You only need to pick 36 units an hour to be green. For the most part, majority of my team including seasonals are green. We also keep under 6% inf. It's definitely possible.

6pack/ high volume store

How many levels is your store? Do you have 3 stories of back rooms? This is what hurts our productivity. We try to do all the same level at once, but if we can’t find something we have to go check in unlocated areas (especially for softlines), so that slows us down a ton. And waiting for elevators is awful. Often you wait for 3-5 minutes for one or there is so much stuff on them you can’t fit your cart without taking time to move stuff off. I’m generally at or pretty close to pick goal, but I’ve been doing it for several years. New hires are really struggling at our store.
I am so exhausted walking in to every shift and being met with multiple trainees in their 5-hour shift and still being held accountable for being green and getting OPUs when the other newbies won't get them. It takes me hours to finish one batch when I have a trainee and have to do OPUs. Does that mean I'm a bad trainer because I'm unable to do this? PROBABLY! That's my point! I can't keep up with monitoring the skill level of these trainees and I try to rely on them, only to find out that I can't and it's 4 and I've still got one of my trainees picking 20 items. @Bosch mentions trainees crying? Nope, I'M the crier because I just feel bombarded with expectations I can't personally meet and the expectations for these trainees that are reflected upon me.
Nope, I'M the crier because I just feel bombarded with expectations
Same. I have multiple new people a day, now, with other trainees sprinkled in who are still figuring things out. I've got our ETL (who knows nothing about Ship, coming from a previous store that didnt have it) telling me how to run my team (I'm the trainer/captain/whatever, NOT a TL dangit). I have no space at our packing stations, no help from leadership, and all the seasonals look at me for answers while I'm running around trying to put out fires. It's exhausting.
This whole thread makes me thank God we are not an SFS store.... yet.

We're the department that very few actually understand.

If theres something wrong with a team in the store, we'll know. They just don't listen to why we're failing to come green, because they think we simply need to work with a "sense of urgency."

A good speed is nice and all, but accuracy is important as well.
I actually chose to work the sales floor instead of sfs and I do not like working the sales floor lol.
Sfs can be stressful but definitely beats mindlessly pushing boxes and being in your own thoughts😂 I like whenever I get to pitch in with SFS because I typically just pack, can throw on some music and the time flys by.
Sfs needs to pick up but it’s getting slower. Yesterday we had 75 items and as of now we have only had 65 items.
Same here. Really slow, they even asked some of my team if they wanted to slip out early or not come in at all. So boring
We all get pulled to push the stupid truck. Unless you are really good and get left on SFS. But my store has been super slow, too with SFS #s.
OPUs have been slower too. It's the lull before the storm. Corporate massively overestimated the forecast prior to Thanksgiving week. People just aren't ordering nearly as much as Brian thought they would. They're waiting for the deals. As the pace setter I have more bodies than I need. Of course I'm going to send the extra people to push truck, or just go myself. The store hasn't been given quite enough payroll to deal with the increased freight and fulfillment really needs that freight pushed and backstocked. Helping with that is the best use of our time.
I have seasonal TMs just walking out of the store without letting anyone know , and we have fun trying to find their carts in the store ... quite a few don’t even show up past their first days ! I was told my expectations are too high and I scare them ! WTF does that even means ? Show up on time , don’t INF and walk fast ! If you are past 45 minutes for a cart , I will hunt you down and walk beside you !!!
our metrics ( picking packing ) are red ! Inf is green ( usually under 5 % ) for the past week !
I finish their carts under their log in, while they take over my packing station ...
We are sooooo slow too. Like less than 25 dpci's this morning, sending people home, pushing freight for inbound, cutting hours. What is happening? Too many stores with SFS? It seems like some stores are getting killed while some are getting none. We have 4 pack stations, we should be busy.
4:30s need to be sorted by 4:30. Anything after that is due by store close.

So the “sort by store close” at the bottom of the MPM is expected to end picked, packed, and scanned in before the closer leaves?

Then whatever isn’t done becomes a carry-over? Did anyone get a specific % of carryover that is allowed?

We’re going from expecting the closer to do OPU/replenish packing stations/come clean on packing — to now having them pick pack and Scan in at night but it’s over 400 eaches a night to finish in less than 5.5 hours

So right now we’re getting around 80-100 of the next days done by store close and an upset DSD and SD over the carry over.
So the “sort by store close” at the bottom of the MPM is expected to end picked, packed, and scanned in before the closer leaves?

Then whatever isn’t done becomes a carry-over? Did anyone get a specific % of carryover that is allowed?

We’re going from expecting the closer to do OPU/replenish packing stations/come clean on packing — to now having them pick pack and Scan in at night but it’s over 400 eaches a night to finish in less than 5.5 hours

So right now we’re getting around 80-100 of the next days done by store close and an upset DSD and SD over the carry over.
My SD said that for the “sort by store close” it wants you to have 30% of the next day’s 4:30s done as part of your workload. Not sure how accurate that is unfortunately

We kind of bombed yesterday somehow and had over 900 left in “sort by store close” by the time I left yesterday and I was the last person to leave

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