Archived Hours cut

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I have always been at 38+ hours. We bombed sales last month, so my latest schedule is 28 hours, although, to be fair, I asked for an 8 hr day off to visit my sick Uncle. After next week I am taking 10 days vacation and cashing in on my nice 40 hours of vacation time. The way I see it, its the best time to take a vacation, not only wont I have to deal with a Team Member strapped store, but I can fill my paycheck with those 40 hours. AND this is a 3 paycheck month. When I come back we will be to August with some nice Q4 payroll rolling in. 😉

Oh, and no helping with BTS, even better!

Watch out when using vacation...My old HR reminded my store on a monthly basis that the more time off you use might mean fewer hours later on. And people taking less time-off or none will receive more hours.
I was asked yesterday if I wanted to come in and work in Market today. I said yes, of course! It was only 6 hours but it was 6 hours that I didn't have before. I still would like some to build up next week (when I only have 16 measily hours:disappoint🙂.
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Yeah on weeks where I get low hours, I tell the operator to put me on the top of the call in list and I make myself available on scheduled days off and I'm willing to come in early and extend.

I'll be happy with a guaranteed 20 hours a week since I only pay for my cell phone xD
If you answer when they call (even if you have to decline), that gets you on the list. If you often come in when asked, that gets you on the A list. If you come in when called & stay when asked, that puts you at the TOP of the A list.
I bank my vay-cay to supplement weeks when I can't pick up any shifts. I tell the family that vacation is whenever Mom doesn't get enough hrs.
Gee...whopping 8 hours this week because we "need to cut hours drastically" in pharmacy. It's not like I really NEED the money, but I'm schedules for 26 next week???
If we save our vacation time, do we get to cash in on it when we eventually quit?
This coming from a cashier who hovers around 20 hours a week, so far this week I'm at 28 with 2 more shifts at 4.5 each and my GSTL said one of those might turn into a 7.25 hour shift.
First time I'm going to hit 40 hours as a cashier. I've been asked to extend everyday this week.

I have to say, I've been getting on everyones good side lately. Covering breaks and lunch for food ave, covering cart attendants lunch, covering breaks and lunch for electronics while getting attachments and redcards.
Well, my hours went up slightly on the new schedule. 24 from 16🙄
But there are no hours on the swap shift board. Ok, I lie. there were 3. 1 was a cashier shift for a day I'm already working. 2 were for electronics and it was just 2 tm switching shifts with each other. But I'm hanging in there. At least I didn't come home and immediately apply at Home Depot like that last 2 Xs when I had really low hours. And I'm not as depressed this time. Of course, maybe I'm just numb.
I REALLY wish someone could explain the logic of our scheduler to me...the past week, I was scheduled for 11.5 hours, which was cut to 8.5 (I missed .5 earlier) week, it's 26, the week after, back down to 13, the week after that, back up to 22.5??? Our total hours for Rx go from 177 to 186 to 182. I've asked some of the other techs (I rarely work with the pharmacist who does the scheduling so I can't ask her myself unless I go in on my day off) and they've asked her before and her answer is "I try to mix things up and fit people in where I can". Meanwhile, her "pet" works virtually the same schedule every week "because she has to work around her school schedule" (she takes classes 2 days a week).
I REALLY wish someone could explain the logic of our scheduler to me...the past week, I was scheduled for 11.5 hours, which was cut to 8.5 (I missed .5 earlier) week, it's 26, the week after, back down to 13, the week after that, back up to 22.5??? Our total hours for Rx go from 177 to 186 to 182. I've asked some of the other techs (I rarely work with the pharmacist who does the scheduling so I can't ask her myself unless I go in on my day off) and they've asked her before and her answer is "I try to mix things up and fit people in where I can". Meanwhile, her "pet" works virtually the same schedule every week "because she has to work around her school schedule" (she takes classes 2 days a week).

Try to get a set schedule. Ck your availability too, it might change since last update with hr.

Also, Stl maybe taking your hours.

