Archived Front End Mod

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Are you guys having everyone including SETLs fill out the Stay Sharp Status forms every shift? How do you manage to get them filled out if, like me, you need the person to cover a break as soon as they clock in? Also, what do you do with all the forms they give you at the end of their shift?

Say what now?
Our store cross trained all the cashiers to do sco and service desk. We received no training hours for this, so now we have an entire front end with a bunch of people running around half trained with no idea what's going on. The cashiers take turns closing registers down, so you can imagine what a mess that has been for the cash office. The sco person is supposed to be running the check lanes, but most of them hide behind line busting so they can't be held accountable for the lines, the flashers, drive up etc... the sco's and cashiers run out of change constantly because the closing people are too lazy to refill the coin... check lanes have no bags, no receipt tape, no red card brochures, no pens, blah, blah, blah... It has been nothing but a complete mess!!! They stuck people in positions they didn't want, positions they can't handle.... and now you have people saying... "not my job" or calling out sick when they are scheduled in a position they don't like or don't feel comfortable doing because of the lack of training.
Our store cross trained all the cashiers to do sco and service desk. We received no training hours for this, so now we have an entire front end with a bunch of people running around half trained with no idea what's going on. The cashiers take turns closing registers down, so you can imagine what a mess that has been for the cash office. The sco person is supposed to be running the check lanes, but most of them hide behind line busting so they can't be held accountable for the lines, the flashers, drive up etc... the sco's and cashiers run out of change constantly because the closing people are too lazy to refill the coin... check lanes have no bags, no receipt tape, no red card brochures, no pens, blah, blah, blah... It has been nothing but a complete mess!!! They stuck people in positions they didn't want, positions they can't handle.... and now you have people saying... "not my job" or calling out sick when they are scheduled in a position they don't like or don't feel comfortable doing because of the lack of training.
Do you work at my store? We didn't get any training hours, either.

I stayed one day last week to cover closing SCO (the closer called out that morning, but the TL they spoke with neglected to pass it on to anyone before they left. Seven p.m. rolls around. Surprise!).

What I found: 1. coins nearly empty on almost every register; 2. an off-track $10 bill holder with a hunk of plastic missing. I'm shocked it was dispensing properly at all. On the plus side, no complaints from the CO, because I have asked. The biggest issue is people forgetting to get post-voids, etc. when they're closing registers.

Callouts amongst the openers/closers are also an issue, particularly the latter. Week before last, the scheduled closers called out/NCNSed three days in a row. My Closing Lead was beside themselves.

That doesn't even get into the shitshow that is the Service Desk.

Yesterday, we had an A+ opener and adequate staffing, so when I came in things were going fine. But during those weeks when there's no payroll and the opener/closer doesn't wanna, it's awful.
I have training scheduled next of less than an hour...I wonder what new thing I will learn and promptly forget!

Maybe it's not training at all. Maybe it's another dumb class or presentation or something.
Our store cross trained all the cashiers to do sco and service desk. We received no training hours for this, so now we have an entire front end with a bunch of people running around half trained with no idea what's going on. The cashiers take turns closing registers down, so you can imagine what a mess that has been for the cash office. The sco person is supposed to be running the check lanes, but most of them hide behind line busting so they can't be held accountable for the lines, the flashers, drive up etc... the sco's and cashiers run out of change constantly because the closing people are too lazy to refill the coin... check lanes have no bags, no receipt tape, no red card brochures, no pens, blah, blah, blah... It has been nothing but a complete mess!!! They stuck people in positions they didn't want, positions they can't handle.... and now you have people saying... "not my job" or calling out sick when they are scheduled in a position they don't like or don't feel comfortable doing because of the lack of training.

sounds like your leadership needs to hold ppl accountable and arent
no one got training hours to make the front end op model work because that would just make too much sense
We had to make it work, used our drive up TM position to rotate people through and shadow the S&E TL now and every new TM coming in get a day of shadowing the S&E TL...doesn’t fit their availability? Sorry you gotta be able
To show up for training day to get the job
We've mostly said to hell with it as far as every guest advocate being able to do everything. It just hasn't worked and resulted in long lines at the service desk. We'll try to sneak in some training time for those who might be able to learn given the training time. It doesn't help that AP asked for a slowdown in the process because of really stupid decisions by our "empowered" guest advocates -- two were fired with charges pending. We have 5 regular GAs and for some unknown reason my untrained ass with supervisor access to the registers. A couple of new people seem promising though.
The (old, but still considered) GSAs are the only ones at my store with supervisor access. We’ve trained all guest advocates at the service desk (besides the new people we’ve hired... that’ll come, but we want them to be comfortable first). We’re still scheduling the same people at service desk with a few rotating mids in there that are a little random. It’s been a major headache though... we’ve gave a list to HR of who we do and do not ever want scheduled over there because it’s causing line issues and guest issues.

Also, we have a few guest advocates that are absolutely great cashiers and not so great at service desk, so why take them away from their strengths.
We’re still scheduling the same people at service desk with a few rotating mids in there that are a little random.

Same. I see the same 4-5 people most of the time.

Also, we have a few guest advocates that are absolutely great cashiers and not so great at service desk, so why take them away from their strengths.

Because corporate says everyone should do everything. Same reason why I, a socially ignorant numpty, am getting called to the front. I'm glad interacting with guests is so formulaic, I'd be f*cked otherwise
How many stages/phases are in the Modernization Plan? And what are the stages/phases of Modernization? Rumor has it we have more to come next year.
SD might have access to the whole Modernization game plan but no one under them does yet, my ETL would share with me if they knew so we could be ahead of it but alas..

At my store we have roughly half of our GAs trained to open/close/CO/have supervisor numbers. It’s definitely taken a huge initial push to get our former GSAs to peer train but now that we’ve made it halfway it’s getting a lot easier for them to jump in and help each other. We have two pretty much useless SETLs (all they do is complain they don’t get 40 and of course hate each other) but they did come up with a scenario guide to assess TMs. Basically how do you handle this situation type of questions. Answer them sufficiently and you graduate to supervisor numbers!

We still have an IGS and SCO is right across from it (looking at each other) and the registers are the bastard children of the front. We’re scheduling our former GSAs primarily SCO so they can assist anywhere. The Team is definitely catching on at the service desk and having the (former) GSAs right there providing a safety net is elevating our entire front end to meet these new standards.

*We are well under our forecasted turnover rate. I can attribute a lot of our success now in having long time TMs in every department.
We keep tweaking the process, but what's definitely working well is clear:
More cashiers
Training everyone on basics of all roles
No gsas

Setls are still adjusting.

Overall, it's great. Our metrics have shot up.
I wonder how that will look when hours go to shit at the beginning of the year again
Honey, I’m in a ULV. Our hours are shit from January until November week 3. Those 6-7 weeks are rough for us (poverty neighborhood and most guests get paid I n cash, and a lot shop last minute) but we survive. The plus side to having a tenured Team is we all plan vacations the end of January though March. Both to just relax as well as to give our Team mates some hours. This is definitely a courtesy, but we’re a family and look out for each other. I know this makes my store more of an exception than typical, but it works for us.
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