These are great! Keep em coming.

Shipping five or six different Method cleaners, aka spray bottles and hand soap pump bottles in a box, no bags, no padding just bottles in a box. That so didn't leak.. 🙄 Laundry detergent done the same way but with clothing that was not bagged either.. That box went to UPS and came back to us, we are kinda fucked that way since we are across the street from a UPS barn..
Do any of you prep items the correct way? Using the prep button and scanning each prep, fragile or liquid item. Or do you just tap the prep complete button?

Our refresh just finished and a lot of TMs just used Prep Complete. So they ended up walking back and forward from the pack station to the prep table to finish packing. Such a waste of time.

I prep as I go, there are two of us packing and people don't scan into the cart correctly so and I snagged boxes of prep bags for the pack station so I just do as we did..

I also will not pack something someone else prepped, well there are a couple people I trust but most are newbies that I have to fix half of what they do.
I'm working a "closing shift" on Thanksgiving for SFS with all the seasonal hires. I may or may not get fired for yelling at them.

I have been a bitch to them as far as training, cause I know newbies are going to close SFS on Thursday, ours know pick pick pick, if it can leak, bag it, if it can break - it. pad it. Rather you not finish than ship something broken or leaking. I think most of them get that part. Now if we can get them to understand just don't blindly hit "done" when you find the item, make sure you have all the it wants. Not just the one in your hand. So many union suits I had to chase down today..
Got pulled away by force from the floor Was told that SfS needed help in our store, and got training quick rundown on how to pick, wouldn't mind doing that more often.

Question though. Is it odd when it took me to a backroom aisle location on the zebra, it asked for a multiple amount, but then needed only 1? What made it odd was that it was not in a Casepack location..
Got pulled away by force from the floor Was told that SfS needed help in our store, and got training quick rundown on how to pick, wouldn't mind doing that more often.

Question though. Is it odd when it took me to a backroom aisle location on the zebra, it asked for a multiple amount, but then needed only 1? What made it odd was that it was not in a Casepack location..

Yes, it can do that for multiple orders, or it thinks its a case. Watch when you scan things into your cart, sometimes it will have you can multiple times but its for different orders.

@Sloth yes A&A is the killer since they have almost no organization, shit in carts everywhere, stuff not tied to tables correct if at all, backstock not done for weeks on end shoved in carts. Truck never finished and stuff up in repacks unopened..
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Got pulled away by force from the floor Was told that SfS needed help in our store, and got training quick rundown on how to pick, wouldn't mind doing that more often.

Question though. Is it odd when it took me to a backroom aisle location on the zebra, it asked for a multiple amount, but then needed only 1? What made it odd was that it was not in a Casepack location..
Maybe the location is set as a casepack location? Or what @Bosch said.

I've asked every week since June to get two shifts where I can properly redo our BR locations but have been denied every week. Imagine the hassle I would save! Argh.
Yes, it can do that for multiple orders, or it thinks its a case. Watch when you scan things into your cart, sometimes it will have you can multiple times but its for different orders.

Yeah. Almost Made that error. Was wondering why it wouldn't move on to the next item, until it had a different name for that item..😯
Yeah. Almost Made that error. Was wondering why it wouldn't move on to the next item, until it had a different name for that item..😯

Yeah that was a change we got them to make cause it didn't give order names, the screen just would not change until you scanned it enough times. And it didn't clue you in it had accepted your scan. It just stared back at you unchanged. You didn't know if the system was having a moment or if it was different orders. At least the name changing you can see "oh ok, different order."
i Don’t even know where to start :
When I train new TM , I make sure to tell them when they arrive for their shift to call for me or the other captain so we can tell what they need to do .. but it never fails , they go straight to the back and start a cart , when they should be packing !
One even started an OPU and never finished it ... went over goal time ..
I keep telling them not to INF , but especially 2 of them think that they have been working over a month therefore should be able to INF by themselves ... and they do ! Weird because I found every single items and they were shocked ... but it was too late ..
I am so ready to let them go after the holidays ...
one morning I arrived to my area and saw the 4 pallets of boxes that was stacked so high from the previous night .. when I asked the TMs who did it , they told me that they didn’t know what to do , and kept on pilling up .. how about add 2 more pallets .. they didn’t think about it .. they thought we could only have 6 pallets ! ( It was on weekend , no ups pick up ) .
I am giving up ..
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I think the mis-understanding is that it will be disabled on Thursday/Thanksgiving Day. For actual Friday-Friday, it will be re-enabled to open availability for our guests.
Pro tip: the "prep" clips are great but we also made "Prep In Progress", "Ready To Pack", and "Sort" magnets and it made it much easier, we don't have so many half finished vehicles sitting around anymore.
Meanwhile, if you accidentally hit "prep complete", it's over and whatever invisible metric prepping affects gets dinged.
Pro tip: the "prep" clips are great but we also made "Prep In Progress", "Ready To Pack", and "Sort" magnets and it made it much easier, we don't have so many half finished vehicles sitting around anymore.
We also took some of the reverse logistics clips and turned them into "4:30 RUSH", "4:30 NON", "10:30 RUSH" and "10:30 NON" clips so that the SFS team knows what is from where and what times. We had so many reverse logistics clips so they were like "Let's give them a new purpose"
I am confused about this prep part. At my store we hit prep,scan the cart, hit complete then go right to pack and scan an inner location. Then we just start packing. That is how I was told to do it. We also were told that when picking to just try to scan one inner location, no matter what section we put the product in, that way there is only one location to scan when we go to pack. People on here seem to be doing way more with the prep than we are. And we don’t even use sort.
I am confused about this prep part. At my store we hit prep,scan the cart, hit complete then go right to pack and scan an inner location. Then we just start packing. That is how I was told to do it. We also were told that when picking to just try to scan one inner location, no matter what section we put the product in, that way there is only one location to scan when we go to pack. People on here seem to be doing way more with the prep than we are. And we don’t even use sort.