1) Review your availability; make sure you didn't make any mistakes if you entered it on MAX Self Service (i.e. you meant to enter 6AM to 12AM [midnight] but accidentally entered 6AM to 12PM [noon])

2) Many shifts end after store closing, so if you're only available until store closing, you're missing out on those shifts -- change it;

3) I would suggest always having holiday hours availability, so you won't have to change it [ex. until 1AM or later];

4) Make sure you're not job coded in some obscure workcenter that causes you not to populate on the schedule -- HRTMs might tend to forget about you and you'll only get the scraps [this is not very common, but check anyway]

There are so many variables at work here.
Yep, The Mule is the master of the fixture room (and most of the rest of the store but I'm seriously jealous about the fixture room).

Back on topic. At my store they've been cutting hours for the presentation team even though there are a couple of major resets because they had to hire a bunch of new hardlines people and needed the training hours.

yup yup, our POG team has been ... well skidding by on the skin of our teeth. I have to pull an 15+ hour day (or 12) just to break even. :blowup:

1) Review your availability; make sure you didn't make any mistakes if you entered it on MAX Self Service (i.e. you meant to enter 6AM to 12AM [midnight] but accidentally entered 6AM to 12PM [noon])

2) Many shifts end after store closing, so if you're only available until store closing, you're missing out on those shifts -- change it;

3) I would suggest always having holiday hours availability, so you won't have to change it [ex. until 1AM or later];

4) Make sure you're not job coded in some obscure workcenter that causes you not to populate on the schedule -- HRTMs might tend to forget about you and you'll only get the scraps [this is not very common, but check anyway]

There are so many variables at work here.

Well, I only work pharmacy and my schedule is all over the place so I don't think any of these are coming into play, but thanks for the suggestions 🙂

I think I figured out what's going on...she's not actually doing the of the techs is. The one I mentioned previously, in fact, which would explain why HER schedule is the most "regular" one out of everyone's. I DID get to put my 2 cents in tonight on when I would "prefer" to work, though, so we'll see what my future schedules look like....
So I ran into a friend of mine ( who is also a coworker) she was scheduled for five (5) hours last week! Despite being trained in bakery, hard lines, cashier and cart attendant. Other coworkers have their hours going down. Yet mine are going up. I guess someone likes me.
Watch out when using vacation...My old HR reminded my store on a monthly basis that the more time off you use might mean fewer hours later on. And people taking less time-off or none will receive more hours.

Thats complete bull************ which is par for the course at Target.
Team members in my store have been complaining about hours and because they felt like no one was listening they called the hotline. Last week we had 2 visits in my store from labor relations but I think it was just to make them feel like someone was listening. Has anyone else had any visits like this?
Team members in my store have been complaining about hours and because they felt like no one was listening they called the hotline. Last week we had 2 visits in my store from labor relations but I think it was just to make them feel like someone was listening. Has anyone else had any visits like this?

Nothing like a visit from corp to break up the doldrums...
So this past weekend, we had many call outs/no call no shows. On Saturday, we had at least 7 call outs/no call no shows and Sunday we had at least 5 call outs/no call no shows. This is what our LOD at the time told the team.

Now we still have people complain about not getting enough hours and yet, people are calling out on weekends. Hypocrites!

at my store no one is complaining about hours. They are finding other jobs instead and calling out because their new job is more important.
I think pharmacy is probably the only department that does this...
We keep getting requests from other stores to cover vacations so I'm going to check today and see if I can pick up some more hours at some other stores nearby since my hours for the next 2 weeks are horrible (Sun, Tues-3.5 hrs, Thurs3.5 hrs, Fri 4 hrs, then Mon, Fri 4 hrs, Sat)...They're short shifts at the other stores (most are about 4 hours) so it will only be a few hours here and there, but it's better than nothing!
Hours were an issue last year since we were forecasted to be a higher volume. We were missing every night by at least twenty thousand. they got it right this year though. We have gotten flex hours every month this year so far.
I think pharmacy is probably the only department that does this...
We keep getting requests from other stores to cover vacations so I'm going to check today and see if I can pick up some more hours at some other stores nearby since my hours for the next 2 weeks are horrible (Sun, Tues-3.5 hrs, Thurs3.5 hrs, Fri 4 hrs, then Mon, Fri 4 hrs, Sat)...They're short shifts at the other stores (most are about 4 hours) so it will only be a few hours here and there, but it's better than nothing!

That's is correct. Thats how our pharmacy folks gets extra hours.
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