Archived Guest stereotypes

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Here are some parent stereotypes.

I don't say this in a hateful way....but Mexican people....and people from the Mediterranean....commonly let their kids run wild. The Mexican kids are hyper as fuck and run wild, obnoxiously begging their parents for toys and snacks. The Mediterranean kids aren't hyper, but they are spoiled, and throw fits when not getting what they want. These are the ones that you'll hear screaming at the top of their lungs, all the way in the back of the store.

Then there are the soccer moms whom are so removed from reality, their kids are both spoiled AND hyper as fuck, even though she doesn't let her kids eat candy or soda and buys exclusively organic products. You know these moms. Always on their phone, fake nails, severe hair cuts, dead eyes, probably on the verge of divorce, and can't function without a drink in them.
Spot on, spot on.
Here are some parent stereotypes.

I don't say this in a hateful way....but Mexican people....and people from the Mediterranean....commonly let their kids run wild. The Mexican kids are hyper as fuck and run wild, obnoxiously begging their parents for toys and snacks. The Mediterranean kids aren't hyper, but they are spoiled, and throw fits when not getting what they want. These are the ones that you'll hear screaming at the top of their lungs, all the way in the back of the store.

Then there are the soccer moms whom are so removed from reality, their kids are both spoiled AND hyper as fuck, even though she doesn't let her kids eat candy or soda and buys exclusively organic products. You know these moms. Always on their phone, fake nails, severe hair cuts, dead eyes, probably on the verge of divorce, and can't function without a drink in them.

Yup, never fails that the kids that are up late (10 pm-ish) even on a school night are Hispanic. I can even tell the time of day by how much crying is happening in the store.

I call the high maintenance guests - A$$ Wipers. They request and expect so much that if you asked them they might want some wiping done too.
I hate the little cunts whom I ask at the beginning if they want a bag and once the transaction finishes they're like oh I wanted one.. Then I'm like 10 cents. And they give me a look;p
Those guests who see that Halloween stuff is 90% off and buy $1000 worth of stuff.

I actually got one of these guests yesterday. She said she was part of a "group" that says when stuff goes on sale. After she paid, she took a picture of her cart, which I assume she was going to post on Facebook.
I'm one of those people. Not the type to photograph my purchases, but buying out the 90% off Halloween clearance. A lot of goths wait eagerly for the week after Halloween to stock up on things for the year. Home decor, clothing, accessories, makeup, you name it. No matter what though, I try to be as civil and polite as possible so I can avoid acting like Christmas people.

On that note, Christmas people are one of my least favorite breeds of guest. They're rude, incessant, would probably kill a man for a quarter, and coincidentally seem to often be very white trash as well.
I'm one of those people. Not the type to photograph my purchases, but buying out the 90% off Halloween clearance. A lot of goths wait eagerly for the week after Halloween to stock up on things for the year. Home decor, clothing, accessories, makeup, you name it. No matter what though, I try to be as civil and polite as possible so I can avoid acting like Christmas people.

On that note, Christmas people are one of my least favorite breeds of guest. They're rude, incessant, would probably kill a man for a quarter, and coincidentally seem to often be very white trash as well.
I don't have an issue with people who buy clearance stuff, but the people who complain whensomething is 70% off when they thought it was 90%. To be fair, it's the law to ticket items with a price, but seriously 70% off is still a lot.
The Hick Family

These guests decided the best way to do their shopping is by bringing the entire family along, usually 5+ children. They travel in a pack from section to section, blocking the walking path of everyone in their way. They practically yell at each other and multiple times there will be an argument over a certain item one of the kids wants. The Hick Family destroys every zone as the trip to the store is treated as a carnival for their amusement. 80% chance they will be using fraudulent coupons.

