Archived Hours to pick back up in Feb?

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I don't know about you guys, but doesn't it seem like Presentation is the only team that (usually) get the hours they need? Having worked on the Sales Floor, Pfresh, Starbucks, and Target Cafe I feel like I can actually accomplish my goals working in Plano and Signing compared to other parts of the store. It could just be because our PTL is amazing at scheduling and organizing, or is it the other way?
Presentation's workload will vary from week to week. We may be getting a lot of hours now, but that's because basically every area in the store gets reset after Christmas. In a few months, our hours will drop drastically and we'll be struggling too.
Are you kidding? I got 13 hours next week! lol no way did any of us at my store get more hours, if anything the past few days/nights I've worked we only had 2 (besides me) salesfloor people wave zoning isles. And no way with that number of people could we all finish all the departments by the end of the night ( we all do need more hours and more help for every target that has gotten hours cut) But like other people said up there, there should be more hours in April.
I feel bad - at least this is my second job, so if I get cut it's not as bad....but next week I have 14 hours (which is right where I've been since New Years), but I have more hours than one of our full timers, and nearly as many as anyone else in the backroom aside from the TL.....
Target is my only job. I really hate it when the hours get cut....and yet they're hiring new people. WTF?
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