Archived Have you ever had someone just up and leave in the middle of a shift...?

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Had a new TM who worked her first week, though she complained a lot about getting too many hours. She called off for her next 6 shifts, and we started moving TMs around to cover her shifts in anticipation of her calling off.

Then she randomly showed up again in the middle of the week (at the same time as the rest of the early morning team and the person who was going to cover her shift). I have only seen the ETL-LOG get that enraged a handful of times... The TM of course was sent home and a few weeks later she did end up showing up regularly for shifts.
Had a TM walk out a few months back claiming to need a smoke break and then the tps sees him drive away.
No, although one time when I worked at sonic there was a guy (1st day on the job) who clocked out during his break and never showed back up. Can't say I blame him
I know of 3. for 2 of them the front lanes got to be too much and the BS from leadership was intolerable. The third person tried quitting "correctly" but HR would not allow her to so one day she said "Fuck this..." and walked out in the middle of the closing shift in Hardlines.
Black Friday we had the Electronics TL walk out. Christmastime 2014 GSA walked out after fighting with a rude guest, last year we had a cashier walk out after a customer threatened to "beat her disrespectful ass" for not giving her a nonexistent sale price, SFS TL moved to Hardlines and walked, and a seasonal softlines tm walked out after how they got sick of it.
Our store's first Flow TL walked out due to frustration with the team members who were being insubordinate and not following proper procedures. Couldn't blame him, knowing some of the people he had to wrangle- including a TM who vanished midshift and was found 5 hours later eating at the McDonald's up the road. The former Flow TL is now a happy stay at home dad to his 3 little girls, which frees his wife up to be the career woman she always had been.
One sales floor girl put in her two weeks notice and then worked her next shift mainly as a way to try and find someone to take her last shifts. When nobody could she ended up just walking out without telling anyone, prompting several overhead pages and, of course, several NCNSs over the next two weeks.

When she came in about 8 months later to try and apply for a seasonal position, I just burst out laughing as I skedaddled from the service desk
The third person tried quitting "correctly" but HR would not allow her to so one day she said "Fuck this..." and walked out in the middle of the closing shift in Hardlines.

HR wouldn't let someone quit?! How does that even work??

We had a Flow TM who was honestly the absolute worst employee you can imagine. They were so slow. It was mind-numbing to watch them during push, because all of the other TMs, even the crappy ones, were getting 2-3 boxes done in the time it took this person to complete a single box. They weren't goofing off or anything- the TM genuinely moved in sloth-like ways.

Anyways- they got into a screaming match (on the salesfloor) with leadership and just walked out. Everyone was thrilled.
HR wouldn't let someone quit?! How does that even work??

We had a Flow TM who was honestly the absolute worst employee you can imagine. They were so slow. It was mind-numbing to watch them during push, because all of the other TMs, even the crappy ones, were getting 2-3 boxes done in the time it took this person to complete a single box. They weren't goofing off or anything- the TM genuinely moved in sloth-like ways.

Anyways- they got into a screaming match (on the salesfloor) with leadership and just walked out. Everyone was thrilled.
I think it was because we are losing TMs left and right and the HR ETL is just very immature and does not want to deal with it.
We fired two cashiers during their training shift. Doing the computer training she thought she could text through it on her phone. She was told "Put the phone away." She didn't. She was told to go to lunch and not come back. Cause this went in on for a few hours.

Another one went pretty much the same way a few months later.
Before I came to Target, I was a department supervisor at a clothing store and had enough of the store manager being rude and on my ass all the time, and also I was tired of the store being a mess. I walked out 2 hours into my shift.
You know, I always wanted to do something like this because I like to give people stories to tell. Like at my first job, I intentionally got myself fired for 2 reasons. I wanted to know what it was like getting fired and what benefits came with it (unemployment checks and extended health insurance) and because I was already finished with that job and how management handled things there. So I gave them what they wanted and gaibed what I wanted by getting myself fired. I pretty much waited for a manager who was a jerk to say something shitty to me and then yelled at him from the front of the store all the eay to the store managers office. My ex coworkers tell me that they tell that story all the time which always makes me laugh. I only worked there for about 3 months so I thought it was worth the experience and it really was worth it!
We had a brand attendant walk out this Saturday (I was closing and it was a hellish weekend) and the next day she reports to work to get started on her shift and the ETL-GE tells her she's not going to work and pulls her in the office and drops the hammer.
I personally came very close when I first got chewed out over stupid shit. I was about to shut my light off walk up to the GSTL and say "I am not putting up with this unprofessional shit!" and just walk out, but I thought it over and said to myself "it isn't worth it!"
A girl I started with.. didn't walk out on a shift but we went through orientation and training together, for the same team. We were training for a new store. The week of our switch, she had a quick (approved) trip planned on the days between stores..... she never showed up at the new store after.
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I have only ever walked out on one job, along with a a good portion of the staff.
The owner of the restaurant had a bad habit of pushing the waitresses into a corner and feeling them up,then laughing it off as a joke.
We proved it was no joke by walking out in the middle of the lunch shift.
Kinda different, but we had a TM who punched in and left. He came back hours later to punch out (maybe for his meal, or just clock out for the day) and an ETL asked him where he had been. He claimed he had been backstocking the whole day. The ETL immediately printed out the entire backroom location report (took about an hour) just in case he tried to pull any shenanigans when we gave him the big red boot out the door.
We had one girl who just started off with a negative attitude, once stayed at the lane she backed up at just to turn all the money over facing the same way, and then one day disappeared like halfway through her 4-hour shift and apparently just left her name tag on the HR ETL's desk.
I feel like my store so far just has a recurring theme of people putting in their two weeks and then not showing up for all of it... Which, honestly, sounds like something that's probably a recurring theme everywhere.
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