The "idea" behind the prep process is to have a person (not necessary the person who pulled the cart) to start "prepping" the cart. What that means is that they put anything that requires bagging, bubble wrapping. ect. Clothing put into the prep bags, liquids bagged and ziptied and chemicals in ESIM bags. That way when someone goes to pack the cart (not necessary the person who pulled or even prepped the cart), it's all ready to go and the packing process is more seemless.

Realistically it's all balderdash. Just an extra step and I suspect most stores much like mine just ignore the prep process and immediately pack after prepping unless told otherwise or they just not prep and leave the cart back there if there is already someone packing (we only have one pack station plus a sort of mini pack station we've built using the prep station)

As for the scanning items for a pack order into a single child location as opposed to using several locations on your vehicle. I do this simply because when you go back, you have to scan a child location on the cart to pack the items in that location. If someone pulls a batch for pack orders and they scan all items between locations "SHPAG01, SHPAG02, and SHPAG03" as an example, it means when I go to pack that cart. I have to scan location SHPAG01, pack whatever items it gives me, then when that location is done, I have to scan SHPAG02, pack up whatever items the system gives me that are tied to that location, then after that is complete, scan SHPAG03 and pack up that location. Meaning I am just taking two unnecessary actions of scanning two locations when I could have just scanned everything that's on the cart into SHPAG01 and continuously pack until the cart is complete...

It's really just for organization purposes...a problem is that you might have to adjust the placement of items later in the batch because you got something bulky or too much of something, so then you may have to remove something from that spot and put it another child location on the cart that is more suitable...this isn't a big deal or anything, but if you end up doing this anyway, what's the point of really worry about taking the extra steps of scanning more than one child location when you can just constantly use the same location and that location is typically SHPXXX01 (or SHPAGO01 is the my example above). Like I said, it's mostly for cart organization, but not an issue if you already keep your cart pretty organized...which you should (unless you know you're going to pack it yourself, then I could give a shit less how messy you are because you have to deal with it yourself).

You should be using sort. Sort is when you take the packages that have already been packed and scan them onto "pallets". Then when UPS comes and picks up those "pallets" of packages, you close those "pallets" and that tells Targets system that UPS has picked up the customers packages and then they can relay this to the customers to have a better sense of where their packages are. They are just letting the customer know their packages have left the facility and is now with UPS in transit.
Today was a mess. Half the TMs scheduled on the salesfloor were pulled off to help with OPUs. Glad I was on break when they made that decision and assigned people. TMs were everywhere though. Constant calls of "Have you seen this?" Lots of digging through my repack boxes for crap. And entire shelf sections left empty. R.I.P. Fisher Price aisle.
Walk into 300 SFS orders and 120 OPU orders and there are two of us until 12 noon. The ones that came in at noon? Two brand newbies. That is what they scheduled for OPU and SFS the day before Black Thursday.. WTF??? My TL came in 9am and was pulled in five different directions and a threat that we would be shut down if we didn't finish. I picked and packed my ass off, start at 300 and left at 200 with two pallets and three sterilite boxes of bagged orders of just my handiwork. Five minutes before I left, can you stay another two hours. Umm dude 10hrs was enough. We are so fucked for tomorrow.
We got 5500 units today and a late supply delivery...we're finally finishing up now. What a preview of the anarchy to come in a few days lol

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