Archived Handbook Section Relating to Firearms/Explosives?

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Current laws do nothing to prevent those first-time "oopsies" like the Newtown shooter, the Virginia Tech shooter, the Colorado theater shooter, Columbine shooters, et al.
Requiring gun owners to earn their license thru proficiency, evaluation, tests, etc might give an instructor a glimmer into a prospective owner's frame of mind (ie: fascination with killing, disturbing interests, peculiar questions about death & dying, etc).
Will it stop giving guns to nutcases? No but it's better than the current system that gives a gun to anybody who hasn't committed a crime......yet.
Just like restraining orders down in my town; ex goes & buys a gun, uses it on the spouse the first time they violate the restraining order.
And in each of those cases, the victims wouldn't have had time to draw a weapon because they were ambushed.
I'll agree that the current system needs help, but the biggest issue in all of those cases is a broken mental health system. If funding were to be restored to the mental health system, and there were an easier process for people to get mental health evaluations, most of these problems would be fixed before the fact. And in the case of Newtown, the killer killed his own mother and store her guns, so licensing would not have helped anything.

Just like restraining orders down in my town; ex goes & buys a gun, uses it on the spouse the first time they violate the restraining order.
By federal law, people who are the restrained party in a restraining order are not permitted to own or possess firearms, and have to give them up. This is an example of enforcing laws already on hand, as those who provide guns to those who they know are the restrained party are guilty of a crime themselves.
I grew up with hunting, learned to shoot when I was ten years old and taught my kids when they were the same age.
I believe guns are tools, just like an ax, a lamp, a chainsaw, or a car.
However, there are only three uses for the tool that is a gun.
One is having fun at a shooting range, number two is killing animals to eat and number three is killing people.
Folks can toss out all kinds of distinctions and buzzwords but there are some basic rules when it comes down to guns.

You never point one unless you willing to kill what you are aiming at.
They are always loaded so there is no circumstance where pointing one doesn't mean you don't intend to kill something.
Carrying a gun obligates you to know how to use it properly, know what the laws are in all situations and ALWAYS KNOW WHAT YOUR BACKSTOP IS.
The bad guys won't care where that bullet will stop but you have to.

I believe that people should have the right to have guns.
I also believe idiots shouldn't have guns.

If you aren't willing to take classes and provide proof that you go to the range regularly, have decent eyesight, and can shoot well than you shouldn't be carrying.
If you can't pass a basic test as to the rule of law when it comes to the procedures of gun use then you shouldn't be carrying.
If can't provide a background check and records on the weapons in your possession than you shouldn't be carrying.

None of this stuff is rocket science or the slightest bit unreasonable.
My daughter who conceal carries would be able to pass all the tests with flying colors.
Why is everyone talking about a gun section in the handbook? This is a great topic to discuss, but its not bc something bsd happened i hope. I dont watch the news
Why is everyone talking about a gun section in the handbook? This is a great topic to discuss, but its not bc something bsd happened i hope. I dont watch the news

Sounds like an internal issue at OP's store.
The "well-regulated militia" has been replaced with an army & the NRA is doing their part to ensure that nobody's 'right' to carry is infringed.
As Signkitty said, the 2nd amendment was written in another time when there wasn't a regular army to protect the state. Given that there's very little to keep guns out of the hands of nutcases, wife-beaters, conspiracy flakes & cop-wannabes it's past time to change gun ownership from a 'right' to a 'privilege'.
Driving a car is a 'privilege'; you have to demonstrate ability, pay for the license & insurance, renew said license/insurance, be ready to pull out proof when asked by law enforcement.
Why shouldn't you be expected to do the same with a gun, which has one purpose only - to kill?
Gun control laws aren't really effective because they're usually watered down by opponents until they're useless (theater shooter, anyone?) & many lawful gun owners fail to secure their weapon or do something equally stupid & people still die, many of them children.
Too many guns wind up in the hands of irresponsible idiots who don't take ownership seriously, treating it like a badass man-toy.
One thing that needs to happen is holding owners accountable for what their weapons are used for by losing their right to own a gun EVER AGAIN if an innocent person dies as a result of their negligence. The exception would be if their gun was stolen from a secured location (yes, it does happen) & they reported it immediately to law enforcement.
I can't tolerate these idiots who keep justifying more guns after every horrific event. Even the Newtown shootings.
This has to stop now.
Newton was a government carried out mission for gun control.
Also your car is your own personal property at target.
The report is not on public record to respect the victims lost at the school. It is very clear, that you have not lost anyone to violence acts.
Why is everyone talking about a gun section in the handbook? This is a great topic to discuss, but its not bc something bsd happened i hope. I dont watch the news
Lol, they derailed it good, eh?

Something happeneded at my store. Not bad, but the potential is there. Can't get too specific without outing myself.
That is what I was afraid of. I know you will be very careful and aware of everyone and everything around you, but I will say a prayer for you too. Ridiculous thst we have to be this cautious and never relax our guard. Please stay safe
Because when a retired fbi agent wanted to look at the report and records at newton he was not allowed . The shooter was under government drugs.
What??? He wasn't on any medications. Maybe if he was, he wouldn't have flipped out.
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