Archived hi-new to target questions

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Aug 12, 2012
i'm joining target as cashier. who sets the # hours you get per week? who do you talk to for a pay raise?

the manager who interviewed said i could work in the returns but declined. do you get paid higher than working as a cashier? how quickly can you change positions to another one?

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Your hrs are set by either your ETL (exec team lead) or your team lead according to your availability.
After 90 days, you might earn a merit raise depending on performance. Thereafter, raises are based on annual performance reviews or if you promote.
Working returns (known as Service Desk or Guest Services) can get you more hrs but no pay increase. By training in other areas, tho, it makes you look better when leadership starts looking for people to advance.
You usually have to wait until your 90 days is up before changing positions so you probably shouldn't have turned down Service Desk.
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