Archived Hi, I'm new

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Sep 21, 2017

Started working about a month ago, but just discovered this site, wow! It's great to be a part of this community.

Also if anyone could list and explain the difference between the different leadership positions (like GSTL, LOD, etc.) I'd appreciate it, because that's confusing as heck.
Greeting and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
Welcome to Target and welcome to The Break Room. Enjoy the ride.

Still need that translation list or no?
Welcome to target and the forum. Feel free to ask questions we're all here to help with any advice
they asked a question and approx 0 answered it

It's been crossed out since moments after the original post. Most of us assumed he read around and figured out the answer for himself.
It's been crossed out since moments after the original post. Most of us assumed he read around and figured out the answer for himself.
that explains a lot then

i see a crossed out post and assume its like a nervous post type thing since i do that a lot
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