I tell them Walmart is cheaper and they will find like clientele
The Basic White Girls:
Usually a group of 15 to 20 year old girls wearing shirts or hoodies with their high school or college logo. Often hanging around the Xhiliration part of RTW or home dec/back to college. Expect lots of cheerful, annoyingly high pitched squealing and laughter as well as them opening up those folded chairs and sitting in them for longer than appropriate. Also when they leave expect some starbucks cups laying around
The Basic White Girls:
Usually a group of 15 to 20 year old girls wearing shirts or hoodies with their high school or college logo. Often hanging around the Xhiliration part of RTW or home dec/back to college. Expect lots of cheerful, annoyingly high pitched squealing and laughter as well as them opening up those folded chairs and sitting in them for longer than appropriate. Also when they leave expect some starbucks cups laying around

They'll probably be taking selfies in the store too.

Also, they're always in odd-numbered groups.
Pom-pom girls (aka: cheerleader wannabes): They live in booty shorts or short skirts with school mascots/colors.
They follow Mom at a distance striking cheer poses & moving their arms like semaphore signals while chanting cheers under their breath.
Last seen leaving Starbucks cups on shelves in Domestics.
Alsooooo...the gender flipped version of the Basic White Girls aka the College Fuckboys.
These guys usually come in near the end of the night half an hour before the store closes. Expect all of them to be wearing gym shorts and those awful muscle shirts. These creatures are very loud and obnoxious and will often try to flirt with female team members (even if they're too old for them). They usually hang out in electronics or market. Bonus points if they're filming themselves. Once they leave, you'll probably have to zone your whole area again.
The College Fuckboys can be heard all the way across the store and their presence can be detected by a hideously pungent aroma of Axe Body Spray
Alsooooo...the gender flipped version of the Basic White Girls aka the College Fuckboys.
These guys usually come in near the end of the night half an hour before the store closes. Expect all of them to be wearing gym shorts and those awful muscle shirts. These creatures are very loud and obnoxious and will often try to flirt with female team members (even if they're too old for them). They usually hang out in electronics or market. Bonus points if they're filming themselves. Once they leave, you'll probably have to zone your whole area again.
The College Fuckboys can be heard all the way across the store and their presence can be detected by a hideously pungent aroma of Axe Body Spray
Which ca n double as grizzly bear repellent or cougar attractant.😀
The Basic White Girls:
Usually a group of 15 to 20 year old girls wearing shirts or hoodies with their high school or college logo. Often hanging around the Xhiliration part of RTW or home dec/back to college. Expect lots of cheerful, annoyingly high pitched squealing and laughter as well as them opening up those folded chairs and sitting in them for longer than appropriate. Also when they leave expect some starbucks cups laying around
im triggered........... this is like all of my store

Alsooooo...the gender flipped version of the Basic White Girls aka the College Fuckboys.
These guys usually come in near the end of the night half an hour before the store closes. Expect all of them to be wearing gym shorts and those awful muscle shirts. These creatures are very loud and obnoxious and will often try to flirt with female team members (even if they're too old for them). They usually hang out in electronics or market. Bonus points if they're filming themselves. Once they leave, you'll probably have to zone your whole area again.
The College Fuckboys can be heard all the way across the store and their presence can be detected by a hideously pungent aroma of Axe Body Spray
this also triggers me because my target is by both a high school and a college....
The College Fuckboys can be heard all the way across the store and their presence can be detected by a hideously pungent aroma of Axe Body Spray

Which ca n double as grizzly bear repellent or cougar attractant.😀

Dear god, does any man actually use Axe???? That stuff seems to be universally hated when you smell it, and surely has to be a perfect way to avoid potential romantic or one-night-only entanglements.
The "you don't have the ribs I want so I'll leave my cart full of shit wherever I please" guest. Usually low class and overweight. Thanks for costing my department 120 bucks, ya dumb cunt.
Dear god, does any man actually use Axe???? That stuff seems to be universally hated when you smell it, and surely has to be a perfect way to avoid potential romantic or one-night-only entanglements.

Never met a woman who liked the smell of axe
When I was in college the frat boys all wore Pierre Cardin & there were many references to the phallic shape of the bottle.
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