Helping a new Target Store


Former Team Member/Leader
Aug 12, 2017
Hey Team,

So I have been asked by my SD if I would be interested in traveling to another state not too far from me for a new Target Store specifically to help with a Planorama. I have quite a bit of presentation experience so my SD thought I may be able to help. I haven't responded back yet and am still thinking on it but does anyone know what to expect here or what this entails?

Never heard the term before or done one.
I have done a few planoramas and have generally enjoyed them quite a bit. It's a great opportunity to socialize with team members from other stores and learn how they operate the same or different, and to commiserate on all the things that grind your gears. Kinda like how we do on this message board.

As far as what you can expect, it can sometimes feel a bit chaotic because POGs for the entire store are being set. Usually a few departments per day basis. Generally, there is leader on duty, like an etl-remodel, or some-such, and other store leadership. Then there will captains running the presentation teams in each area being set who will assign you workload.

I say go for it!
My SD said that Target would pay to put me in a hotel and pay for travel. Is this standard?
Travel pay is. I think hotels are common in situations when the mileage is a certain distance from home of residence. Travel pay may also include a "per diem" allowance for you to get food, but don't quote me on that.
I’ve helped a couple stores with remodels and helping them set a couple aisles and move freight into the aisles.

I’m assuming for new stores it will literally just be the gondolas installed by the construction crew and all the fixturing and set would have to be done by the store teams?
My SD said that Target would pay to put me in a hotel and pay for travel. Is this standard?
Yes, although not at a 4-star hotel or enough for gourmet meals. 🙂 When I had a completely different job, I sometimes had to go to a different city for a week of training. Way too far to drive every day, so they put me up in a hotel and provided a daily meal allowance.
Do it. New store openings are fun. Target should cover travel and you'll be reimbursed for meal expenses up to a daily amount (something like $70), so make sure to keep your receipts (no alcohol, so always ask for a separate bill if you do drink while out).
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I would assume them you punch in at that store then.

I would also make sure any hotel charges are billed directly to Target not you.
Last time I helped with a remodel they put me in the system for the store I'm was going to so I could punch in normally there, that was a different state as well so I'm assuming they can do the same here. Just shows a different store number in myTime instead of my home store. I know it comes out of that stores budget I think when you do that so for this I think its fine.

When I was going to other stores for training however they didn't put me under that store because they wanted the hours charged to my home store so had to do punch corrections for all those shifts.

Idk myTime is confusing with how it works.

I would guess for a new store they are getting special project code hours in order to get help from other stores so I'm assuming HQ is supplementing special hours that I and other TMs going there would be using.
Yup, there's a different bucket for new store openings that all the hours are charged to (meaning that OT is usually not a problem). There's a specific pay code for expenses to be charged to as well.

Hotel reservations should be done by someone in the district, with confirmation emails being sent to those who the rooms are for (assuming they're sent to one of the leaders of TMs who don't have emails). You might have to give the hotel a card for separate expenses when checking in though (purchases in the lobby, fees associated with making a mess, etc..) and your daily meal allowance is just something you're reimbursed for -- meaning you foot the biil at the time, but Target pays you up to your daily allowance afterwards. There's an app (SAP Concur) you can use to keep track of receipts and submit your expense reports (which then need to be approved by your ETL/SD). The New Store Opening Exec should be able to answer any questions regarding that, along with the SD at your home store.

The meal allowance can be used for any meals you buy (meaning you can grab groceries to snack on and/or go out to eat), alcohol being the exception. The store you're helping out at will also likely have catering for lunch and sometimes breakfast, so you'll mainly be getting snacks and something for dinner yourself. At ~$70/day, that's not bad. I believe the amount depends on whether your hotel provides breakfast in the morning, but I don't remember exactly. It's still a good amount of money, so make sure to take advantage of it!

And remember to have fun. It's not often you get to work with people from other stores and most of them will be very knowledgeable. You can end up learning a lot.
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Last time I helped with a remodel they put me in the system for the store I'm was going to so I could punch in normally there, that was a different state as well so I'm assuming they can do the same here. Just shows a different store number in myTime instead of my home store. I know it comes out of that stores budget I think when you do that so for this I think its fine.

When I was going to other stores for training however they didn't put me under that store because they wanted the hours charged to my home store so had to do punch corrections for all those shifts.

Idk myTime is confusing with how it works.

I would guess for a new store they are getting special project code hours in order to get help from other stores so I'm assuming HQ is supplementing special hours that I and other TMs going there would be using.
Lord help me if I had to do weeks worth punch corrections. This system is absolutely harder than it should be.
They made it easier to swap shifts and see our schedule but screwed up punch corrections and adding time.

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