My carts get progressively more disorganized as the day goes on. First batch of the day? Everything is in a slot, hanging SL neatly lined along the sides. Last batch? Everything’s just thrown in a pile on top, probably located to the first sub cart. It’s become a running joke with me and my team.
Anyone else absolutely slammed with OPUs today? When I left we were more than double the total items picked of my previous high for a shift. Shit just kept dropping. At one point this afternoon there were 65 DPCIs in the queue for OPU/Drive-Up and more kept coming. No, those goal times did not get met. Kept INF below 5% though. And, of course, we had visitors today too.
Anyone else absolutely slammed with OPUs today? When I left we were more than double the total items picked of my previous high for a shift. Shit just kept dropping. At one point this afternoon there were 65 DPCIs in the queue for OPU/Drive-Up and more kept coming. No, those goal times did not get met. Kept INF below 5% though. And, of course, we had visitors today too.
But you should be able to do all that in 30 minutes (HQ thinking) 🙄
Anyone else absolutely slammed with OPUs today? When I left we were more than double the total items picked of my previous high for a shift. Shit just kept dropping. At one point this afternoon there were 65 DPCIs in the queue for OPU/Drive-Up and more kept coming. No, those goal times did not get met. Kept INF below 5% though. And, of course, we had visitors today too.

Easter is Sunday so expect higher levels of OPU for the rest of the week.
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Management telling us INFs have to be below 5% but that we also have to be green for pick on time while they’re cutting my OPU mids, leaving me to cover SFS and 300 OPUs in a shift, and no one really to cover my lunch like...okay y’all...
and no one really to cover my lunch
We've got all our Beauty TMs plus some random softlines and hardlines peeps trained to grab OPUs for when we're drowning. Leadership knows to grab them if we're on lunch with no coverage, and we call out for their help when nearing pack deadline. It helps balance things out a bit, tho most of it still falls on us even if OPUs are dropping like crazy.
We've got all our Beauty TMs plus some random softlines and hardlines peeps trained to grab OPUs for when we're drowning. Leadership knows to grab them if we're on lunch with no coverage, and we call out for their help when nearing pack deadline. It helps balance things out a bit, tho most of it still falls on us even if OPUs are dropping like crazy.
Leadership...helping with OPUs? I’m convinced mine doesn’t know how to do them. I mean, they don’t even turn their alerts on; that’s how much they don’t care about SFS/OPU! At any given time in my store, there might be two or three people who know how to pick SFS/OPUs: myself, the BR TL, and maybe one other person. Everyone else is clueless AF, and would tank the metrics if they were taught.
I’m convinced mine doesn’t know how to do them
This seems to be a common theme, which sucks. Mine are definitely not perfect, I've been drowning while they're all off schmoozing the visiting Big Wigs and none so much as look at me as I rush past. Or they have alerts on just to yell why the OPU is approaching goaltime when I've got a 40 piece order to scan and bag.

But they all, up to even the ETL HR and STL, at least know how to do OPU/Ship and have hopped in to help or directed other TMs to help when absolutely necessary.
The old timers on my team never want to do OPUs. Only the newer hires jump on them. The old timers also like to only pack. Pisses me off. They're so freaking lazy!

I must work at a bizarro-land store. I vastly prefer (and am faster at) picking, and whenever I need help, I get lots of people willing to pick, but very few will help me pack unless it's 4:25!
My store has 4 backrooms on opposite sides of the building. Packing and sorting is very easy compared to picking. Sometimes I have to go to 2 backrooms and the floor with the RFID to find softlines. Plus having to use the wave in a crowded backroom and dealing with the unloading of the truck. I have to worry about my pick time, infs, opu 30 minute deadlines. Packers just have to worry about packing speed. Nothing really can slow you down packing unless you're checking your cellphone every 10 seconds and chit chatting.
A bit random, but how long does a typical 40 item OPU take you? (For the sake of this example, let’s say that it’s mostly grocery with some H+B + diapers or something. No Softlines, and open/backstock like 5 casepacks).

I’m just trying to gauge me and my teams speed.
A bit random, but how long does a typical 40 item OPU take you? (For the sake of this example, let’s say that it’s mostly grocery with some H+B + diapers or something. No Softlines, and open/backstock like 5 casepacks).

