In my store, we have a reseller using fraudulent registry coupons.
The HL SrTL is apparently friends with the guy. They actually have each other on speed dial. When the reseller comes in (usually on a Sunday) I'm told to let him have anything he wants, regardless of how many, so we're typically cleaned out of iPads, iPods, Xbones, PS4's, WiiU's and 3DS' first thing in the morning.
The reseller has several registry coupons on his phone, which nets a 15% discount each transaction. He also has a Red Card that allegedly 'doesn't work', even though he 'just paid the bill' (Really? Every time you come in?) and I was told to just calc the 5% and manually enter it as a store coupon. I have no way of knowing if the Red Card is even legit, for all I know it's been deactivated by Corporate, or the reseller just cancelled it himself and uses it for the %5, but charges everything to a different card (Maybe he's doing it to bank rewards points on that card? Who knows..).
I really don't feel comfortable at all about manually entering a 5% discount for a Red Card that I can't verify is legit, much less letting them abuse the registries to constantly generate 15% coupons. However, I've not had a particularly good relationship with this TL, and was even called into the STL's office and bawled out for over an hour because I disagreed with the TL about something, so I'm feeling like I'm stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place. If the TL isn't around when this guy comes in, he makes it a point to come find me and make sure I took care of the guy, which makes me feel even more like I'm trapped in a situation I'd rather not have anything to do with. At some point, I have to wonder if there's an ethics issue that can come back to bite me, and I have absolutely no doubt that when it happens, I'm going to get thrown under the bus. I've been with Target almost 7 years, but that won't matter one iota when the poo hits the fan, I'm sure.
The former STL wouldn't let resellers have more than 2 of any one item on Sunday, but would let them come back on the following Saturday and have anything that was left. However, we also didn't have that TL in the store at the time, or any shenanigans going on with the registries or 'broken' Red Cards. Interestingly enough, all of my 'regular' resellers vanished not long after the new STL and TL came to the store, and this guy started showing up. I can't prove it's related, but it sure looks fishy to me.
I really don't want to end up taking the heat for this when it goes south. Do you think this is something I should pass on via the Hotline, or am I just going to be wasting my time?