Archived "Girl" Talk

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Do you live with any woman?
Are you planning too?

You will share in the experience in so many special ways that I won't list them for fear of spoiling the fun.
Having been married twice, with two daughters I can tell you which type of pads to buy for what time of the week.
Enjoy your ignorance while you can.

I live with my mother and 3 sisters, most of whom I can't really tell when their time is.

When I end up living on my own, I'll be married to a guy so at least I don't have to deal with that then 😛
I live with my mother and 3 sisters, most of whom I can't really tell when their time is.

When I end up living on my own, I'll be married to a guy so at least I don't have to deal with that then 😛

You guys aren't going to have some sweet little rugrats?
I think you would be a great Dad.
Michael Scott's reaction to this thread

If I worked for starbuck's it would be the same🙁 Stupid khaki pants. I loathe khaki.............. Loathe I tell you!
I find using double duty protection really avoids any spills....tampon + super over night thin pads....usually 2 extra long ones will do. Don't you ladies visit the bathroom to do a quick check? I don't care how busy it gotta take care of yourselves. Love yourselves, hate the periods!!
If I worked for starbuck's it would be the same🙁 Stupid khaki pants. I loathe khaki.............. Loathe I tell you!
You can wear black or khaki at the Starbucks company stores. I like black better, because I feel less fat in black.
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