Archived Grocery

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Jun 27, 2011
Target’s grocery business being spoiled by fewer shoppers

Anyone see that article? I personally think its because we are half assing the attempt at this space. Even with all of the discounts as employees we can pile onto the final price I still find produce and meat to more expensive over Walmart and other grocery store chains. Sorry Target I am not paying you $2.00 for a green pepper when I can go to any grocery store and get them for under $1.00 each. Same with beef. $5 for a lb when you can get it from most places for $3.00.

The average consumer doesnt have the time to go to multiple outlets to try and save on groceries. Until Target gets the produce and meat pricing down and the consumers start to realize the pricing is just as good or better I do not think we will ever do good in that space.

Maybe I am wrong?
They need to make comp shop a thing again and not limit it to just Walmart. Send someone to the regional grocery chains and neighborhood markets.

Obviously ASANTS, but it seems like they're trying to bring in the Whole Foods guests instead of the people who shop at the regular grocery chains like Kroger, Safeway, Publix, Tops, Giant Eagle, Albertsons, etc.
I think that anybody who uses Target as their primary grocery store is an idiot. All the produce is far more expensive. The most I'll buy is a single banana for a snack. There are 4 actual grocery stores within 5 miles of my store, and some stuff is 1/5 of the Target price. There's no point in stocking so much food if Spot isn't willing to be competitive.
Am I the only one who finds the produce reasonably priced? I mean with my employee discount and red card it is not that bad.. 48 cents for an apple? I'll take it. 30 cents for one string cheese? Sure.
I think all of Target's grocery that aren't drinks are competitive. Their soda, wine, liquor, beer, and some frozen items are atrociously priced and I never purchase them but everything else with 15% off and extra 20 on produce matches and beats walmart any day.
Target was banking on grocery being an 'add-on' impulse buy for working/busy families.
That's fine & good but to capitalize on that they need to be at the top of their game when it comes to supply & quality. No sense in cultivating the clientele only to put out garbage because your suppliers can't keep up.
I stopped buying fruit and veggies at my store, I kept getting rotting centers and such. I will buy the meat if they have the $3 off stuckers on them but that's about it.
I haven't bought fruit or vegetables from the super Target near me yet. Thier bakery is a little more expensive than I would like
I think the issue is that many STLs and ETLs do not understand how to properly do anything in grocery, in regards to anything, whether it's scheduling or pricing.

You need people who understand market. You need people who actually give a crap. I do. I ensure my team does. That's why within the past year, complaints about milk being out of stock have disappeared. Complaints about bad product have disappeared. Produce is comping positively at 13.63%. Deli at 5.26%. Meat went from double digits negative comp to -6.93%. Bakery, despite my endless complaints, has gone from -40% to -24.24%.

We always look fresh and full. Why? Because they give us hours. Give your team the hours and you will make the money back. Pay your grocery people well, and make sure they care. Make your team actually want the business to do well, and it will.
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I've found that most of the dry grocery goods are competitively priced and I'll buy them from Target when possible. Though some specific items I need to get from the actual grocery store. Perishable foods aren't so great though... If I want cheap, I'll go to Aldi. If I want good quality, I'll go to the grocery store. If I want expensive and poor quality, I'll get it from Target.

There really isn't an easy fix for the grocery department. It's just too small to compete with Walmart and real grocery stores. They would need to at least double the floor space devoted to dry and triple what's devoted to perishable in order to have enough space for a full selection of quality products. And then they need to follow up by staffing it properly.
I think the issue is that many STLs and ETLs do not understand how to properly do anything in grocery, in regards to anything, whether it's scheduling or pricing.

You need people who understand market. You need people who actually give a crap. I do. I ensure my team does. That's why within the past year, complaints about milk being out of stock have disappeared. Complaints about bad product have disappeared. Produce is comping positively at 13.63%. Deli at 5.26%. Meat went from double digits negative comp to -6.93%. Bakery, despite my endless complaints, has gone from -40% to -24.24%.

We always look fresh and full. Why? Because they give us hours. Give your team the hours and you will make the money back. Pay your grocery people well, and make sure they care. Make your team actually want the business to do well, and it will.
Plus the prices need to be competetive especially on the staples. A gallon of milk cannot be priced at .75-1.00 more than the competition.
I've found that most of the dry grocery goods are competitively priced and I'll buy them from Target when possible. Though some specific items I need to get from the actual grocery store. Perishable foods aren't so great though... If I want cheap, I'll go to Aldi. If I want good quality, I'll go to the grocery store. If I want expensive and poor quality, I'll get it from Target.

There really isn't an easy fix for the grocery department. It's just too small to compete with Walmart and real grocery stores. They would need to at least double the floor space devoted to dry and triple what's devoted to perishable in order to have enough space for a full selection of quality products. And then they need to follow up by staffing it properly.
Yeah, dry goods are fine. Staffing is a joke at my store though. We only have three people trained for Pfresh, and they're never scheduled at the same time.
They need to make comp shop a thing again and not limit it to just Walmart. Send someone to the regional grocery chains and neighborhood markets
Actually, that's exactly why they got rid of comp shop. It's supposed to be a better system that compares to more local chains now.
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Target’s grocery business being spoiled by fewer shoppers

Anyone see that article? I personally think its because we are half assing the attempt at this space. Even with all of the discounts as employees we can pile onto the final price I still find produce and meat to more expensive over Walmart and other grocery store chains. Sorry Target I am not paying you $2.00 for a green pepper when I can go to any grocery store and get them for under $1.00 each. Same with beef. $5 for a lb when you can get it from most places for $3.00.

The average consumer doesnt have the time to go to multiple outlets to try and save on groceries. Until Target gets the produce and meat pricing down and the consumers start to realize the pricing is just as good or better I do not think we will ever do good in that space.

Maybe I am wrong?
We Qmos a lot of ground beef and steaks....this account is accurate. Target is very over priced but then again, the quality may be better than Walmart. I don't eat much meat but the last time I bought beef from Wal-Mart it was very hard to eat. I've never shopped for groceries at target lol
Toward the end of Target's in-house Comp Shopping, it came down that the STL (not any one else) would have to go out to the nearest supermarket and Comp Shop about 10 basic/essential food items such as a gallon of milk, eggs, cheese, etc. I don't know what they were supposed to do with that information after they collected it. I think, in addition to making our store competitive in those items, it was to get the STL out and see how the supermarkets operated and compare their Target store to them. Since the STL at the time never came out of their office to walk or work on our Target Sales Floor it seemed pointless (if, in fact, they did go out and do their Comp Shop.)
Our store is an anomaly. We get a lot of people shopping for dry grocery and produce. We take good care of that part of the store and often get compliments.
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