Archived Have you ever had someone just up and leave in the middle of a shift...?

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I'm not proud to admit this...

When I was completing my extended internship, my 'project' was to 'fix' the frontend. We were a ULV store with a GSTL who wasn't operating at her highest potential.... She was very buddy-buddy with the frontend people, and routinely allowed them to walk all over... To the point, that many things weren't coached and we had several people who probably should have been let go. Our service scores were red, and since I, at the time, had drank the Target Kool-Aid happily agreed with the STL to get things changed.

Things were going good.... GSTL was starting to coach people, the team was starting to recognize her as a leader, and the ETL's and TL's started respecting her. She started becoming the leader we knew she could be..

But we had one service TM who was rude, and the GSTL for whatever reason wouldn't coach her... The particular TM was rude and very confrontational.. As such, I decided I would help get the coaching rolling on the TM. One morning, I was in covering the cash office (because I was an intern/LOD/GSTL who also did cash office... That was fun!) and the rude TM was covering service desk. She called me out a couple times to help her a few times... And she was EXTREMELY rude with guests. If they would ask her, "how are you?" she would reply, "I'm tired. I don't know I came into work today. I hate my job." And other colorful phrases... I asked her to stop, but she kept going.

So when I was done with cash office, I watching the front lanes... It was a slow day. I overheard her complaining to a guest again.. I went over to the desk, and said, "You know, if you are really tired, just go home. If you are going to continue complaining to guests, just go." She did.

The next day... She returned. The GSTL pulled her into the office... Gave her a documented coaching her for the complaints to the guest, and gave her another for leaving early. "But you said I could!" And I said, "I never said you COULD, I just said go home. You left a shift early, and that's an automatic coaching." Next day, she screwed up again (refused to cover a Food Ave. break), and she was coached again... Day after that, she submitted her two week notice.

I know she was rude, but I now see it was completely wrong to bait her like that, just to get another coaching on her. I swear, target cool-aid turned me into some retail management monster... Glad I left!
I'm not proud to admit this...

When I was completing my extended internship, my 'project' was to 'fix' the frontend. We were a ULV store with a GSTL who wasn't operating at her highest potential.... She was very buddy-buddy with the frontend people, and routinely allowed them to walk all over... To the point, that many things weren't coached and we had several people who probably should have been let go. Our service scores were red, and since I, at the time, had drank the Target Kool-Aid happily agreed with the STL to get things changed.

Things were going good.... GSTL was starting to coach people, the team was starting to recognize her as a leader, and the ETL's and TL's started respecting her. She started becoming the leader we knew she could be..

But we had one service TM who was rude, and the GSTL for whatever reason wouldn't coach her... The particular TM was rude and very confrontational.. As such, I decided I would help get the coaching rolling on the TM. One morning, I was in covering the cash office (because I was an intern/LOD/GSTL who also did cash office... That was fun!) and the rude TM was covering service desk. She called me out a couple times to help her a few times... And she was EXTREMELY rude with guests. If they would ask her, "how are you?" she would reply, "I'm tired. I don't know I came into work today. I hate my job." And other colorful phrases... I asked her to stop, but she kept going.

So when I was done with cash office, I watching the front lanes... It was a slow day. I overheard her complaining to a guest again.. I went over to the desk, and said, "You know, if you are really tired, just go home. If you are going to continue complaining to guests, just go." She did.

The next day... She returned. The GSTL pulled her into the office... Gave her a documented coaching her for the complaints to the guest, and gave her another for leaving early. "But you said I could!" And I said, "I never said you COULD, I just said go home. You left a shift early, and that's an automatic coaching." Next day, she screwed up again (refused to cover a Food Ave. break), and she was coached again... Day after that, she submitted her two week notice.

I know she was rude, but I now see it was completely wrong to bait her like that, just to get another coaching on her. I swear, target cool-aid turned me into some retail management monster... Glad I left!

But it sounds like she wanted to go anyways. And you gave her just the boost she needed!
We had a lady(who we are all sure had a drug habit) who turned her light off(she was guest service) leave for 45min then came back like it was nothing. Shift just started wasn't time for break or lunch and when our GSTL asked where she was she just said "out."
I worked at a clothing store in the mall before Target. It wasn't very big and normally we only needed a few people working at any given time. One Saturday night it was me, the manager, and a new employee whom I never worked with before (it was her second shift I think). I was actually sick that day, but I knew they really needed me so I pulled myself together and went in.

