Archived For those caught in this blizzard

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Yeah, problem is, I just called out last Saturday because I was sick. Would hate to do it again this soon, I mean I know this storm is a legit reason, I just like my job and the people I work for and don't want to get on anyone's bad side.
My last store only closed when the city stated a No Travel Allowed and the sheriff showed up at the store insisting we close or will be heavily fined. At that point hq let the store close. Happened once every other year or so. Near a mountain tho so got lots of snow.
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Well, I just called out. There's a few inches on the ground now, and it's falling at 2 inches per hour. There's surely going to be a foot on the ground when I clock out and I'm not driving in that.

And I've been at Target for 30 months and this is my first call-out, so I hope this doesn't happen again.
I was off today, but curiosity got the best of me and I called the crisis line and turns out they closed a couple of minutes ago after the state of emergency was upgraded.

Last night, LOD was told they couldn't go home and they had to stay in a hotel, and then they tried keeping us captive as everytime I'd try to leave they'd go "Oh, wait, just one more thing" "Can you just check this before you do that" etc... Ended up leaving 2 hours before my shift with a good inch or so on the road but I made it home safely.
Thanks for the number danny 315, I called and my store is closed. but i'm overnight and they said to call back at 5pm if you're an overnight TM. Hopefully the fact that we're closed an the snow isn't letting up, means overnight TM's won't have to go in.
I live in California. 🙁
My store must have closed around 2... checked the crisis line again out of curiosity. I left early at about 11. Travel ban just started on a couple of our state roads
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Our store did not close, unfortunately. Plenty of call outs though.
I'm shocked that even when there are travel advisories that warn against being on the road that Target would stay open. I don't blame anyone for calling out when that's going on!
My store did not close and we got about two feet of snow. I'm on the fence about going in tomorrow- my state's department of transportation says stay off the roads, but it will have stopped snowing and the major road I take into work is a high priority for plowing.
My store did not close and we got about two feet of snow. I'm on the fence about going in tomorrow- my state's department of transportation says stay off the roads, but it will have stopped snowing and the major road I take into work is a high priority for plowing.
One question, is your side street clear?
One question, is your side street clear?

We'll see- it's still snowing hard but it's supposed to stop tonight. Basically if I can make it the first 1/2 mile, I can definitely make it to work, but I have a LOT of digging to get to my car and my neighborhood isn't high on the list to plow. Plus the people my apartment complex hires to plow are pretty terrible.
My store did not close and we got about two feet of snow. I'm on the fence about going in tomorrow- my state's department of transportation says stay off the roads, but it will have stopped snowing and the major road I take into work is a high priority for plowing.

Do you have a state of emergency?
I've been trying to call into the store. I have 2 feet of snow and its gonna come down until 7am here. Nobody is answering so I texted my TL and I'm gonna leave a message on the crisis mailbox. I have a feeling the store is closed.
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