Archived guess we don't care about theft on Saturday.... ?

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Jan 6, 2016
I am just a bit flabbergasted after something that happened during my shift. I come back to the FR from huddle which had me literally as far across the store as possible for just over an hour, there is a female guest exiting one of the rooms who stops me by physically getting in front of my path and starts whispering me to super close to my face about these "shady" guests. She whispers a bunch - half of which I can't hear because of how quiet she is, combined with all the walkie calls, nearby guests and the "shady" guests who are basically yelling in the FR at their "mom" on a cell phone call.... Anywho I was already finding it a bit weird that two teenage boys would share a family fitting room to try on clothes ..... It's weird enough to find teenage boys who try on clothes without parents. But as soon as they exit their fitting room I'm Vibing them hard - how did everything work out/can I help you find anything/etc. they ask me to help locate some pants - so I walk them over to the pants - but after a little bit I have to walk away. I go back to the FR and immediately sweep the room they were in and find a handful of ripped off tags. I go straight out to the floor to try and relocate them while walking for AP.... Instead I get another etl who indicates we have no AP presence in the store && that if I find them again to let them know and they will see about coming to talk to them. ...... What?!?

Now. I really like the etl who responded to me. And I guess I get that there isn't much they can do.... But I could basically prove the guests were the ones who detached tags and stole merchandise (as one of the tags belonged to a shirt they exited with - but neither that shirt of any on the rack it came from were without tags // and I do my checks at least once an hour on buys shifts so they don't "collect").... How is it possible that we have no AP presence of any kind during the busiest day/time of the week??? Seriously next time something this blatant happens I feel like I'm just going to go tackle the guests and stop the theft in progress. I know it's not exactly my job (and that I can't really do what I just said)- but I spend so much time and effort trying to minimize and prevent theft // working with AP re:FR And sales floor it just makes me so angry I feel I could burst into flames. like - is Loss prevention actually important to Spot or nah? Cause if not, I'll stop letting it get me hot under the collar. Plenty of other things I could spend my brain power on.
Same at my store. We hardly ever have any AP person. Never understood that. I figure if management doesn't care neither do I. If I see something I'll of course report it but I'm not gonna waste my time any further than that if they don't care.
One time I was ringing up a 400 dollar purchase at Starbucks ( which was all sbux merch) and it's been happening for awhile what these guest were doing and trying to return it all for cash. It was during a busy part of the day and I believe it was on the weekend. The ETL-AP was in and I continued to call for her on the walkie and press the additional assist button. While I was slammed and alone at starbucks. I left the kiosk to grab more lids for my cups and saw her chatting it up at the other end of the front end but refused to come help because she was off. We had this problem for awhile but when it came to starbucks it didn't seem like they were too worried. And no one else was there from AP. I never understood while my store would let that slide. A lot of our APTMs called out and the shifts were never replaced. And that seemed to always be the days we would have push outs. I dunno. Spot cares more about the hours than protecting the merch I suppose.
I had a LOD say last night when we suggested an amount Max for the fitting room to avoid shop lifting "eh no big deal it's not a huge loss if it happens" I was kind of shocked.
I guess it's not all that suprising to me that this is a "normal" occurance at other stores too. It just boggles my mind. Like when we have AP in our store it's the most serious and reinforced aspect of our duty across the SF ..... But otherwise it's just whatever. Maybe if we didn't just let so much $$ walk out the door we could be more "profitable" and in turn pay tms more / or give out more hours..... Lol.

And GlitterBerries yessssssh. So much. I hate the limitless amount of stuff people can take in to the fitting rooms. No good reason for it. I felt bad yesterday when my replacement came in - I had just let three rooms get filled (two singles and one was a family room with 4 guests) and in total they had almost 75 items in just those rooms. Like that's a full Z in some instances. Make them do it shifts /sets so I can actually keep better / more constant tabs on the merch & prevent a room from being a complete cluster when/if they don't bring anything out.
They go in the fitting room with items and even with AP at the store watching them, AP lose their steps and can't do anything outside guest servicing them. So all AP could do is what you did. Every store has a hard limit on AP hours and how many at each position at each store. Even AP need days off. If you worked in AP you would understand spot's concern about theft. I would think some of you would be shocked.
food is a big crime at my store we have guest come in with their own luggage load up on milk, meat and chips then leave without paying. AP does nothing.
I'm coming up on two years and in that short time period I've seen some crazy thefting.
yes with all the theives at my store the local jail would be packed if they arrested all of them crooks !!
They go in the fitting room with items and even with AP at the store watching them, AP lose their steps and can't do anything outside guest servicing them. So all AP could do is what you did. Every store has a hard limit on AP hours and how many at each position at each store. Even AP need days off. If you worked in AP you would understand spot's concern about theft. I would think some of you would be shocked.

