Archived Hot Wheel Event

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I’m really surprised this wasn’t in the merch update or the daily download. It seems if it was, things would’ve gone a lot smoother at most stores.
We had tons . I kept them at the offsite off location . I just let the Tl know I had them and sent it last night
Ours was pretty tame. We don't get tons of collectors at my store, though. We actually closed the tables down not long after the raffle, and had TMs wandering around handing out the free cars all afternoon.
Surprisingly enough I saw zero collectors over 8 hours. Lots of squealing kiddos though.

One of them opened his and was scooting it around on the floor in infants hardlines and rolled it into the main aisle, and I rolled by with a flat at just the right moment to crush it under a wheel. Lil dude was heartbroken until I dug through the bin and found him another identical one. Lmao
I saw the bike builder working the Hot Wheels event as I came in, but I was back in electronics in the opposite corner of the store, so I didn't see anything. Lots of stickers in the breakroom now.
One of the collectors chatted with me a bit before the raffle. He said he'd called around to find Targets doing the raffle vs first-come, first-serve. Ours would have been fine as FCFS, but he didn't want to end up in a melee with crazy people. Can't say I blame him.
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