It kind of went in waves where it wasn't very busy then got busy for like twenty minutes. After one of those busier waves the new girl said she was stressed out from all the people in the store and needed to go outside to smoke. After about twenty/thirty minutes I noticed she hadn't returned and I mentioned it the manager. The manager started to call the person's cell phone, but she had turned it off. We all had everyone else's cell number since there were only like fifteen employees total so about an hour after she left the manager got a text on her cell saying "it was too stressful and I had to leave". The manager then tried to call her immediately after getting that text, but she had turned off her phone again. It was a ridulous night with just the two of us; it would have been manageable with three, but it really sucked being down a person especially since I felt pretty crappy. It was also lucky I had come in even through I was sick because had the new girl left the manager would have had to close the store because you can't have just one employee in the store (corporate rule to prevent employees from stealing).

The worst part was they couldn't fire her until she was a NCNS three or four times which is a big problem with only fifteen total employees and since the store only had two employees opening on weekday mornings. I got a call one morning saying they needed me to come in ASAP because the manager working couldn't open the store until someone else got there. Thankfully when they created the next schedule they assumed she wouldn't come in so they scheduled extra people during her shifts.

Then after she was officially fire she kept calling the store to ask about her paycheck that had like six hours of work on it. We had mailed it to her house and we kept telling her that, but she called everyday (sometimes twice a day and one day she called three times) for like a week about where it was which got really annoying really fast.
I know cashiers still on their 90 days have s pretty high turnover rate, but my store has seen four cashiers with 2+ years quit in the last month thanks to our new ETLGE. We've also lost one GSA to a transfer and another stepped down to just work nights at SD. So far there haven't been any spectacular confrontations, but I don't think it'll be much longer before someone bugs out.
It amazes me how people will go through the entire process of getting hired, come to work, and walk out on their first day or within the first week. This situation has happened at least once during every holiday season. They had me train one guy who stayed around long enough to get the truck unloaded, and for us to go to break. He went outside with all the smokers and people running to Wendy's, got in his car, and never came back.
Had one not too long ago. Softlines tm that was designated to zone Shoes. Just left, no one knew for awhile. Not easy keeping up with the area solo. Don't blame 'em, tbh.
We had one girl come in for her first shift on salesfloor (Closing, bleak), went to her first 15, and never came back. Although, I do know the person who was training her, and I can't say I blame her. We often have flow tms who come in for their first few shifts then never come back. I'm sure there's been a lot more instances but I haven't been at Spot very long.
A while back one of our experienced CAs was training the newly hired (probably his first job) CA on his first day on the cleaning routines, pushing carts, carry outs etc and the new CA quit two hours into his shift because "he couldn't handle the work" in his own words
I don't know what happened but one guy who had worked at the store for a few months just walked out. Even worse is that his last day (he went through the resignation process) would have been the next day.
Our backroom TL apparently came in this morning talked to the LOD and left. Whole thing took maybe an hour.
I dropped in to my store tonight - I was saying hi to one of my fav friends who was coming to hang out with me after her shift && buy some snacks based on what she wanted. I walked in and my store was the worst I've ever seen it. Apparently all of hardlines except a new hire called off && then mid-shift a tm who had just returned from LoA quit over the walkie. ... Like "this isn't worth it. I'm done" passed off keys & phone and just left. Wouldn't even talk to the STL who was Lod tonight.

I have never felt so bad for my store / team in my entire time at spot. Most of hardlines wasn't t zoned at all. And softlines was staffed but so busy it was unmanageable - they had a flow z, a regular z, and the outside FR z full, as well as a cart of shoes & a full cart of reshop at like half hour til close. I legit felt so bad I spent most of my time in the store not even finding my friend - but picking up shoes & trash, sorting down the mess of carts and strays in the FR (clearing out three carts & an extra flow z) before I had to run across the store to randomly just grab snacks as I tried to get out of the store before they locked up.

My STL asked if I wanted to come back / clock in 🙁 the sad part is while I was and am happy to have recently left for a better job - I had kind of wanted to be able to stay on for a random shift or two a week if I could have. But it wasn't really feasible on my end or theirs. Ugh. Heartbroken && it's only going to get worse. They lost a really great tm a little bit before me, they lost me (who is apparently insane since I loved FR && no one is happy that they are being pushed to fill the shifts I vacated) && now another really "core" tm put in their two weeks - added to the tm who quit last night. I like wanna be able to hug my whole store & make it better .
That's the doubled edged sword of Target.
They rely on TMs who feel as you do - wanting to help make things better for the sake of their fellow TMs.
But then leadership is indignant when hard-working, burnt-out TMs leave for a better job when they realize nothing they do will save their store & their efforts aren't even acknowledged.
An STL quit on the spot not too long ago. Of what I heard she put her keys and walkie on someone's desk , said I'm done, and never returned. The store was without a store manager for a while after that.
A Starbucks TM (I don't know if you would consider this walking out) went in when she was aspose to start her shift at noon and told the HR lady she quit and walked out. The Starbucks manager was not happy as she had to stay until 7pm that night (the sb tm who quit was aspose to relieve the manager).
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