Archived Hours where are..TL?

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Apr 30, 2017
Is it normal for a TL to go from 40 hrs to 12? I am asking for a friend.
Took a voluntary cut so my team could have more hours, also this time of year a lot of my peers are taking PTO for similar reasons; probably an HR mistake? Or, are you usually scheduled as regular coverage in your workcenter? If so, and your area’s hours went down, that could be why? (an oops on HR’s part)
I had a team lead a few years back that got scheduled like that. During the slow times he was getting 32 hours, but one week he was scheduled something like 14 or 15 hours. He did not talk to his ETL and just went on an unplanned vacation. I guess his ETL was upset that he did not mention the schedule, as it was a heavy workload week and they needed him in the store. I am not sure where they would have found the hours to give him, but they said they would have figured something out.
Could be on vacation or a schedule mistake. They need to be talking to the stl about the schedule & workload.
Just realized this is about a TL not a TM edit fix but yes I have heard of backroom TLs and Flow TLs being asked to take hours off but it has been a long time since I experienced that. I'm close with 4/5 of my regular TLs and it barely ever happens for them.
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My store will ask Tls to take a 3rd day off (use Vacation if they need) to make payroll but I've never seen them below 32 hours.
Our tls were complaining about being cut to 20 something. They were literally told the etls would pick up the slack. 12 is a pretty steep drop but given how spot is now it wouldnt surprise me
Lol, even with an underperforming TL, they are guaranteed at least 32 hours.

Damn, upper leadership must really want them out.

I would suggest not hotlining it but going to the STL,(who probably doesn’t like them), to see “what’s up”.

And where is this guarantee written?
I was just asking for a friend, he said , because January.
I had a team lead a few years back that got scheduled like that. During the slow times he was getting 32 hours, but one week he was scheduled something like 14 or 15 hours. He did not talk to his ETL and just went on an unplanned vacation. I guess his ETL was upset that he did not mention the schedule, as it was a heavy workload week and they needed him in the store. I am not sure where they would have found the hours to give him, but they said they would have figured something out.

It isn't the TL's responsibility to tell the ETL scheduling anymore. That ETL is playing a victim of their own laziness..
Honestly with my pay scale as a TL I'd be happy with 4 on/3 off.... 32 hours a week is enough for me to make ends meet.
During the hudle today a SRTL told everyone, wait til February, it will get better...sure sure sure
If your store isn’t making sales and blew payroll in December then that is why your hours are terrible this month. Stores MUST make year end payroll. February could be better. New year. Clean slate.
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