Do you live with any woman?
Are you planning too?
You will share in the experience in so many special ways that I won't list them for fear of spoiling the fun.
Having been married twice, with two daughters I can tell you which type of pads to buy for what time of the week.
Enjoy your ignorance while you can.
I live with my mother and 3 sisters, most of whom I can't really tell when their time is.
When I end up living on my own, I'll be married to a guy so at least I don't have to deal with that then 😛
You guys aren't going to have some sweet little rugrats?
I think you would be a great Dad.
Especially the men.You guys have ruined black pants. Now every time I see one of my coworkers wearing black, I'm going to picture them on their period...EVEN THE MEN!
The smart man knows that GF is pissed at 'Aunt Flo's visit' so he went the extra mile to satisfy a craving.He wants a fat girlfriend?
Me, I wanted dark chocolate & red wine.
You can wear black or khaki at the Starbucks company stores. I like black better, because I feel less fat in black.If I worked for starbuck's it would be the same🙁 Stupid khaki pants. I loathe khaki.............. Loathe I tell you!
Nobody asked you, Mr. Sensitive.Dr. House's diagnosis of this thread
Why close it? Some of us ladies were enjoying this.