Archived Henlo it me

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Sep 4, 2018
Hey, long-time lurker, new-ish TM. I've been working at Target since February. Started off as a Flow Associate, now an "Inbound Expert" and "Learning Mentor" for said position.

We started at 4AM up until mid -August, now my store does a 6AM process. Gotta say, I'm just about the only one on the team other than my GM Leads and my GM Leader that actually likes the new unload process. Probably why I'm the only one who gets 40 hours on my team, haha. Definitely ready for that next pay-bump toward $15 though... last for us was 6 months ago and with a deadline only a year and a quarter away for 15, it's about time.

Anyway, nice to meet you all!
Welcome to the group.

BTW, bump to $15 was promised to be in place by the END of 2020.
Well that's nice to know. HR and the Store Director at my store have been mistakenly saying "oh, it's only a year and a half away!" Definitely sounds like the beginning to me!
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