Archived Hours cut

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I wish there was a way to pick up extra hours in TPS.... no such luck tho :/
E-man, wish we had you on our call list.
Can't tell you how many times I'd hear people whining about not enough hrs but, when they're called for evening or weekend shifts, they don't answer their phone.
Too bad, so sad....NOT!

I hear you! People complain all the time at our store about not getting enough hours. When we ask if they can stay an hr or two or pick up a shift later that week because we're short the same people always say no. Then payday rolls around and the complaining starts all over.
I find it very discouraging when our store is way up for the month and my hours still get cut along with others. They keep telling us sales = payroll, but I haven't seen it. It's very bad for store morale!
I had submitted the original post and was extremely discouraged at the time but was able to pick up a couple of shifts which did help. This next week my hours had gone up slightly but weren't great but I wasn't able to pick up anything. The new schedule was posted and I've only got 16 hours. My GSA said she flicked thru the schedule and everyone seems to be 20 or under. One girl only got 5. And there's nothing on the swap shift board for those days. I've been looking for another job but at my age there's really not that much.
Evan, hours were cut. Payroll issue.
Lovecats, keep asking, this weeken should be wide for you & Evan. Knowing other workcenters is the key. But easy to learn. Grab those hours!
TPS can't cross train according to my ETL-AP. and I don't understand how payroll would affect ppl switching shifts. Same amnt of hrs are being used just by different ppl..... Pretty stupid imo....
Once you are TPS you either have to stay there or go to a completely different work center. It's a conflict of interest. Yeah that doesn't make too much sense with the shift swap stuff, except that they probably are just going to treat it as a call off and not bother to fill it to save payroll
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With Q4 approaching the pocketbook should open up a bit. Our store scrimps and saves all year long on payroll so we have it to spend in the last quarter. Most of our team members have seen a steady increase in their hrs over the last couple of weeks as we get rdy for BTS. I do work in a very high volume store though and I know it's different than the lower volume stores so here's to hoping you all see more hours in the weeks to come!
They won't stop calling me, every single day... "Can you come in?" I was scheduled for sixteen hours one week and I ended up at the border of overtime.

Turns out that if you screw over your employees enough, they won't be there when you need them.
My store can't stop talking about how we're overflowing in hours and our sales are up and we're doing great and they're constantly asking people to stay.

Yet here I am scheduled for all of 10 hours. Not eligible for crosstraining yet either. Huzzah.
We passed sales and everyone is getting extra hours. Got scheduled for 18 hours last week and ended up getting 37 and this week I was scheduled for 21 and I stood today for an extra 3 hours...

Hopefully I get asked to stay late on the 4th as I don't have plans til late late night and I will enjoy the nice pay.
Well, this past week, I had 26, picked up a 4 hour cashier shift bringing it up to 30.75. Then this past Friday picked up a 7 hour SF shift so I ended the week with 37.75 hrs. Not too bad. Now if I could just pick up some for this week (I'm at 24.5) and next week (16). I would be a really happy camper😀.
Been extended a couple times this week and last, so if anything I'm at least now getting more than 30hrs total for the two-week period...

And HR or someone put up a flyer asking who wants to be called in for call-outs... I signed up for it, and am hoping it leads somewhere.

Was amusing to hear STL talking with APL and other TLs in the breakroom about hours, though. She was upset because all these people keep calling out, and going on about how these same people are ones who complain about lack of hours. xD;

Works for me though, I suppose, since often the STL is the one who's always asking me to extend or something.
We are finally experiencing the hours being cut at my store. I'd like to know why we are hiring new tms when there are current TMs struggling to find hours.
We are finally experiencing the hours being cut at my store. I'd like to know why we are hiring new tms when there are current TMs struggling to find hours.

They are most likely hiring in anticipation of Q4. I know it doesn't help any to know that when you aren't getting the hours you need. Hours will pick up in most stores soon even with new hires.
We are finally experiencing the hours being cut at my store. I'd like to know why we are hiring new tms when there are current TMs struggling to find hours.

It's called "expanding the pool."
As SrTLRep said, it's probably in anticipation of Q4 but - if your store has termed people lately - you want to keep an ample pool of TMs. After we had mutliple call-outs during a holiday weekend, coupled with TMs unwilling to stay later/come in, we went on an agressive hiring binge to make sure that didn't happen again. Yeh, it sucks when you're losing hrs to newbies but they also need time to put their new skills to use to see if they'll work out, which HAS to be done within the 90 day period.
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I was getting 30+ hours a week over the last few weeks, and then we went and hired a bunch of new salesfloor TMs and I'm back to 20-ish hours with no shifts to pick up because no one else is giving theirs up. Plus we were told July's payroll is very very tight, so I guess I will just have to watch my spending for the next month.

On the plus side we were told things should improve for the 4th quarter when the store gets really really busy. In the mean time just gotta hang in there.
I have always been at 38+ hours. We bombed sales last month, so my latest schedule is 28 hours, although, to be fair, I asked for an 8 hr day off to visit my sick Uncle. After next week I am taking 10 days vacation and cashing in on my nice 40 hours of vacation time. The way I see it, its the best time to take a vacation, not only wont I have to deal with a Team Member strapped store, but I can fill my paycheck with those 40 hours. AND this is a 3 paycheck month. When I come back we will be to August with some nice Q4 payroll rolling in. 😉

Oh, and no helping with BTS, even better!
I noticed this was a 3 paycheck month too.

My next paycheck happens to land where I have no bills to pay so it's going directly into my car fund.
Getting on good terms with the Operator/HR team (or whoever calls TMs in for shifts) helps, at least in my experience. If they like you and know you're looking for extra hours, they might just bump you to the top of the list when they're filling a call-off or give your name to TMs who are looking to give away a shift.
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