Archived Food for the Overnight Crew

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WAVing in the air like I just don't care
Sep 3, 2014
What's the best practice for providing food for overnight crew, if it's not a time we are usually working? Etls blew the fund and we are getting screwed...our tl is buying crappy stuff with her own money. I'm thinking of talking to someone, but I don't want to get the gut reaction "well we don't have to feed you stop so bitching". It's really only annoying because nobody said anything and we showed up with very little to eat (snacks and energy drinks versus meals) and were given barely enough to feed the crew.

So...should they be going over budget to feed us? Should I talk to etl-hr or stl? Integrity hotline?
I never expect Spot to provide me with food. IF they do its a pleasant and welcomed surprise. I would just let it go....also if your team lead is using his/her own money to buy food...that's nice of them ...thank them . If someone is using their own money to buy their team food its the thought that counts...IMO calling it crappy is rude.
What are they feeding you for? What's the occasion? There's no obligation to feed the TMs, it's just really nice to not have your team low on morale. Lol.

I think flow kinda gets screwed during the holidays when it comes to food, but any other time of the year I don't think so. My store doesn't feed us though outside of the holidays, or "pb&j" weekends where everything runs out in about an hour.
Our over night team got nothing. Someone screwed up the budget so bad last year we got sandwhiches on black Friday weekend. I mean MP bread, lunch meat and cheese for 2 days straight.
What's the best practice for providing food for overnight crew, if it's not a time we are usually working? Etls blew the fund and we are getting screwed...our tl is buying crappy stuff with her own money. I'm thinking of talking to someone, but I don't want to get the gut reaction "well we don't have to feed you stop so bitching". It's really only annoying because nobody said anything and we showed up with very little to eat (snacks and energy drinks versus meals) and were given barely enough to feed the crew.

So...should they be going over budget to feed us? Should I talk to etl-hr or stl? Integrity hotline?

I've never heard about a budget for that kind of stuff, but my TL always either picks out a meal to make for us or let's us pick out what we want to eat individually (up to $5) and then just requisitions it.

It's always a nice gesture to say thank you for those of us who manage to rearrange our lives to switch to overnight shifts for these big resets. Because, God forbid we inconvenience the guest temporarily while we move things around! Much easier to inconvenience the employees lives instead just to ensure we can sell that shampoo and make up. Retail logic...😵
The TL should not feel obligated to buy food for the team, they get paid just a few $$ more than Team Members. I think its rude to complain that she buys "crappy" stuff. She probably can't afford to buy "good" stuff. Target is not obligated to feed team members at all. Its a nice gesture.

We had a lot of "feed the team" event towards the end of November and all through December but we also had a good sized budget and were able to provide food for the team. The budget changes every month. January is 1/3 of Decembers Budget. As a HRTM I plan 90% of the events for the team and this month I have a very small budget to work with. We don't have overnight Team Members but if we did, it would not be in the budget to provide full meals to them.
Because we had so many "feed the Team" events recently, a lot of team members are expecting to be fed. I had some come to me and complain that there is no food provided to them 🙄.

The ETLs probably did not blow the budget, the budget is just very small. I would not complain to your HR ETL or call the integrity line. Just bring your own food.
And no, they should not go over the budget! We have to stick to the budget, it get reviewed after the month is over and the STL gets an email/call when the store goes over the budget.
Let me clarify for those of you who work when the store is open: we do not normally have overnight anything. Not truck, not plano. Thus we are used to being able to go buy something, whether it's food Ave or McDonald's down the street or frozen stuff. You can think it's crappy of me to call it crappy food, but not one person on our team eats basic cheap white bread and cheap sandwich meat. It's not that kind of area if we aren't buying at target it's more trader Joe's than walmart. At the point is revealed that's what was bought you can eat that and blow your diet or starve. There's no get out of the building because nothing else is open to buy food from. The etls ordered from an upscale sandwich place. At least $100 for the tray they got, more if it was cookies and sandwiches, or pasta salad as well. I know the pcards were used to buy it, i know it counts against the same budget. The energy drinks we bought ourselves, three 2ltr sodas were provided by our tl. We have a filtered water fountain.

It's normal to get hot delivered food first night and maybe last night of a week overnight set. Our etl-log had just promised us we'd be taken care of this week, we only found out our tl was buying herself because the gsa checked her out and expected to requisition it but was told otherwise. We always thank them, but it's demeaning to say thanks for food you can't/ won't eat.

