Archived Hours hours hours...

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No, but maybe a lot of your regular team members either aren't available on Sundays or just prefer not to work on Sundays. Or maybe it's a legitimate coincidence. Or maybe that is the only day of the week that some of those seasonal TMs are working. Or maybe your leaders don't think it's fair to the seasonal TMs to only give them 10 hours per week so they give them 20. Maybe they want the seasonal TMs to get plenty of experience before Black Friday hits so they aren't completely worthless. Maybe some of the regular TMs are already worthless and they want to give the seasonal TMs a shot.

Or they aren't following this policy that was posted above. All are plausible, and it's probably a combination of a few of them.

We have always had plenty of cashiers available and working on Sundays. Seasonal TMs tend to be worthless no matter what. The few good ones tend to be people who already have a full time blue collar job but need the extra money to afford Christmas. Unfortunately, they don't want to stay.

I would think it's less fair that several of our TLs are only getting 25 hours and are burning vacation time to make ends meet but I've bitched about my store's payroll issues enough in another thread.
I'm usually at 32 hours, next week schedule I'm at something like 23.75 hours or something like that, and I don't mind, it's all mostly 5.25/6.50 hour shifts, it'll make for a fast week.
So I must have been hallucinating when I did my grocery shopping yesterday during the post-church rush and every single cashier was seasonal.
At my store the regular cashiers are never working Sunday night. The average age of the regulars is over 65 years. Most of them work 8-12 Monday to Friday.
My daughter is a regular and keeps getting massive amounts of hours. She doesn't need or want that many. Thank goodness for the seasonals who will pick them up for her. Most of the regular cashiers have quit this year. Either they have 15+ years or are under 1 year. Everyone else has moved on.
No but that is what they do, like taking all the training hours we were given for SFS and now a few of us are just winging it since we got to learn nothing.

Those hours just went poof into dust cause we never saw them..

This is true. We used out sfs hours to make payroll for the month.

I would think it's less fair that several of our TLs are only getting 25 hours and are burning vacation time to make ends meet but I've bitched about my store's payroll issues enough in another thread.

Yeah I think we have settled on how effed up your store is.
I've been getting 38-40 for several months now. Most tms in my store who want to be are at 35+ right now.
Same for my store.

I look for hours everyday, like a crack head does loose change. I ask to stay late or come in early everyday even tho I know it’s going to be a no. But I have LODs giving hours to people they like or have relationships with (STL fully aware, but does nothing)

If what you people are saying about hours going down like this 45 weeks out of the year is true then idk what I’m gonna do.

We’re just slaves putting our necks out for pennies while they make the big bucks.
Try to keep a positive attitude at work, make sure you are doing a good job (and communicate your wins to your leaders so they know you're doing a good job), and show an interest in learning new things. That's how you get to be one of the people who always seem to be given extra hours.

And if that doesn't cut it, look into advancement. I'm lucky enough to be scheduled 40 hours every week, but I'm not naive enough to think that will last forever. Eventually leadership and priorities will change and I'll have to accept less hours at that time or try to move up.
Secrets To Getting As Many Hours As Possible:

1. Don't call out unless absolutely necessary.
2. Show up for your shift on time and stay your entire shift.
3. Take only 15 minute breaks and 30 minute lunch breaks.
4. Ask to cross train in as many areas as possible.
5. Make it known no job is below you.
6. Do your tasks accurately, quickly, and cleanly.
7. Be friendly and helpful to all guests, TMs, and leadership.
8. Bring problems and other questionable situations to the attention of leadership, and, when possible, suggest solutions.
9. When on the clock, stay off your cell phone, unless you are using it to help a guest.
10. Always be moving on the sales floor or in the backroom.
11. Don't stand around talking with other TMs or your friends who come into the store unless it is relevant to Target business.
12. Volunteer to help train new TMs.
13. Actively participate during store huddles.
14. If the front end calls for backup, be the first to respond on the walkie and the first to get to a register.
15. Open up your availability as much as you can.
16. While at work don't bitch and moan about your job, its tasks, your hours, leadership, fellow TM, guests, or, Target in general. Also, keep complaints about your personal life to a minimum.

Following the above as much as possible, may not get you as many hours as you would like, but will get you as many hours as possible.
I have 100% availability 7 days a week 24 hours a day.

I am on time stay my entire shift take my 15s and 30s regularly not like everyone where they take 30 minuet 15s and hour lunches. I am well liked by many of the LODs and do as I am told with out questioning.

I am or should I say was one of the people at my store that has the most hours I typically am use to 37-40 but I’m guessing it’s just the store hours.
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