Archived Hello

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Jun 7, 2018

I'm relatively new to Target and even newer to this forum.
I previously worked for Walmart, in both hourly and salaried positions; while I love that company, the actual work environment left something to be desired. I accepted a job with Target as an APTL up here in the northeast and so far I'm loving it! The pay isn't as good as some past jobs, but the value of having a job I enjoy has definitely made up for it. No more begrudgingly leaving in the morning... now my workplace is almost as welcoming as my own home! Certainly something to be said for that.
Of course, that makes working internals a little more sad... But hey, all the more reason to weed out that dishonesty.

Anyway, this forum looks like it's got a lot on information floating around, so I'll certainly be reading it lot and contributing where I can.

Enjoy your good fortune with Spot - that probably won't last long.
Welcome to Spot, and to this forum. Hope your honeymoon period continues. I felt the same way when I started. Not as much since I have been here a few months. Mostly frustration of never getting to finish a task. I am just a lowly TM so at the bottom of the team.
I really enjoy helping the Guests.
Anyhow, Welcome!
I'm a little concerned whether the feeling will last, but I'm at least going to enjoy it while I can!
Don't most jobs start off well? Then...
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
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