Archived Have you ever had someone just up and leave in the middle of a shift...?

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Oh and also we have a lady that apparently multiple times now has disappeared for like the first 30-45 minutes of shift only to eventually appear and start working, and has never once explained where she was. However she still works there and as far as I know hasn't had any major issues.
The first store I worked in as an APS had an ETL, who was closing LOD at the time just quit in the middle of her shift. Basically called the STL, told her she was done, turned off her radio and went and sat in her office. The DTL had to have an ETL from another store show up, take her keys from her and stay to close the store. The girl basically had a mental breakdown. As far as I know she never attempted to come back to Target. This is what happens when the company recruits recent college grads with almost zero work experience to run their stores.
One of my dearest friends (a SDTM) walked out during her shift last Friday. A guest was being particularly nasty with her. The guest wanted to price match some Paw Patrol items AND have the buy 2 get 1 promo honored. My friend told her we couldn't. The woman was belligerent. The LOD comes over and allows her to do it anyway. My friend got PISSED and walked off. The LOD should have tossed the bitch out on her ass after finding out that the lady had been cussing at the SDTM. But NO. You reward her bad behavior. WTF?
You reward her bad behavior. WTF?

I hate that so much!
The policy says you can't have both so the LOD bends the policy just because you're being terrible to an employee? So someone who is nice and polite doesn't get a better deal just because they weren't nasty? Then that person learns that being mean gets results so she might go to another store and be rude again until people put a stop to it. Plus it is showing that TM you don't care about them at all if you allow someone who is swearing at them to be rewarded especially if the SDTM was correct about the policy.

I worked at a clothing store at the local mall before I worked at Target. Someone asked me a question about a coupon and I was confused by what they actually wanted because they weren't being very clear (and weren't showing me the coupon either). The guy started telling me I was stupid and harassing me. The manager came over and told him that he had to leave. He said he was going to purchase a shirt (he had the shirt in his hand and we were at the checkout counter), but the manager told him that we didn't want his business and he would not be sold the shirt. Then she would call mall security if he returned. Hopefully after that he thought twice about being rude to someone.
we had a new team member who walked out before the first 15 because she had an argument with another team member
Not at target, but at my last job we were training a couple new employees and noticed one of them was nowhere to been seen like halfway through the day. Turns out she snuck out the back, hopped a fence in the alley, and we never heard from her again.
Had s team member walk out during her shift today. She was scheduled to be off but they asked if she could come in. She was under pc and the LOD told her she needed to do some reshop. Well the tm lost it. Threw her equipment on the ground said screw reshop I am pc today and left. Will be interesting to see if they let her work tomorrow
I hate that so much!
The policy says you can't have both so the LOD bends the policy just because you're being terrible to an employee? So someone who is nice and polite doesn't get a better deal just because they weren't nasty? Then that person learns that being mean gets results so she might go to another store and be rude again until people put a stop to it. Plus it is showing that TM you don't care about them at all if you allow someone who is swearing at them to be rewarded especially if the SDTM was correct about the policy.
The kicker to this story? She told me the ETL wants to write her up. I understand writing her up for leaving early but it's unfair as hell.
I have been so tempted at every job I've had at times but never followed thru. But, boy, did I ever want to (especially at Target) 😡.
My brtl had to close once and just a few hours into the shift lost his shit from all the calls, ff, pulls etc. He was cussing and threw his pda as hard as he could. He vanished for several hours while I held down the fort just fine as I'm used to being alone and understaffed . He eventually came back right before his lunch to say he had to do everything in his power not to quit. I just replied "you've only closed once and this is what happens? You should try doing it on a daily basis." He wasn't a huge dick as he normally is after that to us closers.
Had s team member walk out during her shift today. She was scheduled to be off but they asked if she could come in. She was under pc and the LOD told her she needed to do some reshop. Well the tm lost it. Threw her equipment on the ground said screw reshop I am pc today and left. Will be interesting to see if they let her work tomorrow

