Hours hours hours

Jun 27, 2019
My store sucks on hours. 1 cashier at 8 am next at 9:30 next one doesn’t come in til 12:15. It’s been like this everyday . And guest service only 2 people scheduled per day. Each alone their whole shift. How’s your store doing ?
My store typically only has one service desk TM at a time, 2 per day. Granted, we also have about 4 cashiers at a time, and are slow enough in January during the week that I throw one of them over to help with OPU anyway.
How does that even work @countingsheep ????

Not CS, but

Fast service needed at 6
I need a response to that fast service before I start calling names
Fast service at 2 please, from A or B
Fast service
Fast service yesterday please
Fast service from C or D
Fast service, why don't you come up, (name)
Fast service on 3 please
Fast service
Hours at my store are a nightmare. Granted, I only work 10-15 hours a week anyway due to getting another job with a steady 40 hours plus OT but...the store is suffering. There hasn't been a closing electronics TM which has become a huge problem. Starbucks went from 3-4 people to 2 which is good for the full shifts they're getting, but not good when there are orders to put away and the lines are too long to do anything else but ring and make drinks. Flex went from 10-15 to maybe 5people but soon will be down to 3. I closed flex last night and I went in to just me and one other person who, as I was punching in, was calling on the walkie for backup because he had over 40 and was goal approaching stuck in a softlines pick. Of course, they're still expecting the same amount of work to be done with way less people and I can see us TM's already ready to lose our minds but hey, it's early in the year in retail...in Target. We know how this goes but it sure as hell doesn't make it easy when there are bills to pay!
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At 10 AM today we have 5 cashiers plus one person at SCO. The AM GS person called out. We normally have a 8-4, a 4-close plus someone working a mid, at GS. I'm glad they called out because 2 of us cashiers were shifted over to GS. I'm really glad because I would have been bored out of my skull. We are in the midst of a remodel.
Yikes. I thought we were bad. We always have at least 2 scheduled cashiers plus 1 service desk until 8. In back up constantly. Just 2 total rest of night. Shifts are always 4 hours.
We routinely have 1 cashier from start of day to end of day and one guest service. They call for backup as needed. It's been a nightmare. We have no starbucks mids, just 1 sb tm start to finish. We routinely only have 4 people scheduled in style throughout a day, usually just 1 before 1pm. Basically style & beauty are backup cashiers 85% of their shift. Were weeks behind on workload and its alllllll falling apart. 💩
We routinely have 1 cashier from start of day to end of day and one guest service. They call for backup as needed. It's been a nightmare. We have no starbucks mids, just 1 sb tm start to finish. We routinely only have 4 people scheduled in style throughout a day, usually just 1 before 1pm. Basically style & beauty are backup cashiers 85% of their shift. Were weeks behind on workload and its alllllll falling apart. 💩

This is something I don't understand. Beauty TMs get called up a lot at my store too...all I can think is why? They have a lot of tiny shit to deal with and yet every 10 minutes it's the first place that gets called.

I guess because they're closer. But you're never on the register for short periods, it's always at least 30 minutes.
My store usually has 2 or 3 Cashiers and 2 people at Guest Services to start the day. I feel horrible for stores that don’t have enough payroll/improperly manage it. It really sucks too for other workcenters because their work is halted for backup. Especially when they’re on register for more than 10 minutes. Company brags and boasts about numbers yet don’t supply stores with enough hours to accommodate business needs.
As for the how we function we dont. Gal up front doesnt call for help. We hsve gone from a nughr heavy store business wise to a ghost town. Our sales reflect this and we get chewed daily for it. Our etl that does the front schedule has no idea how to manage her crap. We all just stay in our lane and watch the store burn or leave.
Oh, wait! I'm in Electronics and no one is scheduled in GM who can cover my 30!
Lmao... ive started surprising people with the electronics keys... cause they conveniently take their breaks right before mine so the breakout sheet ends up hilariously wrong. But yea gm looks very light some days in my store so i end up tossing my keys to style... that look at me like deer in headlights.
This is something I don't understand. Beauty TMs get called up a lot at my store too...all I can think is why? They have a lot of tiny shit to deal with and yet every 10 minutes it's the first place that gets called.

I guess because they're closer. But you're never on the register for short periods, it's always at least 30 minutes.

At our store we are not allowed to call beauty for back up, as they are supposed to be actively engaging the guests.
We dont have anyone else on non truck days to call besides beauty & style. On a typical nontruck day we have 2 gm tms from 6a-10a and one 6p-10p for auto fills. And that's it. We have 1 electronics, 1-4 style, and 1 beauty from start to end of day. The rest is all leads. We have 3 trucks a week. Theres literally no one working to respond and leads "cant". Its a total disaster and setting us up for failure. Weve not made sales since summer 2019.
At my store Beauty & Market do not have to respond to calls for backup. GM responds first & then Style if additional assistance is needed. It's a nightmare at my store depending who is on as SETL (calls for backup as a constant; ugh...) if there is one even scheduled or at his/her post that is.

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