Archived Food TL position

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Exactly. I'm nervous that my Buxs will open and the Senior Food TL will go away and I'll be in charge of food without them ever asking me to take over it.
I can see them moving the food TL elsewhere in the store, but I still don't get how you have a food ETL at a pfresh.
I can see them moving the food TL elsewhere in the store, but I still don't get how you have a food ETL at a pfresh.

I know I find it weird too. We have an ETL who just oversees food and then seasonal. Then another one who oversees softlines and electronics. I am pretty sure we have too many.
I know I find it weird too. We have an ETL who just oversees food and then seasonal. Then another one who oversees softlines and electronics. I am pretty sure we have too many.
Is that etl a permanent etl or is it just a floater? I know when my district has too many etls and not enough space they usually end up at my store because we are the highest volume in our district... They usually end up over weird areas. Our etl log used to just be over instocks and pog until he replaced the old log.
Is that etl a permanent etl or is it just a floater? I know when my district has too many etls and not enough space they usually end up at my store because we are the highest volume in our district... They usually end up over weird areas. Our etl log used to just be over instocks and pog until he replaced the old log.

as far as I'm aware of they are both permanent. or at least that is how they present themselves to me.
We are a LV store and our org chart says we have a Food TL for consumables (this may or may not be a SrTL), and a Food Service TL (this also may or may not be a SrTL). I don't know why some peeps are saying they are higher volume and all those positions are combined, unless the STL is manipulating the recommended org charts.
Our Starbucks TL joins us on Monday. He will be working Market during the week and spending his weekend shifts at Starbucks.
I start my training for Starbucks on Monday. Not sure if they'll have me take over completely before roll out though.
Will the former sbux TL still be in the store? That will make the transition much smoother for you and your new team.
No training hrs a tour store. Our Starbucks TL will take over FA with no training. Same for me with consumables. I am a little worried for my team i am leaving behind.
This thread has made me very confused.
At my store there is the TL in charge of both consumables and Pfresh which combined into "Market" last year. Our Food Ave and Starbucks both have their own TLs and I don't know of either one leaving or giving up their duties.

Food ETL? What is this position you speak of? That thing doesn't even exist at my store...
This thread has made me very confused.
At my store there is the TL in charge of both consumables and Pfresh which combined into "Market" last year. Our Food Ave and Starbucks both have their own TLs and I don't know of either one leaving or giving up their duties.

Food ETL? What is this position you speak of? That thing doesn't even exist at my store...
No training hrs a tour store. Our Starbucks TL will take over FA with no training. Same for me with consumables. I am a little worried for my team i am leaving behind.
That's weird. The food rollout guide gives out a number of hours for training for both TLs and TMs (food rollout isn't quite the same as the TL part I suppose, but I was told the training hours are for both new workcenters/new processes). I was told I'd probably only do the computer/book training for cafe and mainly just oversee vs working there, but I wouldn't take market without training if it were new to me.
Everyone needs to calm the hell down. Very little is actually changing. There are just a few people getting more responsibility.
Unless you're in Logistics! No more market to worry about, VMTM taking over z-rack push, adding another key-carrying TL to split duties with. Best AE EVER!
That's weird. The food rollout guide gives out a number of hours for training for both TLs and TMs (food rollout isn't quite the same as the TL part I suppose, but I was told the training hours are for both new workcenters/new processes). I was told I'd probably only do the computer/book training for cafe and mainly just oversee vs working there, but I wouldn't take market without training if it were new to me.
Our district said there would be jo hours for training given for the switch.
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