Regular fun events we earned $800 4th quarter for a redcard goal challenge, so we have plenty in that account. We haven't done anything for the team except birthday cake day and that's normally included in the base bones budget. It's just overnights we expect the usual and get surprised with nothing or a poor choice.
You can think it's crappy of me to call it crappy food, but not one person on our team eats basic cheap white bread and cheap sandwich meat. It's not that kind of area if we aren't buying at target it's more trader Joe's than walmart.

I think people are giving you a hard time bc comments like that make you seem a bit out of touch. Especially when market pantry is the norm for a lot of stores.

That said I sympathize with you and think it sucks how your ETLs arent being transparent.

Heres the deal, yes its nice to have food come out of the 549 budget but the number one priority is fff days rather than resets/etc. I really doubt your etls blew the whole budget, mine eat out all the time but we still have money.

I would have a talk with a trusted etl about it and let them know your concern.

There are a lot of shady things that go on at Target, for the most part I hold my nose. Its best to pick your battles.

The ETLs probably did not blow the budget, the budget is just very small. I would not complain to your HR ETL or call the integrity line. Just bring your own food

This is spot on. Target doesnt have to provide us food. It is one of the few things I think the company does well but if people get a sense of entitlement from it thats a problem...
My store only feeds us overnight when we work Thanksgiving and Black Friday weekend. Once in a blue moon they'll get a bunch of chips and cookies for everyone but that's rare.
I think people are giving you a hard time bc comments like that make you seem a bit out of touch. Especially when market pantry is the norm for a lot of stores.

That said I sympathize with you and think it sucks how your ETLs arent being transparent.

Heres the deal, yes its nice to have food come out of the 549 budget but the number one priority is fff days rather than resets/etc. I really doubt your etls blew the whole budget, mine eat out all the time but we still have money.

I would have a talk with a trusted etl about it and let them know your concern.

There are a lot of shady things that go on at Target, for the most part I hold my nose. Its best to pick your battles.

This is spot on. Target doesnt have to provide us food. It is one of the few things I think the company does well but if people get a sense of entitlement from it thats a problem...
Sadly I know the budget for January versus that sandwich platter...only because the etl-hr and I just discussed other budget concerns including that one...value added versus cost.

At the end of the day market pantry is not what we sell in this area. Even in a snow storm its often still left on the shelf. And if we were told it was on offer before the store closed we'd buy our own food. We are just tired of being disrespected and put in such a position.

They can flame me all day...if I were the tl I'd have a couple ways around it...but my tl isn't capable of such thinking or executing it quickly like I could.
It's normal to get hot delivered food first night and maybe last night of a week overnight set. Our etl-log had just promised us we'd be taken care of this week, we only found out our tl was buying herself because the gsa checked her out and expected to requisition it but was told otherwise. We always thank them, but it's demeaning to say thanks for food you can't/ won't eat.
That is not normal. Maybe it used to be normal at your store, but that is definitely not something I would expect. The ETL-Log promising you guys would get something and not delivering is pretty shitty, but after one day of no food, I would have brought a lunch.

Also, does your store not have self-checkouts? We would just open one if we had a team working overnight.
My store for these overnights got nothing except a thank you at morning huddle, which they were not present for!
We got a bag of candy, it was a nice gesture. If you can't bring food from home try to show up a bit early to buy food.
I chuckled a little bit reading the original post.

If your ETL promised food the whole week and didn't deliver, yeah that's messed up. But you shouldn't rely on your employer to feed you. As someone else said, after the first night of no food I would've got the hint.

I worked overnight for awhile. We weren't even allowed to go outside for a smoke break before 6am. On rare occassion, like once or maybe twice a month, we might get some food provided. Usually pizza that went cold by the time we went on first break. But it was never expected. Most people packed a lunch or would buy something off the floor during their break. Oh and this was before we got a Pfresh remodel. So I have no sympathy for you.
Last I remember, my last store would order food and have it delivered right before closing. Or the crew would bring in pot luck items. Or the the ETL would bring in hot plates/griddles and make breakfast.
the end of the day market pantry is not what we sell in this area. Even in a snow storm its often still left on the shelf.

Which is why we requisition it. Now for Black Friday/Christmas Eve stores should do better but whats good about MP is its cheap allowing us to get more food. If your team thinks they are too good for MP I am not surprised you all blew through your budget.
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