Archived Habits you picked up from Target that you use in your personal life

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It drives me crazy to walk in to Kohls especially this time year. It's like their customers don't care.
Their employees sure don't. And the digital signs are often for product in another department. Had to fight a bra price the other day...the signs on the tracks I didn't buy from were for kitchen tools, a vacuum, and men's socks.
Their employees sure don't. And the digital signs are often for product in another department. Had to fight a bra price the other day...the signs on the tracks I didn't buy from were for kitchen tools, a vacuum, and men's socks.
I worked there (as a cashier) from April 2005 to August 2006 when I started at Target. It's not so much they don't care it's just that (at least for the closers) They are only there for a half hr after close and are not allowed to stay any longer. In fact, we did have one manager that tried to get us out even earlier.
I worked there (as a cashier) from April 2005 to August 2006 when I started at Target. It's not so much they don't care it's just that (at least for the closers) They are only there for a half hr after close and are not allowed to stay any longer. In fact, we did have one manager that tried to get us out even earlier.
I worked there as well for 7 months and left Kohl's for Target. We do care. It's just that the work never seems to end. At my store, we stayed until the store was "recovered" which was usually 1-2 hours. The managers would walk the floor and when it looked good, we could leave. I hated it. I put my 2 weeks in there as soon as I got the job at Target. One of my old managers at Kohl's was all "Where are you going to work? I'm gonna call them and tell them not to hire you. You can't leave." Like... no fuck off.
Now I always tell people to have a great day/night even if I barely talked to them.
I worked there (as a cashier) from April 2005 to August 2006 when I started at Target. It's not so much they don't care it's just that (at least for the closers) They are only there for a half hr after close and are not allowed to stay any longer. In fact, we did have one manager that tried to get us out even earlier.
I imagine, like most retailers, they get hours to set and check the ad. Target gives fifteen to thirty minutes past close to finish up and it rarely impacts sign placement or accuracy.
I'm always folding messy shirts and sweaters - whereever. It may be at home, at other stores, at other Targets. If I see a t-shirt that isn't folded properly, my hands are just itching to get it done right.
If at any point we approach a store that has carts that are as feasibly far away from the corrals as can be (essentially, anywhere that has carts), my friends nearly need to restrain me from returning it all the way back to the store.

If I'm alone, you can bet it's going to be the one I pick everytime.
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