Archived Food Donations

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I don't understand why we can't donate anything from dept 216 (deli). Anybody know the reason?
Not sure but I bet it would have to do with most of the deli items contain mayonnaise, which most times after expiration date it could contaiin salmonella contamination in an egg.
We have pickups for donations 3 times a week believe it or not. If I remember correctly we donate bakery, produce, and meat. I know on occasion they give away drinks but no dairy. It's nice to get rid of that stuff to people who need it instead of throwing it all away that just seems like such a waste to me.
Not sure but I bet it would have to do with most of the deli items contain mayonnaise, which most times after expiration date it could contaiin salmonella contamination in an egg.
I could understand those items that do contain mayo, but most do not. All the mix & match items, Jack Daniels meats, specialty cheeses, Simply Balanced meals and sides....I could go on 🙂
Pretty much, yeah. My STL told me that we've tried to get donations set up but it's always fallen through one way or another.
It sucks that it ha has to be a feeding America partner for food donation. I'd love to donate to the local pantry and battered women's shelter in town, but neither is registered properly.
What? No, it goes in your area that is designated as donate. Most stores get either twice or 3 times a week pick up.

I mean, I feel better knowing my Jimmy Bean Shredded Pork and Simply Balanced veggie rice blend and Archer Farms *MUST BE REFRIGERATED" tortillas get eaten by somebody.
Not sure but I bet it would have to do with most of the deli items contain mayonnaise, which most times after expiration date it could contaiin salmonella contamination in an egg.

Eggs used for mayo are pasteurized though. There's no salmonella risk.
What? No, it goes in your area that is designated as donate. Most stores get either twice or 3 times a week pick up.

I mean, I feel better knowing my Jimmy Bean Shredded Pork and Simply Balanced veggie rice blend and Archer Farms *MUST BE REFRIGERATED" tortillas get eaten by somebody.

That's the problem, nobody comes by to pick up the donation items at our store.
It sucks that it ha has to be a feeding America partner for food donation. I'd love to donate to the local pantry and battered women's shelter in town, but neither is registered properly.
Our food bank partner with a local city food pantry so we give to them. Food bank went to that pantry and made sure they were properly set up. The pantry has to report to the food bank how they get from us. Food bank comes in and ask if ever tying is ok. I love because the pantry comes 5 days a week. I did have the food bank give me a letter stating they authorized the pantry to pick up our donations.
Our food bank partner with a local city food pantry so we give to them. Food bank went to that pantry and made sure they were properly set up. The pantry has to report to the food bank how they get from us. Food bank comes in and ask if ever tying is ok. I love because the pantry comes 5 days a week. I did have the food bank give me a letter stating they authorized the pantry to pick up our donations.
Sounds like you live in a larger area? We don't get near enough for more than twice a week pickup.
Your p fresh must sell better than we do.
Our donation partner will only take certain things, some of my PAs only bother to donate certain things, and often don't catch stuff far enough out to donate. If I insist they would pickup twice in a week, but only if I have lots of dry goods to make it worth their drive....they are a PITA.
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