Archived Grocery transition

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My store is setting this week. Here's to re-learning the layout of market yet again!

hahaha. Just when I had finally gotten used to everything post-remodel... Ours hasn't even started yet, and market looks awful. There are entire shelves and small parts of sections empty in some isles. But it made zoning G last night super easy 😀

We've had Pfresh since '09 and I still don't know the exact aisle numbers!!
I gave up on the aisle numbers. I used to say after wine aisle was snacks. Before that aisle was, baking, soups & salad dressings, etc. now, it's all jacked up.
Did anybody receive any communication on the new vendor wine/liquor products? I was only able to find a d-code list with like 5 items, but there was never a new items list. Come to find out, today after the POG team set those aisles, there are a ton of new products and a lot of the old products lost many facings (most items went from 3+ facings to 1 facing) resulting in three flats of liquor back stock for us! I vaguely remember the last transition where they did the opposite to us (took out a bunch of wine from the POG, now they're adding it back in). So frustrating!
I honestly wish Target would just leave stuff alone more. STOP changing shit constantly. I understand changing stuff seasonally or doing quick revisions to add or subtract items but when you just completely change every aisle and turn everything upside down its annoying as all heck.
They did the crackers last night when I left.

All that's left is crackers, soup, two baking aisles, the ethnic food aisle that has spaghetti, and the other aisle in that valley.

Not only grocery, but our re-model starts Sunday. And we are a Super.

A ton of new hires for the plano team, constantly trying to train people,very little equipment.

Oh, and as far as the cracker aisle that was mentioned above? We got bad label strips. Reverse, both sides. Problem is it was a Standard set. All I can say got set.

Man, this is going to be sheer madness for next number of months.

Not only grocery, but our re-model starts Sunday. And we are a Super.

A ton of new hires for the plano team, constantly trying to train people,very little equipment.

Oh, and as far as the cracker aisle that was mentioned above? We got bad label strips. Reverse, both sides. Problem is it was a Standard set. All I can say got set.

Man, this is going to be sheer madness for next number of months.

Been through one remodel and it sucked for a long while.. All you can do is ride along with it, and just take a walk when you get there everyday and know where the heavy sellers are for your store.. Cause they will move around for a while.. For us it was coffee and bread if our market people knew where those two things were - happy day.. Everything else we could scavenger hunt for..
We had the label strip problem too. Someone tried to fix it with flex labels, but it decreased the capacity for one of the items. I wasn't having that!
We had the label strip problem too. Someone tried to fix it with flex labels, but it decreased the capacity for one of the items. I wasn't having that!

We haven't done snacks at my store yet (trying to catch up from last week meant we didn't get this week done, yay!) but the reverse schematics was noted in early set notes as a problem. I'll have to look and see when they expected a fix for it. I saw some of it in beverage already.

We start the dry grocery part next week. And I love how there's 50 hrs of cosmetics revisions next week too! 😡
When i left today they were still working, the CTL was setting the water wall and the pog TL was setting paper, but we still had a dozen pallets in the steel. Never mind the batches in the gun were pointless since we had a couple trucks since those batches were dropped!
When i left today they were still working, the CTL was setting the water wall and the pog TL was setting paper, but we still had a dozen pallets in the steel. Never mind the batches in the gun were pointless since we had a couple trucks since those batches were dropped!

You still have a CTL.... jealous....
Grocery transition 2014 a prime example why I hate losing the Consumble team lead. Vendors werent told in advance what day their ailses would be reset. I'm asked to contact them and get them in the store. POG team naturally loads up flat tubs and carts with excess vendor product. Exess is because facings have been reduced and not because I let vendors bring in what ever they want. Flow tl wants them empty before end of day. I just knew going into this week these would be issues I would face. 2 days down 3 to go.
Holy crap are you from my store?!? I'm a new-in-role PA, taking over for the old PA and CTL. I communicated with vendors as much as I knew how to, but still ended up with some pissy cry-babies because I didn't tell them about the transition. I guess it was too hard to look at the NEON SIGN posted on the vendor board two weeks beforehand!
My store posted the notice on the vendor board and taped little signs over where the soda vendors keep their stuff. Basically we have signs everywhere. Thankfully none of them threw a fit.
second week of our grocery set is not going well at all. we are behind from last week and dont have the hours. so far we have managed to set 2 full aisles lol
We started Monday and the biggest problem has been with the contractor hired by Target..I'm sure their union so they are not in a hurry to get the things done.With that said our Plano team really has done a great job.Im the CTL I've been coming in at 4am along with the Presentation team. By noon we have had all items re-merched,were about half way done...
We are behind. Nothing to be done for it. We are all filthy,sweaty, and dead on our feet. It's frustrating when you thought you'd get further along then you hit the soup isle, then the million jars of salsa. Tomorrow is another day.
Thank god our soup isle isn't moving...What really has helped it getting the message out to our vendors and cutting back on vendor orders going into Monday.
We are trying our best to keep up, but man it's tough. Starting to get behind, and hours are building. At this rate I'm gonna have to leave just a couple of hours after I start on Fri.

Just moving all that product, cleaning shelves, moving dividers, changing shelf heights, merching clearance...

And it's not like we are wasting time. Just trying our best. And at my store it's a 400 hr+ set.
You guys have more than 1 week to set?

We had to get ours done in 1 week, well, Sunday Night to Friday Night. so it was actually less than that.

Needless to say it was a god damn Nightmare.
We are in week 2 of the transition. We were behind going into this transition. Planograms are taking way longer then they say they should. Team is working really hard but we still can't seem to get ahead. Not getting a whole lot of support from etl.
you guys are lucky. 1week work for that market optimization + pets. we been behind for 3weeks now.
Tonight is the last night of this terrible process. My team has been killing it timewise, but the contracting company is a nightmare to work with.
I see a lot of people here talking about contractors for this market transition, what exactly are they doing? My store had no contractors for this transition
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