I’m just trying to gauge me and my teams speed.
40 DPCIs or eaches? Because the former, 25 minutes at most. Assuming some items are in the backroom, the rest of the grocery items are in a block of aisles properly zoned and the items didn’t come in on today’s truck. A couple of minutes to head over to the other side of the store for babies, and allowing 5 minutes to scan and bag everything. For an order that large I’d rather INF one or two items than miss goal and take the hit to pick on time. But I also walk fast so it really should take less time.
40 DPCIs or eaches? Because the former, 25 minutes at most. Assuming some items are in the backroom, the rest of the grocery items are in a block of aisles properly zoned and the items didn’t come in on today’s truck. A couple of minutes to head over to the other side of the store for babies, and allowing 5 minutes to scan and bag everything. For an order that large I’d rather INF one or two items than miss goal and take the hit to pick on time. But I also walk fast so it really should take less time.

I don't understand this at all. You'd rather INF stuff that a guest ordered, because it said it was available at the store for pickup, them miss some arbitrary goal time someone in Minneapolis set? Am I reading that right? If that's the kind of service Target is pushing, I guess it's sadder than I ever thought.
I've done it in 15 before. But 20-25min is a good time, especially if the backroom is a mess, guest are in the way, getting to an empty cart took a minute, etc etc etc.
40 DPCIs or eaches? Because the former, 25 minutes at most. Assuming some items are in the backroom, the rest of the grocery items are in a block of aisles properly zoned and the items didn’t come in on today’s truck. A couple of minutes to head over to the other side of the store for babies, and allowing 5 minutes to scan and bag everything. For an order that large I’d rather INF one or two items than miss goal and take the hit to pick on time. But I also walk fast so it really should take less time.

Fair enough. Obviously there’s a lot of variables but an order like that could take some of my fellow TMs 30+ minutes.... the only way it would take me that long is is everything’s in a casepack or a bunch of drive ups come...
The old timers on my team never want to do OPUs. Only the newer hires jump on them. The old timers also like to only pack. Pisses me off. They're so freaking lazy!

I have always said if you want to pack you have to pick. I am better at packing stuff than picking, I know I am older and slower getting around the store but I get out there and do it. Packing though, I kill it.. I worked for a mover for a while as a packer. But we can't actually get to the packing desk without 45min of moving pallets around since the unload team just up and leaves their shit in our area when they "finish" unloading the truck. Stacks of repacks in front of the desk, pallets parked in front of our boxes, and they up and leave. So we have just said fuck it, until they can get us a clear path to our shit in the back they will never get the pack goal they want especially with giving us no help.
I don't understand this at all. You'd rather INF stuff that a guest ordered, because it said it was available at the store for pickup, them miss some arbitrary goal time someone in Minneapolis set? Am I reading that right? If that's the kind of service Target is pushing, I guess it's sadder than I ever thought.

They want goal times more than INF.. I am told goal times is most important "YOU HAVE TO MAKE GOAL TIME!!!!!" and our backroom is a shit show so you burn time getting to things. Like pulling pallets and vehicles out of almost every aisle so you can get to the actual location then you have to push all that shit back to move on to the next one. Sales floor is a joke so when its empty and product on a random vehicle somewhere? yeah that gets INF'd..
I don't understand this at all. You'd rather INF stuff that a guest ordered, because it said it was available at the store for pickup, them miss some arbitrary goal time someone in Minneapolis set? Am I reading that right? If that's the kind of service Target is pushing, I guess it's sadder than I ever thought.
I’m not INFing the whole batch. But if there are one or two items that I can’t find, instead of doing my routine of heading back to the backroom to look through market’s wacos in the off chance it’s there but unlocated, checking the line in case it came in today, it’s getting canceled, because yes, pick on time IS given weight around my store. You miss a pick time with a 40 item batch and that KILLs your metrics for the day. Metrics already take a big dive after I leave, so I try to have it as green and close to 100% to minimize any blow in the afternoon.
I INF'd plenty of Easter this week. Spent my last two days with a nearly consistent 50+ units in OPU. Dropping nonstop with a disgusting amount of pallets still scattered throughout the backroom and on a truck.
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