Our store cross trained all the cashiers to do sco and service desk. We received no training hours for this, so now we have an entire front end with a bunch of people running around half trained with no idea what's going on. The cashiers take turns closing registers down, so you can imagine what a mess that has been for the cash office. The sco person is supposed to be running the check lanes, but most of them hide behind line busting so they can't be held accountable for the lines, the flashers, drive up etc... the sco's and cashiers run out of change constantly because the closing people are too lazy to refill the coin... check lanes have no bags, no receipt tape, no red card brochures, no pens, blah, blah, blah... It has been nothing but a complete mess!!! They stuck people in positions they didn't want, positions they can't handle.... and now you have people saying... "not my job" or calling out sick when they are scheduled in a position they don't like or don't feel comfortable doing because of the lack of training.