Archived Helping old lady?

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Aug 6, 2014
An old lady was buying groceries, but she didn't have enough to pay for half of her merchandise, and she kept trying to put stuff back to lower her price and she kept apologizing. Would it be against the rules if I helped pay for her groceries with a debit card? (not a redcard just my normal bank one, also NOT using my discount) Just paying for her groceries normally.
Of course it would be a fine and decent thing to do.
As long as you're not using your discount there's no problem.
You should VIBE with the guest, and just enter the cash amount on the computer. Your till will be short...but at least you VIBED.
It would be nice, but I would call over my GSTL and ask them if they can assist you with it. discreetly explain the situation and what you want to do to help, and ask them if they will finish ringing it out for you [both] so you can pay for part. lucky that you have the money to help with. im jelly.
Cashiers have called me over several times for these situations, but I've always said no.
I like to make things right for guests; but, there's a difference between taking an expired coupon to gain guest loyalty, and outright giving away merchandise because the guest doesn't have enough money for it.

Look at it this way, would you do the same thing if it were a sketchy looking twenty-something? What about somebody who's sobriety is in question at the time? Delivering a consistent guest experience is more important than doing an old lady an unusual favor IMHO.
An old lady was buying groceries, but she didn't have enough to pay for half of her merchandise, and she kept trying to put stuff back to lower her price and she kept apologizing. Would it be against the rules if I helped pay for her groceries with a debit card? (not a redcard just my normal bank one, also NOT using my discount) Just paying for her groceries normally.
First of all, it says a lot about you as a person that you even thought about doing this for the guest....the world could use more people who think like you !
Cashiers have called me over several times for these situations, but I've always said no.
I like to make things right for guests; but, there's a difference between taking an expired coupon to gain guest loyalty, and outright giving away merchandise because the guest doesn't have enough money for it.

Look at it this way, would you do the same thing if it were a sketchy looking twenty-something? What about somebody who's sobriety is in question at the time? Delivering a consistent guest experience is more important than doing an old lady an unusual favor IMHO.

After I had been hit by a car I spent six months laid up with my leg in a cast from the hip down.
I had to take care of the kids during the summer while my wife worked, since I couldn't and I did the shopping.
When we got to the register I realized I hadn't figured the coupons right and was about 18 dollars over.
So I'm trying to find things to give my kids to take back.

The couple behind us reached into their wallet and paid the balance.
That moment of kindness made such a difference.
It wasn't a lot of money but it kept me from feeling completely scattered and low.
It made sure I had what I needed for that week.
Whenever I get the chance I do similar things because they do make peoples lives better.
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Cashiers have called me over several times for these situations, but I've always said no.
I like to make things right for guests; but, there's a difference between taking an expired coupon to gain guest loyalty, and outright giving away merchandise because the guest doesn't have enough money for it.

Look at it this way, would you do the same thing if it were a sketchy looking twenty-something? What about somebody who's sobriety is in question at the time? Delivering a consistent guest experience is more important than doing an old lady an unusual favor IMHO.

After I had been hit by a car I spent six months laid up with my leg in a cast from the hip down.
I had to take care of the kids during the summer while my wife worked, since I couldn't and I did the shopping.
When we got to the register I realized I hadn't figured the coupons right and was about 18 dollars over.
So I'm trying to find things to give my kids to take back.

The couple behind us reached into their wallet and paid the balance.
That moment of kindness made such a difference.
It wasn't a lot of money but it kept me from feeling completely scattered and low.
It made sure I had what I needed for that week.
Whenever I get the chance I do similar things because they do make peoples lives better.

That makes sense, and I completely love that there are good people in the world who do things like this (heck, I've done it a couple times myself.) but the idea of doing it for a guest while on the clock, in uniform/nametag... I don't know, it just gives me a slight queasy feeling
It would be nice, but don't get caught up in any scams that people are running. Just because she is old doesn't mean she doesn't know how to scam.
And I don't think you could be paying for her groceries while she went through your line.
It would be nice, but don't get caught up in any scams that people are running. Just because she is old doesn't mean she doesn't know how to scam.
And I don't think you could be paying for her groceries while she went through your line.

We had an old lady try using fraudulent diaper coupons the other day. Would have given her $90 in merchandise for free. They definitely aren't stupid haha
You could do it if you used your actual debit or credit card. If you used your red card/discount it would pop as a AP issue and you would most likely be flagged to be talked too. You sound like a nice person, but a ton of people use this as a scam. I see it every week, a person will come in and can't pay for say $15.00 worth of stuff, and the mom behind her with two kids will offer to pay for her. The "poor" person will thank her, walk out to her nice 2013 buick and take off. You are best just checking your soul at the door when entering work and picking it back up when you leave.
Cashiers have called me over several times for these situations, but I've always said no.
I like to make things right for guests; but, there's a difference between taking an expired coupon to gain guest loyalty, and outright giving away merchandise because the guest doesn't have enough money for it.

Look at it this way, would you do the same thing if it were a sketchy looking twenty-something? What about somebody who's sobriety is in question at the time? Delivering a consistent guest experience is more important than doing an old lady an unusual favor IMHO.
well I understand what you are saying but if the Team member is not using a redcard or their discount and the stuff is being paid for... I guess I am having a problem seeing your prospective.
My Target is right across the street from a nursing home and a lady constantly comes over from their and buys more than she can hold and balance. one day she came to my line because I always try to accommodate for her so she can get back OK. well she buys an overflowing cart and was expecting for me or someone to carry her stuff back for her. I know we cant leave and I tried to be polite so I spoke with the LOD and explained the situation and so he had a worker go back with her so she can get her stuff home. well after that the LOD called the place and told them she is not allowed to come to the store unless she has an assistant with her. it is not our job to get her back home with her stuff. I agree 100% with the LOD on this... that is what the assistants working at the nursing home are there for. If something happens to us or that lady accusing anyone of something we have no protection because we left Target property on the clock.
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My Target is right across the street from a nursing home and a lady constantly comes over from their and buys more than she can hold and balance. one day she came to my line because I always try to accommodate for her so she can get back OK. well she buys an overflowing cart and was expecting for me or someone to carry her stuff back for her. I know we cant leave and I tried to be polite so I spoke with the LOD and explained the situation and so he had a worker go back with her so she can get her stuff home. well after that the LOD called the place and told them she is not allowed to come to the store unless she has an assistant with her. it is not our job to get her back home with her stuff. I agree 100% with the LOD on this... that is what the assistants working at the nursing home are there for. If something happens to us or that lady accusing anyone of something we have no protection because we left Target property on the clock.

Whoa. That's insane! I would have called the nursing home and told them that their ward is ready for pick up. lol
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