I appreciate that AP has set hour limits and need days off. It still boggles my mind however, that we'd be without anyone the busiest time of the busiest day of the week. But I'm not blaming them or anyone for that matter. I guess I'm just surprised how (un)interested the responding etl seemed in trying to find them or follow up. Because had I known when assisting them find pants that they had stolen I would have been a little more upfront about my vibing. They certainly seemed like the type that could have been spooked into giving up the merchandise if they knew we were on to them.
I guess it's not all that suprising to me that this is a "normal" occurance at other stores too. It just boggles my mind. Like when we have AP in our store it's the most serious and reinforced aspect of our duty across the SF ..... But otherwise it's just whatever. Maybe if we didn't just let so much $$ walk out the door we could be more "profitable" and in turn pay tms more / or give out more hours..... Lol.

And GlitterBerries yessssssh. So much. I hate the limitless amount of stuff people can take in to the fitting rooms. No good reason for it. I felt bad yesterday when my replacement came in - I had just let three rooms get filled (two singles and one was a family room with 4 guests) and in total they had almost 75 items in just those rooms. Like that's a full Z in some instances. Make them do it shifts /sets so I can actually keep better / more constant tabs on the merch & prevent a room from being a complete cluster when/if they don't bring anything out.

They used to have a limit but I guess corporate canned it
One time I was ringing up a 400 dollar purchase at Starbucks ( which was all sbux merch) and it's been happening for awhile what these guest were doing and trying to return it all for cash. It was during a busy part of the day and I believe it was on the weekend. The ETL-AP was in and I continued to call for her on the walkie and press the additional assist button. While I was slammed and alone at starbucks. I left the kiosk to grab more lids for my cups and saw her chatting it up at the other end of the front end but refused to come help because she was off. We had this problem for awhile but when it came to starbucks it didn't seem like they were too worried. And no one else was there from AP. I never understood while my store would let that slide. A lot of our APTMs called out and the shifts were never replaced. And that seemed to always be the days we would have push outs. I dunno. Spot cares more about the hours than protecting the merch I suppose.

From our Starbucks tl thread:
I've heard of one scam, but haven't experienced it (and I don't know if it'll work at Target or not, but it might). A guest puts tells the barista to put $500 on their card. It gets scanned and everything, but hasn't been paid for. At this point, the money does show up on the card, even though the transaction hasn't been paid for yet. They "search" for their wallet and go make a phone call. They call their friend (who is at a different Starbucks) and tell them to use that card to pay for $500 worth of stuff - this transaction goes through. The first person goes back up to the register and says they can't find their wallet, so just void it. But the friend had already used the money. Then go return it for a nice profit.

I hope this isn't actually feasible anymore. It seems like Starbucks would catch on quickly and close that loophole.

Also, if they want cash back, I wouldn't give it to them. They could be doing some other scam where they fraudulently get money onto a Starbucks card and then that's how they're turning it into cash. I'd tell them they get it back the way they paid or they can GTFO.

Xanatos, Mar 4, 2016
Yeah I did see that post. Which helped me catch on pretty quickly to what they were doing. I have my team denying any no reciept returns now, and if they do have a reciept we are informing anyone who buys them will have to go back the original way they paid. So we are returning the sketchy people's return to a target gift card and then transfering that amount to a sbux gift card. Turned them away really quick.
Yeah I did see that post. Which helped me catch on pretty quickly to what they were doing. I have my team denying any no reciept returns now, and if they do have a reciept we are informing anyone who buys them will have to go back the original way they paid. So we are returning the sketchy people's return to a target gift card and then transfering that amount to a sbux gift card. Turned them away really quick.
I told my gstl, GS, & all the SB folks about it too. It has not happen at my store.
I've caught employees stealing stuff in the past, and management did nothing. One person needed blades for his box cutter, so he pulled a package off the shelf, opened it, and filled his cutter. He then put the package back on the shelf.
I appreciate that AP has set hour limits and need days off. It still boggles my mind however, that we'd be without anyone the busiest time of the busiest day of the week. But I'm not blaming them or anyone for that matter. I guess I'm just surprised how (un)interested the responding etl seemed in trying to find them or follow up. Because had I known when assisting them find pants that they had stolen I would have been a little more upfront about my vibing. They certainly seemed like the type that could have been spooked into giving up the merchandise if they knew we were on to them.

There's not much at ETL can do in this situation. They can guest service them, and risk getting a knife (or worse) pulled on them, or they can let them have the stuff.
I've caught employees stealing stuff in the past, and management did nothing. One person needed blades for his box cutter, so he pulled a package off the shelf, opened it, and filled his cutter. He then put the package back on the shelf.
I would of taken the box & let ap know. There maybe other items missing too, that tm had did same thing on.
Our AP ETL just left the store, which means that until they replace her, our AP Team Members can't even stop someone if they watch them take something off the shelf and put it in their bag. They could watch them steal, ask them if they stole, get a confession and still not even be able to touch them. Its just BS.
I called over the GSTL as there was someone with unpaid merchandise in their bag. She completely ignores me and walks away. I was pissed.
I called over the GSTL as there was someone with unpaid merchandise in their bag. She completely ignores me and walks away. I was pissed.

GSTl can't do anything about it. AP is the only one who can do anything.. You can be pissed but its wasted breath.
Even then, unless we see the subject select the items from the floor we can't stop them. We can receipt check if the merch is exposed as they're walking out, but that's it.
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