task progress bar bar at the bottom to see what sales floor locations you would have to go to was a great tool because the "dynamic pathing" thing took me in the most random places. Another thing is the splitting of batches, in both OPU and SFS. There was 10(10) for drive up earlier today and it split it into 2 batches of three tasks and 1 batch with four tasks. How is that more productive and "minimizing steps" if it does that. At first I thought that one batch would be one persons order because that would make a little bit of sense. Nope. It had 2 separate orders in a batch and so on. For ship, we were down to 2(6) for the pick today, and I went to go finish it. Of course, it broke this into 2 separate batches. WHY???????????.

The progress bar will be coming back soon. It's listed as a "temporary known issue".

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