Archived Had an interview, lots of experience and 24/7 availability but wasn't hired on spot...?

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Aug 25, 2015
I just had an interview for overnights at Target. First interviewed was done by one of the night supervisors with another associate shadowing her, then a second interview with the overnight manager. They told me I get a second interview if I pass the first one.

The second interview the night manager toured the store first then went back with me to the office to ask me the interview questions. I have almost 3 years of experience working overnights at another retail store and I have wide open, 24/7 availability all seven days a week. I was so sure I had it and just about everything I read online says if you aren't hired on the spot you don't get it..... She said they would look over availability and call within a few days if interested. I know the first person who did my first interview said the night manager would do my second manager, then go from there, making it seem like they would hire me on the spot afterwards if they wanted me.... but hopefully im reading way too much into this.

It's pretty soul crushing though to have a couple years of experience doing the same job at a different company and be turned down at a different company for the same position doing the same thing, especially since a lot of my managers and former managers at my current work really like me. Should I be worried they didn't hire me on the spot? I had the interview at 9:30 pm at night with the night people, does the night manager do the job offer with you or the HR during the day?
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I can't speak for all stores but I know a lot of stores in my district that are struggling to hire anyone, especially flow (stock team).

It may just be standard procedure for that store to not offer on the spot. Can't say for certain but if you did good on the interview you probably will get a offer.
Relax! I wasn't hired on the spot either! They called me later that day though. They might have a lot of applicants to still interview!
Not all stores offer on the spot. There are likely other applicants. I was called two days after my final interview, then came in to sign up.
Yeah where I'm not now we can't keep people on nights for jack. And I am assuming they will verify my past employment which would make sense why they wouldn't hire on spot unless thats something they do before an interview which I doubt.
I wasn't hired on the spot, because HR wasn't there to do the offer. Until you get the "thanks, but no thanks" don't jump to conclusions.
You'll probably get a call from them a few days after interviews. Then you'll be offered the job and pay. I wasn't hired on the spot either.
Unless maybe you dropped a huge red flag during your interview? Did you admit to hitting 5th hour violations or doing something against company policy at your old job?
If all of your interviews were at night, they probably just need HR to sign off on it.

It's pretty unusual to give you a tour of the store BEFORE an interview, and I don't think they would have done it if they didn't already like you.
The closing or overnight ETL may not have communicated to HR yet. I will advise you to not blow up Target's phone every hour regarding your hiring status. It is a huge turn-off.

Are you sure your interview went well? There were several people I interviewed in the past that were nice, but I never saw them as an employee.
Everyone else has pretty much state all you need to think about. HR should be present for the actual job offer. HR will be the person to give you your conditional offer and drug test, and they likely were not present at that hour.

In some stores on-the-spot offers are pretty much unheard of.
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