Archived Hi! New with Questions...

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Jul 29, 2018
Hello all!
I would like to preface this by saying that my username is not my real name. 🙂 Nowhere close, tbh.
I am new to Target (temporary employment for a remodel). Ive worked a total of 4 shifts, 6 hours each, and I am very nervous about continuing on. I have never worked retail before so I don't know a lot of this terminology, and I am afraid that I may be annoying my leaders with asking what may be dumb questions (I.e. I know what it means to push, set, backstock...) But othwr things I do not know. What is flex? What is hardline and softline? Things like that. Is there a list somewhere that defines all of this? To be clear, I have asked these questions, but I dont really get clear answers.
^^^^^ Yes !!!! Use Target Talk (definitions). And.... as @can't touch this stated, always ask ! Let your Leaders know that, even though you are "temporary", you want to do a great job, and in order to do so, you may need a little more direction than a seasoned TM. As a Leader, I want to make sure my directions are clear and understood; otherwise we waste valuable time re-doing things. If you are nervous asking a Leader for clarity.... make connections w/ some of the seasoned TMs on the remodel Team, they can give you some pointers along the way.
Good Luck !!
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