Archived Flow - situational interview questions?

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Sep 7, 2018
Hello all, I wasn't sure where to post this. I'm having an interview for a flow team position.
Could anyone tell me some of the situational questions for a flow tm they will ask, during the interview? Please.
When i was interviewed
I was asked
When i went above and beyond for a guest
How i handled a unhappy guest
How much i can lift
If im okay with the hours.
Of course this was for a seasonal spot 4 years ago before i was made a permanent flow tm
Availability is everything, at least at my store.

Otherwise, this seems to be the one qualification to be a flow TM:
Availability is everything, at least at my store.

Otherwise, this seems to be the one qualification to be a flow TM:
If you want hours
Then OP should distance themselves away from the ones that were hired because the store just needed bodys for 4hrs
In my interview they asked me a bunch of questions that seemed unrelated to the job, like "Describe a time when you resolved a situation involving an unhappy guest" and "Describe a time when you were faced with a tough deadline and how did you pull through" etc. The only one I really had a quick answer for was "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" and I responded "@ Target making lots of money 😂"
Thank you everyone! For all the info, helps a lot.
I do pretty bad on the situation questions. I'm not a quick off the cuff thinker lol. I wish interviews were more cut and dry the way they were 15+ years ago.
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