Archived Hours cut! Everybody is really pissed off at my store!

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Know that feeling mine did the same. One 8hr shift and 4 days off :/ its ok though quite frankly I am enjoying the break even if it financially stresses me lol. 4th quarter will be here again soon enough 😵
Lol. I told my family my schedule and they wondered if everything was OK haha. I was like "Nah, it's January" 😛
There was a rumor going around GS that all of our hours were going to be totally cut (we’ve all been getting at least 30) like no more long shifts all 4 hours and I was hella juiced because I hate long shifts but I barely ever get short shifts. Like I would be totally fine working 7 days a week with all 4 hour shifts. Anyways the new schedule came out, 35 hours, all 7.75 hour shifts 🙄
There was a rumor going around GS that all of our hours were going to be totally cut (we’ve all been getting at least 30) like no more long shifts all 4 hours and I was hella juiced because I hate long shifts but I barely ever get short shifts. Like I would be totally fine working 7 days a week with all 4 hour shifts. Anyways the new schedule came out, 35 hours, all 7.75 hour shifts 🙄
I'll take your long shifts if you take my short ones. 4 or 5 hours, I feel like I just got there, which makes the trip feel like a waste.
There was a rumor going around GS that all of our hours were going to be totally cut (we’ve all been getting at least 30) like no more long shifts all 4 hours and I was hella juiced because I hate long shifts but I barely ever get short shifts. Like I would be totally fine working 7 days a week with all 4 hour shifts. Anyways the new schedule came out, 35 hours, all 7.75 hour shifts 🙄

They just like you haha
I have never seen my hours go above 30 when scheduled every week unless i pick up shifts or get called in. I expected it at the start as I know Target hire mostly part times. I still told them i expect avg 30 and max 40 at the interviews lol
Shit, I get a lot done in 4 hours.

And it always feels longer than 4 hours...

I do get a lot done, though the tasks are proportional for four hours instead of eight hours. It's just my sense of time. Four hours is not very long when you are busy.
My shifts tend to be 5 hours, which I like. That's not too tiring and these days it's pretty easy to get everything zoned really well & take care of reshop.
10 hours shifts are nice, since I can get 40 in 4 days. But it can get tiring. I worked an 8 at another store to help out and it was just...weird. lol. I couldn't imagine a 4 hour shift. We don't even have our first break until 4 hours in. lol
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Target is pretty generous with the benefits. My hours are less than 29.5 but I'm getting vacation. And when I went on FMLA I got half my average pay for the entire time I was gone. I could have dental but I didn't expect any of these benefits and didn't sign up in time when I became eligible.

I agree. I have full time benefits through target and they are pretty good compared to to other employers. I have enough in my HRA account to cover my deductible. Target funded my HRA account, I did not pay a penny. My monthly prescriptions are covered 100% and when I was sick and needed a couple prescriptions filled, I paid less than $10 for both! My legal plan has saved me hundreds of $$ when I needed to consult with a lawyer.
I started out as a cashier/guest service and I managed to get at least 30 hours/week even in January - March. I checked the swap shift board and told the GSA/GSTL at the beginning of my shifts to let me know if there is a call out because I can extend if needed. I also told them to call me if they needed me to come in early.
I just started working at Target last October and this is my first slow period that I have experienced. I understand that payroll won't be the best considering the fact that sales are slower, but I am beside myself over how many times I have been called and asked to come in on the morning of a shift, probably because one of the other cashiers called out. Even today, I had swap shifted with another cashier to come in from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM, and the swap shift was approved, but my STL called me explaining that they needed someone to work in the morning and that someone else would take the shift that I had offered to take.

I hope that being cross-trained in other areas can increase my scheduled hours for the week and reduce the possibility of suddenly being called in, but I really haven't gotten the cross-training opportunities despite voicing my desire to be cross-trained in self-checkout or hardlines.
Prioritize for the moment.
Show your leadership that you're willing to come in when needed, that you're dependable & a team player.
This is the time of year that hours are extremely scarce so you should be grateful for being called & any hours you can pick up; right now beggars can NOT be choosers.
Once payroll picks up scheduled hours should go up, then & ONLY then should you ask about cross-training.
If you nag them about it when there aren't hours, you might be passed up.
Prioritize for the moment.
Show your leadership that you're willing to come in when needed, that you're dependable & a team player.
This is the time of year that hours are extremely scarce so you should be grateful for being called & any hours you can pick up; right now beggars can NOT be choosers.
Once payroll picks up scheduled hours should go up, then & ONLY then should you ask about cross-training.
If you nag them about it when there aren't hours, you might be passed up.
I understand what you are saying, and if I came off whiny or ungrateful about being called in and not being cross-trained, I apologize. My main frustration was with what happened yesterday with taking a swap shift for another cashier from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM, only to be called at 7:45 AM and asked if I was available to come in at 9:30 AM, when I had offered to take a swap shift for another cashier and was expecting to clock in at 4:00 PM. I understand that there are issues with availability in scheduling which makes it difficult for management to set up a schedule with such low payroll, but I was hoping that these kinds of situations could be avoided. There was even another time this week when I was scheduled to clock out at 10:30 PM and my father came to pick me up at 10:45 PM, only for my GSTL to ask me to stay until 11:00 PM at 10:25 PM since other cashiers were on break and there were only two cashiers at the time, including myself. I am happy to extend or come in if needed, I just wish that they would be able to ask in more of a timely manner. I guess this is kind of a rant, since other Target members deal with these kinds of issues as well.
They can't help when they call, if you can't come in just say no and be done with it.
If you said 'yes' enough times it's OK to say 'no', too; especially in situations like your dad waiting to pick you up.
It would be unreasonable to have it held against you.
It sounds like you're establishing yourself as dependable but you shouldn't be run over simply because of poor planning or their crisis du jour.
I expressed to HR today that I understand the lack of hours going around (on the store level) but that if they had call outs, consider contacting me first because I need the hours. I have like 20 on the two week out schedule with open availability and it's killing me.
I expressed to HR today that I understand the lack of hours going around (on the store level) but that if they had call outs, consider contacting me first because I need the hours. I have like 20 on the two week out schedule with open availability and it's killing me.

I’m scheduled for 8-12 hours a week for the upcoming weeks, but I know that I’ll get at least 30 because I’m top of the list to call in to cover call-outs. If you’re flexible and hardworking, it’ll work out.
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