Archived Got my umemployment

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Nov 15, 2011
It's not alot of money, but it will provide me with some kind of stress relief. I did wonder whether I should have told them I was going to school or not. I did anyway because I see no point in lying. After all the conditions of getting those benefits are so that you get a leg up for the moment.

What was your experience getting unemployment in your state from Target?
Based on other postings from former tm's, you got lucky. Most tm's had to battle spot for bad firings. Most folks gave up. Look at the union deal in ny, is a great example. In the end spot lost the case.
Well i got my unemployment as well so far target has not fought me for it.... curious to ask you tho petersays1 why did you get let go... and has target responded to the unemployement office for you? they have not for me and i started collecting the beginning of this month...
I wasn't fired. I have been laid off. I've had my days cut to nothing. Technically in the next week I am going to have hours, but under 20. I still get UI in that case anyway.
I wasn't fired. I have been laid off. I've had my days cut to nothing. Technically in the next week I am going to have hours, but under 20. I still get UI in that case anyway.
You get Unemployment while still working. Thats genius! I only get 17 hours a week, wish i could do that.

The only thing keeping me from applying for it, is at the beginning of the year. I hear UI zaps your Federal return
I wasn't fired. I have been laid off. I've had my days cut to nothing. Technically in the next week I am going to have hours, but under 20. I still get UI in that case anyway.
You get Unemployment while still working. Thats genius! I only get 17 hours a week, wish i could do that.

The only thing keeping me from applying for it, is at the beginning of the year. I hear UI zaps your Federal return

I can't speak for all states, but I actually just applied myself this week and there was an option to take out 10% of your unemployment income for tax purposes. If you don't click that, then yes, you will have to owe.
I wasn't fired. I have been laid off. I've had my days cut to nothing. Technically in the next week I am going to have hours, but under 20. I still get UI in that case anyway.
You get Unemployment while still working. Thats genius! I only get 17 hours a week, wish i could do that.

The only thing keeping me from applying for it, is at the beginning of the year. I hear UI zaps your Federal return

I can't speak for all states, but I actually just applied myself this week and there was an option to take out 10% of your unemployment income for tax purposes. If you don't click that, then yes, you will have to owe.

Yep...I had both federal and state taxes taken out on my UI and it was fine.
Yea, it's a good idea to take taxes out or at least set something aside for taxes.
The very first time I was unemployed for a while I didn't take care of that and it came back to bite me at the end of the year.
Bad enough that you're out of work and just getting by but still owe taxes in the end.
you can always apply for underemployment, when you have steady 40 hour weeks, and then it drops very low this time of year.

In my experience, no one has been turned down that I have talked too.

In my area, it's quite common.
you can always apply for underemployment, when you have steady 40 hour weeks, and then it drops very low this time of year.

In my experience, no one has been turned down that I have talked too.

In my area, it's quite common.

Seriously considering going that route myself.
For the past six years I have 38-40 every week. Now I keep getting 26-30. Hard

I need at least 36 per week to pay my bills. Right now a TM is helping by giving his/her days up.

I'm about to ask ETL-HR if I can transfer to a closer store because it's just a matter of time till I lose my car if I can't get any hours.
petersays, since we don't have "set schedules", and nobody is really guaranteed 40 hours to begin with, what kind of documentation did you have to give to the unemployment office to get this? I was considering going for it too, since I was consistently picking up enough hours to get around 50 hours/week (I'd do 10 on Sunday, so it wouldn't technically be overtime)..... and even at 50 hours/week I was struggling to get by. Now I'm being scheduled 15 hours and there's NOTHING to pick up, despite knowing every work center. It doesn't help that they hired another freaking person into my workcenter to work days that I could have worked... um, hello!!

So yes, what did you have to provide to them as proof of your hours, etc?
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