I think we actually have more hours allocated for SFS than we do for the backroom. Not like we're using the SFS hours since we don't have anyone to fill them now that the pog team has pog stuff to do again.
Apparently we're using SFS hours to reinforce backroom, which is fine since most of backroom is trained to do it and we don't get too many orders. Maybe 3 batches at best so far. This should work, but most seem to just ignore it now. Only two of us seem to pay it any attention at all. I'm actually fairly sure the days we're not scheduled it just gets ignored completely.
SFS is definitely getting more hours than backroom at my store for the coming months. I don't see our backroom doing very well over the next few months, seeing as how we're cutting down to a grand total of 3 BRTMs per day at an AA volume store. I pray that we are able to keep it afloat.
Is any other ESFS having problems with the bumbo baby chairs? For some reason the DC sent us ivory chairs with aqua DC labels. So now our numbers are way off... i did a mispick on the 6 that came off the truck but the other 10 I cant because they are old
Is any other ESFS having problems with the bumbo baby chairs? For some reason the DC sent us ivory chairs with aqua DC labels. So now our numbers are way off... i did a mispick on the 6 that came off the truck but the other 10 I cant because they are old

Haven't had any problems here, it might just be any stores that are served by your DC. Although I have seen a rise in mispicks in general this quarter.
Have any of you guys been getting mixed signals about who is responsible for SPU's as of late? For the past couple of weeks, it has been SFS's responsibility to have someone scheduled to take care of SPUs leaving Backroom to do backroom things. SFS was compensated and given the extra hours to allow for an additional person to completely focus on handling SPUs. Even still, Backroom had to keep an eye on SPUs because several times the person in charge of SPUs would get pulled, go on a meal, or leave for the day without finding someone to cover SPUs and letting them pile up and expire. And even though we have been told that it is SFS's responsibility to be on top of SPUs, two BRTMs have been coached for supposedly letting SPUs hit goal time when SFS was supposed to be responsible for them.

Now we're being told that not only will we be giving responsibility for SPUs back to Backroom, but that SFS would be keeping those extra hours designated to deal with SPUs. Not cool.
SFS was supposed to be handling SPUs for the peak season, but I really doubt that there was dedicated hours for it. Even then, how many hours does it really take to keep up with it in January?

Maybe it's just easier for us at a smaller store, but we don't have any problems with SPUs or communicating them. SFS picks them since we're already out picking. If the closer calls off (happens frequently), we let the backroom closer know to look out for them.
Have any of you guys been getting mixed signals about who is responsible for SPU's as of late? For the past couple of weeks, it has been SFS's responsibility to have someone scheduled to take care of SPUs leaving Backroom to do backroom things. SFS was compensated and given the extra hours to allow for an additional person to completely focus on handling SPUs. Even still, Backroom had to keep an eye on SPUs because several times the person in charge of SPUs would get pulled, go on a meal, or leave for the day without finding someone to cover SPUs and letting them pile up and expire. And even though we have been told that it is SFS's responsibility to be on top of SPUs, two BRTMs have been coached for supposedly letting SPUs hit goal time when SFS was supposed to be responsible for them.

Now we're being told that not only will we be giving responsibility for SPUs back to Backroom, but that SFS would be keeping those extra hours designated to deal with SPUs. Not cool.

When I'm there I usually always call out to SFS tm to get spus. My BR tm help them if there on break/lunch/busy with SFS..if spus expire I coach every tm that was there.
For once I'm glad we have a TM who works nights, because most of the bras were picked and already had collates when I came in on Monday morning. Most of the ones I picked got cancelled, but everything from Sunday night I was able to pack.
Glitch. I saw a post on Facebook most bras priced for $.99

Target caught it and started cancelling the orders. Sent out emails saying their was an error an cancelled their order
Geez, I figured something like that happened. I was happy when I went in and saw three times the usual number of orders and thought workload was picking up again, but then I just spent half an hour picking 50+ bras that never collated

Go home, collate. You're drunk.
Someone mentioned a site they go to to check out what is going on when this stuff comes up. Do any of you know what the site was or who mentioned it?

Go home, collate. You're drunk.
We've had so many random SIO items over the past year that definitely were not supposed to be SIO. And since my coworker is severely lacking in the common sense department, it has made for some interesting shipments.

Never seen a collate missing the carton number though.
I think the bigger takeaway is that they are ordering 100% recycled napkins, and the packaging use to ship it, a box, air pillows and tape plus the collate and shipping label and ink totally over rights that
I think the bigger takeaway is that they are ordering 100% recycled napkins, and the packaging use to ship it, a box, air pillows and tape plus the collate and shipping label and ink totally over rights that

Well the box is recyclable, at least. No matter what you buy, you can't really get around the base environmental impact of creating and distributing goods through manufacturing, distribution, and retail so it can't really hurt to buy a more environmentally friendly option. 😉

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