Archived Hey looking for tips in softlines!

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Mar 29, 2019
Hello everyone! Does anyone have suggestions on being successful in softlines? Do your stores usually have more than one person running RTW? Haven’t figured out how I’m supposed to do reshop or zoning the whole shift while watching the fitting rooms if I can’t see them. I was just kind of thrown onto the floor with little knowledge. Any help/tips would be appreciated! Thank you.
@RightArm, you have a new trainee.

The above link given to you by Hardlinesmaster (thank you!) is for the megathread dedicated to A&A (softlines). You'll find helpful info there but also receive all the attention you need for your questions as A&A TMs and leaders "watch" that thread.

Welcome to the world of Style where you will have to multi-task for pretty much every shift. The key is to establish routines and while ASANTS (All Stores Are Not The Same) the fitting room is not watched by one single TM but every TM on shift. First of all, zone as you push whether it's truck or reshop. (ie: you put an item on a rack, fix it... you put folded on a table...fix it... and make sure nothing is on the floor.) When you finish your metro or zrack or whatever vehicle you are pushing, return to the fitting room, check the desk and fitting rooms and hang up/fold whatever the guests have left you. Then grab your next round of reshop or push from the truck and head back to your area to zone/push. If every TM on the floor follows this routine the fitting room will not fall behind and when you make your trek back there it won't be piled high with stuff to hang/fold.

When the fitting rooms become a problem for us our leaders on the floor will break out a schedule and assign each TM a block of time in which they must check the fitting rooms and clear the reshop from the front lanes... our morning team does not need the scheduling as they have figured out how to work the fitting room into their routines. Our late team sometimes requires scheduling. We are a low volume store so the only time we have more than one person assigned to RTW is during mids when the opening and mid TM overlap and at the end where the mid and closing TM overlap.

Always give your best on the floor and don't be afraid to ask questions when you have them. It will show your leaders that you care and are looking to improve. Good luck!
Also, check with your fellow TMs about what to do at your store. @RightArm is completely right by the book, however not all stores are following that procedure yet. Example, we have one person assigned to fitting room duties, and every time they play the "someone has to stay there" card, it's conveniently forgotten by leadership inside of two months.
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