Archived Given the choice, would you promote to SrTL or ETL?

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Apr 9, 2013
I complete a degree next month, and want to promote to an ETL position.

However, I have been warned that if I am turned away then I might not get another shot for some time.

I am hoping to receive some insight from those who have been around longer than myself.

Would it be better to shoot high and run the risk of a longer turn, or take the more conservative approach and apply for SrTL?

True, yet due to how new in role I am, ETL would be more than twice my pay.
Do the internship. Pay is good and you get to see what it'd be like to be an ETL.
Aren't current employees ineligible for the internship? I was under the impression it was only for external hires.
Its available to everyone.
I should have known... I was lied to and given the runaround before being told to promote to TL by my previous ETL-HR and STL.
Not to be harsh, but nowadays internships are really only offered to people that they think will be execs. The district is scored on internship conversions, so if they don't think you'll make it as an ETL you more than likely won't get an internship. It makes them look bad. If your execs didn't tell you about the internship then it sounds like they don't think you're ready for an ETL spot right now. That's probably why they are pushing TL. But go for ETL if you're good in interviews. I'm sure you can do the job. And I can tell you that some of the ETLs I've had must have been good interviewees, because they suuuuucked once they got into a role!
Not to be harsh, but nowadays internships are really only offered to people that they think will be execs. The district is scored on internship conversions, so if they don't think you'll make it as an ETL you more than likely won't get an internship. It makes them look bad. If your execs didn't tell you about the internship then it sounds like they don't think you're ready for an ETL spot right now. That's probably why they are pushing TL. But go for ETL if you're good in interviews. I'm sure you can do the job. And I can tell you that some of the ETLs I've had must have been good interviewees, because they suuuuucked once they got into a role!

I hear that.

Again, this was with previous management.

Current management supports me for ETL.
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Its available to everyone.
I should have known... I was lied to and given the runaround before being told to promote to TL by my previous ETL-HR and STL.

If they told you this, it's because they don't want you to be an intern, which means you are likely SOL for ETL anyways. You say that your leaders support you for ETL, but that seems unlikely considering they gave you bad info and tried to push you into a lesser role. What's the status of this situation as of now?
If they told you this, it's because they don't want you to be an intern, which means you are likely SOL for ETL anyways. You say that your leaders support you for ETL, but that seems unlikely considering they gave you bad info and tried to push you into a lesser role. What's the status of this situation as of now?

Again, this was with previous management.
Current status however lends itself to your conclusion, and feedback I have been received:

TPA from PPA with RC Conversion being as low as it is doesn't support promotion

General misdirection my way...
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You would not qualify for the internship because you will be graduating this year, rather, you'd qualify for a campus recruited ETL role.

Your intern and ETL interviews are exactly the same. You go through the same people, answer the same questions and get the same results. If your campus has a field recruiter, get in contact with them. If not, talk to your ETL-HR about getting into contact with your group's Sr. Campus Recruiter. They will begin the interview process and you can start Business College as soon as the week after your graduation. Do this ASAP because Business College is coming up quick.

Go into the interview confident and ready to provide high-scope leadership-based answers with a smile on your face and you'll do fine. It's a brutal process but definitely worth it in the end.
Business College happens year round. It's just the name for the 6-week training program for ETLs.

Yes, but if he would like to make the dedicated BC sessions for campus hires he would need to get through his interviews before June 18th (Intern start date, Campus-Hire ETL start date).
When you are recruited from a campus you have a choice of 2-3 BC start dates, the soonest being June 18th.
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