Archived Getting over final?

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Aug 10, 2015
Just wondering if anyone has beaten out a final warning. Without going into much detail I was recently put on one for pesky small stuff, nothing major. I don't want to lose my job and I think the ETL/STLs want me to stay but I know my TL doesn't like me and they issued the final. Anyone have any advice to get past it (not get it nullified) or am I screwed?
Yep, got past one for a fairly serious offense & moved on.
You need to think about that 'pesky small stuff' because your leadership wouldn't have agreed to the final if there wasn't some merit to it.
Feelings from your TL notwithstanding, take it as it is: a warning not to repeat what you did.
They keep that stuff on file for three years, too.
Etl/stl might want to to stay but like the other person said... The tl needs higher permission to write a final. So obviously the stl and etl agreed with your tl
An etl had to approve it, so they clearly agree with the TL. The fact that you had to have the two CCAs before that (also approved by the ETLs) means you have been warned. You now need to work on their terms or you'll be out.
If it is just nonsense tying to push you out, then yes I have seen people beat them by fighting them all the way up the chain to corporate. of course you have to really want to keep a crappy low paying job to do that.
I got put on final years ago for throwing away an empty binder. The STL claimed it was destroying company property.
I wouldn't sweat it too much.. even though it's a "Final," I've seen numerous people getting follow-up CCA's while currently on a final. As long as you don't do what you're on the final for, you'll be just fine. It takes years to performance out. More likely than not, you'll quit way before then.
You need to ride it out by making sure that you do what needs to be corrected. Like it was stated before, in order for a CCA to be issued, your TL needed to keep your ETL in the loop as well as the ETL-HR. Only the ETL-HR, Sr ETL, and your STL can approve the CCA so they agreed with your TL. Even if you consider it "pesky small stuff", your store does not, so make sure you do all you can to improve. If I was you I would continuously ask for feedback on your performance from your TL. It'll show that you are tying to improve.
IF you want to stay with Spot , I would just go in do my job and don't do anything else to get yourself in trouble. I wouldn't try to fight it...cause thats only going to make them come after you tht much harder. However, there also comes a point in time that IF Spot wants to push you out the door they can and will make your life a living hell. They will ride you over every little thing ....until they get you they want...either enough to fire you or to stress you out to the point you have to quit.
I have seen many multiple finals issued over the years and the two main reasons for them were to stop you transferring or to get rid of you ,it is just a tool, so you have lots of good advice above , so be careful and avoid doing whatever it was again , they don't stay focused on one person long, as long as you do not invite them to come after you , they will move on.
I was on Final once for attendance. I was habitually late, by like 10-15 mins for about a year. I missed a raise, but I got past it.
95% of the time if you're on a final leadership wants you out. I'd start looking for a new job to be safe.
I don't think higher management wants me out, I just get that feeling but I could be wrong. I think I know what I need to do and hopefully they don't nitpick at things and I can lay low.
I was on a final for loosing s key watched my self for a year and here I am 4 years still with spot
Just go to work, do your job, do what you are told to do and nothing else when you are told to do it and move on. that simple.
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