What does PC mean?
My brtl had to close once and just a few hours into the shift lost his shit from all the calls, ff, pulls etc. He was cussing and threw his pda as hard as he could. He vanished for several hours while I held down the fort just fine as I'm used to being alone and understaffed . He eventually came back right before his lunch to say he had to do everything in his power not to quit. I just replied "you've only closed once and this is what happens? You should try doing it on a daily basis." He wasn't a huge dick as he normally is after that to us closers.
Lol, it's so painful to watch them try to do our "easy" jobs.
From my before Target days I had an employee leave in the middle of his shift on a busy night because it was his birthday. He told me, "It's my birthday, I gotta go. Sorry." Then he walked out. It was a bit crazy that night, but I switched up next week's schedule and meh. I'm sure his 18th birthday was worth it. Whatever.
I truly considered walking out during closing recently, and so did one of our stellar SLTMs. She is AMAZING, and works very very diligently. One of our TLs is absolutely horrible, but got the position due to having had the "correct education" but even some ETLs get annoyed with this TL too. I like my team, but almost every time this TL closes and I work with them, they make me cry because they're so rude to everyone and everyone feels discouraged by the end of the night, and this night was no different. Finally, I pulled out my MyDevice as I was putting away go-backs late that night when we had all the guests just at the front lanes and none on the sales floor, and just put in a request to not close with this TL at all for now. HR and one of the great ETLs (she's awesome) ended up mentioning how they heard about what was going with the TL to myself and the Softlines TM that I mentioned earlier, and that they were looking into it as well. It made us feel better, and it was nice to know we weren't alone in the ways we felt. I'm glad I didn't just give up and leave over one leader, when the rest of the leadership in the store is great. Nearly all the SFTM is frustrated with this person, and we wouldn't be surprised if they were gone by BTS time, if even that.
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I vanished after my CSM shift on Black Friday when I was at Walmart. I was pissed at my manager who was unwilling to grant a minor scheduling request. Since she turned it down so early on I had plenty of time to get a new job. Then, a few months later I was interested in going back to Sam's Club. When they called over to my old Wally to ask for feedback the manager that took the call had mentioned that I was treated like crap and was not surprised that I walked out.

I did a remodel for my post-WM job at Office Depot. During my absence my store manager sabotaged any business development in my copy center. Took the Sam's Club job, took 40 hours regular pay and 40 hours of OT, walked upstairs to the manager's office and left my store keys and a resignation letter.
We've had people hired for flow/backroom spend 1 hour and give "i'm not doing this i'm leaving can you let me out" never to show up again... I do wonder if some people just don't go over what the job actually is with some applicants.
We've had people hired for flow/backroom spend 1 hour and give "i'm not doing this i'm leaving can you let me out" never to show up again... I do wonder if some people just don't go over what the job actually is with some applicants.
This is all too common in my store. I give credit to many flow TMs in my store for how they work. Some others, not so much. I'd say for every 10 flow TMs hired only 6 will make it past 30 days and 2 past 90.
Our last three flow TLs have all walked out in the middle of a shift.
There's usually a few seasonals that walk off the job. Our seasonal cart attendant walked off after being told they weren't going to be kept.
I closed that night 😡

Our last three flow TLs have all walked out in the middle of a shift.

At that point it sounds like an ETL issue.
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I had a team member go to lunch on 2 different Saturdays and not return. We were slammed in the pharmacy and she just couldn't handle it. She was under her 90 days and I wanted to fire her after the first time, but my HR-ETL refused. We were able to fire her after the second offense. The 2 instances were 2 weeks apart.
Wow, this has been a great thread! Thanks for all the stories guys and girls, very entertaining😀
This is all too common in my store. I give credit to many flow TMs in my store for how they work. Some others, not so much. I'd say for every 10 flow TMs hired only 6 will make it past 30 days and 2 past 90.

We always have new flow team members, only a handful will stay. I have given up learning their names. By the time I learn their name, they are gone. Honestly flow team wouldn't be for me at all.
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